Friday, May 1, 2015

NASA says space propulsion technology is not utopia and … – Info Online

The NASA said it is doing tests with the highly controversial space propulsion technology called EmDrive and it really works.

The EmDrive is based on the spatial relativity theory that can convert electrical energy into boost without the need for any type of emission, according to the International Business Time . According to its critics, however, the conservation of momentum of the law to an impeller be projected forward, something must be pushed on his back in the opposite direction.

But the technology preserves the law converting electricity into microwaves within the cavity that pushes against the inside of the device, causing the propeller to accelerate in the opposite direction.

NASA He said on Wednesday (29), which researchers at Johnson Space Center succeeded in a test performed with an electromagnetic drive unit in vacuum. “The EmDrive impulse measurements defy classical physics expectations that a closed cavity [microwave] should be unusable for space propulsion because of conservation of momentum of the law,” wrote José Rodal, Jeremiah Mullikin and Noel Munson on a post . blog

The technology EmDrive was developed by scientist Roger Shawyer and ridiculed by the scientific community for years – until the Boeing license it and the US government to approve its operation. She could make the launch of satellites in much more economical space and be the key to solving the energy crisis if solar energy could be harnessed outside the satellites and sent back to Earth, yet according to the IBT.

Source: Interntional Business Time


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