Saturday, May 16, 2015

Study: Technology makes humans less attention than … – Digital Journal

 Scientists estimate that goldfish can keep the attention of nine seconds; Researchers claim that our attention today is maintained by eight. A survey conducted by Microsoft suggests that the attention span of human beings is already shorter than the goldfish – and the blame can be technology.

The survey was conducted in Canada and involved 2000 people who answered questions and participated in online games to assess your ability to concentrate.

The researchers also conducted EEGs in other 112 Canadian volunteers to monitor their brain activity.

According to the conclusion of the research, the attention span of humans is to be reduced by the impact of handheld devices and digital media.

2000 capacity of human attention was on average 12 seconds. In 2013, this capacity has dropped to eight seconds – one second behind the average attention span estimated by scientists of a goldfish

Researchers asked questions to volunteers and asked them to participate in games created to measure. the ability of attention. From the answers and results, the participants were divided into three categories:. High, medium and low attention span

Since the electroencephalogram tests were performed while the volunteers watched the various types of media and They are participating in various activities. The scientists then analyzed when the attention of these volunteers went from one subject to another.

In the survey, volunteers who wore digital devices beyond the average tended to have more difficulties to focus on situations where attention was more required.

“Canadians with a more digital lifestyle (those who consume more media query multiple screens at the same time enthusiasts of social networks and those who have adopted the technology earlier) have difficulty concentrating in environments where prolonged attention is required. Why? Due to the adrenaline of what’s new, “write the researchers.

Those who have adopted these technologies earlier in life, or who use more steadily, learned over time to allow large amounts of information They were processed before changing the focus of attention to something else. The result is that in these cases the high level of concentration increases in peaks.

“They are better to identify (the themes) with what they want or do not want to get involved and need less time to process and allocate things in memory, “added

On the other hand, people who tend to use multiple screens at once -. such as those using the phone while watching TV or look at another screen – tend to have . difficult to filter the information that comes through these digital devices

The reassuring news given by the researchers is that our brains can be adapt to new technologies – and a shorter attention span can be simply a normal side effect

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