Saturday, February 28, 2015

Technology video in football? It is for later – Observer

The video images display to help soccer referees in the most delicate situations is on hold for at least another year, today announced the International FA Board (IFAB), during the annual meeting in Belfast.

The body responsible for changing the laws of the game rejected the proposal of the Netherlands Football Association, who wanted to test this technology in the Netherlands Cup next season, saying it needs more information before deciding favorably to it .

The International Board returned to manifest against the principle of ‘triple punishment’, which occurs when a player avoids irregularly a goal of the opposing team within your area.

The current rules require that the referee must expel the offending player – which will then be subject to a mandatory suspension -. and still score a penalty in favor of the opposing team, providing you with a golden opportunity to score a goal

“The IFAB believes that this punishment is too severe and the need to find a solution to this issue,” noted the director general of the Northern Ireland Football Federation, Patrick Nelson.

The proposal FIFA to be allowed a fourth place at football matches where you need to use the extension was referred to the technical panel of International Board for further analysis.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Petition gathers signatures against the order of Technology Department in … –

A petition on the Internet is collecting signatures against the extinction of the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation Amazon (Secti-AM). Until the evening of Friday (27), more than 270 people have supported the movement. The action started after the governor of Amazonas, José Melo (PROS), announce that you want to incorporate the folder to the State Secretariat for Economic Planning and Development (SEPLAN). For researchers and parliamentarians, the measure could undermine the science and technology policies in the state.

The signing of the petition happens in the movement’s website. As text published on the site since the end of last year, internal meetings preparing the secretariat for a possible extinction. “Among the actions taken is the preparation of project reports still running and pending the Secti” says snippet of text.

The movement’s leaders also drafted an open letter to the governor. The document, available on the internet, cites rumors of extinctions of state departments of Environment and Sustainable Development (SDS) and the Secretary of State for Indigenous Peoples (Seind).

“We must Sr . Governor recommend possible reforms preserve the pages
history that have been written in these policies and there are more than thirty years have been patiently written by the people of the Amazon, scientists, indigenous communities and environmentalists, workers and employers, “says excerpt the letter.

The online petition arose from the partnership between Pentop of Brazil, headquartered in Amazonas, and the “Here IT”, a Technology Company info of. “We believe that the Secretariat has a very important role in the formation and development of the Amazonian professionals. We also believe that we should give ear to public opinion before making such a serious decision,” said the director of IT Here, Raoni Andrade.

For the director of Pentop of Brazil, Secti lose autonomy, if tranforme in a department of SEPLAN. “In the position against because it is a legitimate way to, as a citizen, to say that we believe that the best way would be not that. It’s not a protest of my business. It is a movement of people linked to incubators and research institutions. It is a called the government’s reflection on what he has built to maintain and strengthen the rule of the innovation system. It may be that the government has thought to improve, but, in our view, the improvement of maintaining the already built .

The incorporation of Secti the Planning Secretariat is provided for in the Bill (PL) Administrative Reform, prepared by the Government of Amazonas to the management that began this year. The document, sent to the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas (Aleam) on Thursday (26) for consideration of Members, provides that the Secretary of Mining, Geodiversity and Water Resources (SEMGRH) should also turn into department the SEPLAN.

To take effect, the proposal still needs approval of the majority of state legislators. The document will be forwarded to the technical committees of the House and will be placed on the agenda for three days.

In assessing the state deputy Jose Ricardo (PT-AM), the various tasks of SEPLAN can put the actions developed by Secti in the background. “By the time you leave you have a registry, which is a legal and political umbrella to seek partnerships and resources to this area, there are more difficult to invest in science and technology. It will not be a priority. Finish influencing the project development we need here for the Amazon “he said.

Established in 2783 by the Law of 31 January 2003, Secti has the mission “Formulate and manage the state policy of science, technology and innovation (ST & amp; I).” A major goal of the registry is to articulate strategies for research of local institutions promote economic and social development of the Amazon.

The department is part of the National Public System of Science, Technology and Innovation. The folder coordinates the Public State System of Science, Technology and Innovation, formed by the Amazonas State University (UEA), Center of Technological Education of Amazonas
(CETAM) and the Foundation for the Amazonas State Research (Fapeam ).

Currently, Fapeam is the main implementing agency of science and technology policies implemented by Secti. Under the supervision of the secretariat, the Foundation provides financial assistance to researchers affiliated with institutions in Amazonas.

Asked by G1 , the government of Amazonas said that as the administrative reform project, The Secti will no longer have its own structure and will be incorporated into the new Secretary of State for Planning, Economic Development, Science and Technology. The policy of Science and Technology, and its executing agency, which is Fapeam remain. “The improvement of science and technology policy, after the approval of the Bill, it will be done under Government through SEPLAN and will be performed by Fapeam, subject to investments that were already being made in the sector,” the Agency informed of the State of Amazonas Communication (Agecom), in a statement. “About a possible manifest, the Government shall act only when you receive it,” said Agecom in relation to the online petition against the extinction of Secti.

On Tuesday (03) morning, the ALE-AM’s headquarters, the Human Rights Commission and the Commission of Participative Legislation should hold a public hearing to discuss the matter.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Who is the most fanatic technology ?! – Pplware

If a few years each family member had their favorite items almost restricted access, today the picture is totally different.

The technology, both as mobile entertainment in general, has a scope such that perfectly suit anyone from the grandson to the grandfather. What is the magic?


The smallest have a taste for unusual technology. Whereas even the children with a couple of years, various toys can be put in a specific place, but if there arises an smartphone … will be the elect, no doubt! Children who are at the time of primary school learn to master any device as if I knew him for many years, clearly revealing that technology in general is exceptionally intuitive. For older the case is complicated a bit, as strange as it sounds, but willingly everything is internalized.

The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, also inventor, formulated three laws treat the relationship between man and technology. The third is particularly special:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

There is in each of us, a “guideline” that is part of our modern life. Each of us brings mother’s belly three intrinsic characteristics, say that are the pillars to “put up and dominate” the technology. In children are patient, curious and have time. As we age, the decompensates maturity in different proportions and from person to person, these three basic directives.

With the educational path started to lose time but still sharpen us curiosity and it drags our patience. With professional life, time begins to run low, patience waning and it looses curiosity. The older, patience is dwindling which in turn draws the curiosity for difficult recovery levels. It’s been more senior in age, not lack time, even curiosity … but we do not have the patience to pull the judgment. The law of life is who regulates the balance of passion for technology, but today the family is a stimulator to endure the curious passion for “gadgets”


Today contents are available, like these, that can help encourage those who still have a remainder of curiosity for “the little boxes”, and above all to choose the best technology for the whole family.

If you need incentive to put them to explore, good, tell them they can win here a handheld console PS VITA and a game where you can always be the winner … yes, the Fifa 15. Good start!

in your home, what is the technology that considers how best

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Microsoft launches interesting video that tries to predict the progress of … –

Did you ever stop to think that in recent decades the technology has advanced quickly, turning the current world, the world of childhood from our parents, for example? Now, imagine how will be the continuation of all this progress in the coming decades!

This is the Microsoft try to imagine with your new video available on the Internet . . The company shows how technology can be present in the routine of people who will inhabit the earth in the coming decades

Check out the Microsoft Video:

As we can see just above, Microsoft has a very optimistic view as may be Earth in the future, given that most of the things shown in the video do not exist and are hardly available for our generation, for example.

In any case, it is very interesting to try to predict what will be the advancement of technology in the coming years , given that new discoveries, or even advances in existing technologies can transform the lives of people.

And you, the reader, as you imagine the future of our beloved planet? Let your view in our Comments .


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The technology challenges the impossible: Blind and deaf that they see … – Observer

The technology is everywhere in the modern world, but the revelation of its importance gets a special mention when enables what was, until recently, impossible. Improvements in health are probably one of the best examples. In 2011 a video ran the world (24 million views) with an emotional revelation. Sloan Churman, deaf from birth, called the button of a hearing implant that allowed him to hear for the first time.

In January, esight released images of Kathy Beitz, a technically blind woman from 11 years back to do and certainly with one of the most beautiful images that could appreciate:. that of his newborn son

This technology is based in some special glasses that include a camera able to extend and modify the image allowing the blind / visually impaired under certain conditions recover vision indirectly, ie, a projection on the glasses at all similar to those used in modern virtual reality devices.

Last week the Mayo Clinic revealed images another important step in health technology. Allen Zderad, a patient with retinitis pigmentosa, lost his sight almost entirely for ten years, and only able to distinguish light from a very tenuously. A prosthesis in the retina called the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System is able to “design” images directly in the optic nerve, bypassing the defective retina. The system works with a camera and a processor that converts the image into an electrical signal.

Allen Zderad is one of 15 patients in the US using this system. The installation is complex and requires a motor adaptation plan, but it is an effort that pays off. The images, always emotional, speak for themselves.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Portuguese women want to know more technology – Pplware

The technology has long ceased to be only for men but, the truth is that this is still a world dominated by them. However, the differences start to blur in some segments and, currently, women seek more by technology and are increasingly focusing on the Internet to make their choices.

They are still looking for more for appliances, but are increasingly interested in products related to information technology and mobile phones, almost as much as men, in percentage terms. Learn more about these and other technology demand statistics in Portugal.


The technological world is evolving and interest in him to rise at the same rate. More and more people looking to the Internet to see what’s new, who seek to buy new gadgets and obviously to compare prices.

Everything is on the Internet, all is bought and everything is sold, however, are still the technological products those that dominate research in Portugal, namely the smartphones .

During the year 2014, Samsung and LG were the brands that most dominated the segment of gadgets , and in January 2014 was the Samsung Galaxy S4 the most sought equipment in Portugal, in January 2015 the winner was the LG G3.


But it is not only gadgets that makes the technology and today,” everyone wants technology “whether in the form of smartphone , PC or washing machine.

For appliances that more women seek and compare prices on the Internet, however, they that are increasingly present in this world online , increasingly want to know everything that has to do with mobile phones and computers


For men, it is the computer that dominates his research and price comparisons on the Internet, but in a way general, all areas of technology ultimately be of greatest interest.

According reveals the KuantoKusta currently 33% of its users are women and this is a value that has shown an increasing trend, which also reveals that women want to know more and more technology, that want to buy and to already assess independently.


It is interesting that, in general, technology is part increasingly the life of the Portuguese and women are increasingly interested in learning about and buying any kind of technology.

The data presented are drawn from a computer graphics prepared by KuantoKusta and can be viewed in full here.

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Six common myths about technology – Observer

Since the first inventions to the latest technological creations – technology is often shrouded in myth . Keep the computer battery when plugged in addictive? Do Macs catch viruses? And the megapixels, the more the merrier? These are some of the most common issues related to technology, and which do not always get the right answer.

The British newspaper Telegraph made a list of the “biggest myths technological “and the Observer selected few. Get to know them:

Macs do not catch viruses

Any computer can get a virus and Macs are no exception. Some malicious programs ( malware ) can affect the operating system for Macs were the same for both Windows. However, this rarely happens. This is due to the fact that the viruses have to be specially designed for Apple computers for them to be affected. Most attacks have targeted companies that use Windows, which is still the most common operating system in the corporate world, as the Telegraph .

Once the Recycle Bin is emptied, the files disappear

The information stored on the computer can not disappear completely. Although deleted (after emptying recycling) files remain written on the hard drive, which means that they can then be recovered by specific programs. To completely delete the data you need to rewrite with 0 and 1 (binary code) the free sections of the disk where the files remain “erased” – they are there, but are not indexed, ie they are not recognized. Modern operating systems already include this feature.

The radiation of computers can make men sterile

Contrary to what is often defended, any male infertility problems associated with the use of computers in the lap are not in the emitted radiation, but in the heat it generates. This ensures the scrotum because the optimum temperature for the production of spermatozoa, about one degree less than body temperature, ie 36 ° C. A running computer can become hot to heat the pelvic area well above body temperature.

More bars, better network

In fact, this is not the case. The bars indicate the strength of the network signal illustrate the phone’s proximity to the nearest transmission tower, not its quality. The signal can be affected by other factors such as the amount of people who are using the same network (or antenna), weather conditions, electromagnetic interference, among others.

battery must be recharged when it is empty

The modern lithium batteries can be recharged at any time, even if not fully discharged. Unlike the old rechargeable batteries of computers and smartphones current (and elsewhere) do not run the risk of becoming “addicted” if they are always connected to the mains.

The number of megapixels determines the picture quality

The quality of a camera is also determined by the size of megapixels, not just quantity. This is because the picture is shaped by the amount of light that the sensor of a camera can capture and not (only) by the number of megapixels. This means that different cameras, with different numbers of megapixels can capture very similar pictures.


New technology to map the brains of babies – euronews

Researchers at Kings College in London, designed a magnetic resonance imaging technology to scan the brains of babies.

In traditional tests, the machine takes a series of pictures that are then reconstructed in three dimensions.

The patient is required to remain still for the test to be of good quality. In the case of a baby, it is necessary to take into account the natural and continuous movement of the fetus.

The technology developed by Kings College allows precisely the exam of a moving body. It becomes possible to observe the nerve connections in the brain of a baby.

The British researchers want to use the information gathered to draw a map of the brain of the fetus. The project is called connectome.

“The connectome will provide us a map so we can understand what happens in the brain and provide a context for all the information we have. We now know a lot about how the brain works, on the molecules of the brain, on how messages are sent from one nerve fiber to another, but it is very difficult to put things in context, because we have a map that allows us to contextualize information. In addition, we have a map that you can change up over time. We want to have a map in four dimensions, three spatial dimensions and the dimension of time where we will post new information or old information on the brain to understand how things work in a real context, “explained the doctor and professor of pediatrics David Edwards.


Portuguese company tests innovative technology control … –

And if instead of controlling a drone with a control and a computer control wore only the brain? The development of technology is the basis of the work of a European consortium, led by TEKEVER and which also involves the Champalimaud Foundation and has now taken another step (or rather a flight) in implementing the project.

“Danger lurks but went well,” he told TeK Ricardo Mendes, director of TEKEVER, pleased with the experience that yesterday aired a drone controlled by brain impulses across a group of national journalists and International and several video cameras.

This is the third phase of Brainflight, the project supported by the European Union and has passed through several stages, including the use of brain control system for controlling a simulator, a documented experience in the video below.

The system calls will use a cap with sensors that allows “read” the commands of the brain impulses user to transfer them to the drone. Even with bad flying conditions, and winds of 50 miles per hour, the experience was successful.

Ricardo Mendes admits that as much as TEKEVER know, this is the first experience of the world, in a real environment, which uses the control technology by brain impulses to control an unmanned spacecraft.

The objects by mind control capability is being developed in several areas, including robotics, but TEKEVER decided to ally itself with the Champalimaud Foundation and the University of Munich and the Dutch EAGLESCIENCE to apply development scientific to the area of ​​drones, where TEKEVER has specialized.

The project Brainflight is now close to the terminal phase, but the administrator TEKEVER admits that there may be continued for technology, even if not through new public funding for research. “This line of research will clearly continue. [...] We want to move forward and make the attempt to produtizar components,” explains.

TEKEVER rem been investing in R & D and warrant that you have the ability to maintain this research, because it is one of the areas of interest and can revolutionize the way we interact within a cockpit, as well as allow a drone control by people who otherwise they could not.

“This is a fascinating area and we are fortunate to have in Portugal two entities with expertise in such complex areas such as TEKEVER and the Champalimaud Foundation and touching areas of neuroscience,” he explains.

Here are some pictures of the experiment conducted yesterday.

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Shoes with GPS heated. Meet this and other news in … – Journal SUN

Shoes heating system that allow the location via GPS or a scale that measures vital signs and sends data to the ‘tablet’ of medical technologies are presented today in New York to support the senior population.

Four years ago was born the “Ambient Assisted Living for all (AAL4ALL), an innovative project of the Health Cluster Portugal put 400 people in Portugal, the elderly and their caregivers, to test technologies and services designed purposely to support the senior population level health care and welfare.

“It is a mobilizing project (…) involving over 30 national institutions (…) from different areas, whether academic or industry or health or safety, involved an investment of around EUR 6.8 million, with public co-financing repayable around 4 million euros, “he told Lusa Miguel Sales, Microsoft Portugal.

For the vice president of the board of the Health Cluster Portugal and the cancer specialist, Manuel Sobrinho Simões, the AAL4ALL pilot project is the “first great success” of that institution.

“We are particularly happy because we were good to operationalize a concept, “said Manuel Sobrinho Simões during the public presentation of the project, which took place this afternoon at the Science and Technology Park, University of Porto (UPTEC).

A health monitoring platform that through a sensor weighing scale lets you know biometric data (glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, body temperature) and home automation data (humidity, carbon dioxide and temperature of the house) is just one of dozens of Project technologies that will allow “to provide a new impetus to the prospect of living into old age with quality of life,” says a press release of the Health Cluster Portugal.

The project, which is being tested in 400 people around the Greater Porto, Aveiro, Covilha and Évora, also includes ‘Smart Shoe Locator’, which is a prototype shoe with integrated autonomous heating system which allows the person’s location and definition of the safety area through GPS (Global Position System).

A detector sensor drops a tablet-based gaming platform that seeks cognitively stimulating senior or an application for smartphone you want to signs of depression through behavioral variations analysis are also technologies Portuguese project that participants would like to see internationalized and implemented, for example, the National Health Service.

One of the objectives for the project “Ambient Assisted Living for all (AAL4ALL) is” make salable “and” exportable “the project, admitted Lusa Miguel Sales, Microsoft, and Vitor Ribeiro, PT Innovation.

The representative of PT Innovation, Vítor Ribeiro, increased even Lusa that PT Innovation is already working to implement the AAL4ALL in Angola.

In this project were involved about 200 engineers, scientists and researchers in creating technological solutions to the problem of active aging.

In 2011 census, 11 million inhabitants, Portugal recorded 19% of seniors. It is expected that in 2050 there in Portugal 30% of the elderly, but the Portuguese population drop to the seven million people can reach 50% of the population over 65 years.

Lusa / SOL


Women are abandoning the technology market – Info Online

A by the LA Times story made shows that women are mass abandoning the technology market.

According to the, jobs in computing will more than double by 2020 to 1.4 million. If women continue leaving the area, a shortage of skilled workers already urgently in technology going to get worse.

Currently, the industry is keen to hire women and minorities. For decades, technology companies have relied on a white and Asian workforce, most of them men.

Several programs now encourage women and minorities to adopt the technology early on. But amidst all the publicity to these efforts, a truth is little discussed: a. That qualified women are leaving the bulk technology industry

Anna Redmond, 40, left the technology industry after 15 years in the area. She told the newspaper that male co-workers seemed to oppose it. “It was like they were trying to get me out at all stages,” she said.

Garann ​​Means became programmer and, after 13 years, also left the job, citing a hostile environment and inhospitable to women.

Tracy Chou, 27 and engineer on Pinterest, said it was already fired in a startup because your boss thought a new hire male was more qualified. When Chou asked for an explanation, he said. “It’s just a feeling I have that this person will be able to do other things faster than you”

“The continuing pattern of all these people treating me like I did not know what was happening, or excluding me of conversations and not trusting my statements, all these things added together and it seemed that there was a current sexism, “she said.

At that Apparently, women like Anna and Garann ​​continue leaving their jobs. Anna now has her own business making educational apps for kids. Garann ​​moved to Rome to write a novel and decide what to do.

When asked the would need for her to return to the technology industry, Garann ​​replied: “All” “The main professionalism would be.. Just being able to treat each other with respect. “


Technology from the racetrack help in the development of … –

When Ferrari won his first race in 1951, in England, was using Shell gasoline. Since then, fuel evolved and the partnership between the two companies was consolidated. Today, the driver that supplies additives Shell V-Power Nitro + in posts throughout the Brazil is benefiting from the same technology used on the slopes, a one-two success over 60 years.

Gasoline comes to Brazil does not have exactly the same chemical formula as used in F1 with Ferrari. First, because the race cars need a different composition due to different compression ratios. According to Brazilian law because the placement of 25% ethanol in gasoline. This requires Shell a unique formula for the Brazilian market. But all the technology used by Ferrari is applied to develop the fuel you can access.

Gasoline Shell V-Power Nitro + contains the same technology as additives used in Formula 1 cars, one of the best -sucedidas in the history of motorsport. It is designed for maximum protection and better response. At the same time, the unique formulation is designed to ensure internal engine cleanliness and protect the parts in contact with the product, helping to ensure better response.

An example of how the technology used to Ferrari arrives Brazilians posts is the FMT (Friction Modification Technology), a substance present in the Shell V-Power Nitro + developed to reduce friction between internal parts of the engine. It forms a film between the first piston ring and the cylinder walls. This film reduces the friction (friction). Thus, the energy that would be lost as a form of heat is utilized better by the engine. The car may have accelerations and resume faster speed. The FMT is used by the Italian team to extract the maximum performance of the engines, and has been adapted to the Brazilian fuel.

In addition, the V-Power Nitro Shell + has detergent and dispersant action which prevents the formation of clean deposits and keeps the collectors, valves and nozzles.

tip Lab

The Shell petrol stations that reaches the Brazilian was developed by a team 50 scientists in the laboratories of Shell Global Solutions in England, the United States and Germany, and Maranello (Italy), the Ferrari factory. These teams share ideas in fixed laboratories and in the center of Formula 1 Ferrari operations, where the Shell Trackside, a gift mobile laboratory in every race of the season.

Scientists collect and analyze samples on site fuel and lubricant as the cars returned to the pits after training sessions, classification and race. All this learning can be transformed into products for use in road vehicles and engines.

So, every new Ferrari deployed in gasoline is evaluated to see if it is possible to implement also in gasoline reaching the Brazil. Despite the difference in the formula, the fuel Shell of the tracks is very similar to the streets in terms of technology. The result for the driver is improved performance and better cleaning for the engine.


How to turn technology into opposing ally in the room … – The Online PEOPLE

Bring to school the external world is still a challenge. Understand how technological systems work and how they can be applied in class, however, can bear fruit since elementary school. “One of the great fears of today still is that the student becomes blurred (with the use of mobile phones and tablets, for example). The major focus is not blocking, but use the tools as allies, “says Alisson Bezerra, research analyst and development of Ari System Sá Labs. The project is developing technologies to help and encourage learning.

It was this concept that combining Adeil Araujo, Professor of Physics of Elementary School and Middle Teacher Jocie walks of Meneses, developed with another teacher and six students, the study design and rocket fire aimed at Rocket Shows Brazilian Olympiad of Astronomy and Astronautics.

For him, it was not enough to see the equipment reach certain distances, but analyze with math and physical resources, as this occurred. What was possible with two applications for smartphones help.

Using the phone, students could generate graphs of release with various quantities (position, time, speed) and also have statistical data points by which the object passed. “This can be very productive for a teacher. The motivation of the student comes from lack of interest, because he does not see the actual application of knowledge, “said Adeil.


According to Professor Alison Bezerra , one of the questions the interaction with new tools is whether there is really efficient pedagogical application. “We will search a lot about virtual reality, audio use, video, tablet. There is huge potential for things that can deploy, but no one knows if it really helps in learning. ” Among them is the use of games as educational tools. – The so-called “gamification”

“We are opening a Pandora’s box and dealing with the new,” said Adeil. Such tools take the reality closer to the students and therefore motivate studies. “Physics should be taught how to teach music: with instruments.” The teacher believes that it is possible to circumvent the structural deficiency of the public school, simply and efficiently compensate for the lack of equipment with the use of applications, as part of students’ daily life.

Weather learning

Solve problems with programming principles and technologies help results in the optimization of time in learning and problem solving, says Teixeira Júnior, coordinator of ITA classes / EMI and Organization of Educational Technologies Farias Brito . “Students learning to develop and organize thinking with the help of programming and development logic can replicate this model in any other discipline.”

An example is the study of history. Instead of learning facts alone, the student creates a line of relationship between them. “A logical correlation effect and consequence is created. (Concepts) will no longer be a one-dimensional plane:. The student will see them in space, “says Teixeira

Investing in the area still in elementary school, he points out, has a direct influence on the upper level. “If teaches (technology) early, causes a generation of college be better able to work with the latest technology.” (Mariana Freire)


Technology made in Portugal to save energy – Journal SUN

By 2017, all rooms will be able to enjoy a smart metering technology that will enable significant energy savings. The device you want, automatically and at a low cost, “interact with counts of the largest suppliers of electricity systems, water and gas, maximizing all associated fees and bringing benefits to the end consumer,” said INESC TEC (INESC Technology and Science) in a statement, advancing the cost of this technology will be 100 euros.

This project, called Anyplace (Adaptable Platform for Active Service Exchange) is part of a European consortium of energy under the H2020 program where INESC TEC (INESC Technology and Science) is a leader.

“At present, we have at home different counters that are the responsibility of the energy distributors, offering us several water rates, gas and electricity. The solution will be developed is, at heart, an energy manager able to integrate the information from all these counters, show them to users and allow them to choose the most economic profile, “explains John parts Lopes, director of INESC TEC and responsible for the project.

In addition to offering a more attractive solution in terms of cost / benefit to the end consumer, integrating remote sensing of various energy resources, Anyplace platform will allow actively manage and control power grids, helping to mitigate operational problems related to variability in energy production from renewable sources: “Suppose a certain time of the day there is a surplus in wind energy production which decreases the cost of energy. The platform anyplace receive price information in real time and in accordance with the usage profile, acts on home devices to take advantage of this rate, “exemplifies the director of INESC TEC.

Another advantage the platform is that it is modular and can be adapted to any room, regardless of existing technologies

There are seven partners in this project three different nationalities, Portuguese, German and Austrian:. the Vienna University of Technology (Austria), the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany), the JRC – European Commission Joint Research Centre, EFACEC Energy – Machinery and Electric Equipment SA (Portugal), the Power Plus Comunications AG (Germany), BOSCH Thermotechnology SA (Portugal) and the Kreis der Lippe Landrat (Germany).

The project has an investment of 2.97 million euros, funded in 2.44 million euros by the European Commission.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Samsung buy technology to compete with system … –

 The technology LoopPay (Magnetic Secure Transmission) is embedded in small devices that connect to the smartphone and which, in combination with the use of an application, allows transmitting credit card information to the payment terminal.

For the system works just leave the device a few inches of a magnetic stripe reader, the data is transmitted wirelessly to finish the payment. The technology works by creating magnetic fields that simulate a magnetic tape, interacting with traditional payment terminals, which behave as non-contact payment systems.

The NFC technology used by Apple Pay and other mobile payment systems does the same, but the payment terminals actually have to have reading skills contactless interact with technology.

In the case of technology now acquired by Samsung this works with traditional systems, requiring no modification. On the other hand, requires the customer to buy more hardware. One of the products currently marketed by the brand is a cover which will include the payment system and it costs about $ 60.

The Samsung has not said what he plans to do with the LoopPay technology, said only that the company’s engineers will work with your mobile phone unit, but it is speculated that the company will integrate technology in next models of the Galaxy S, its top of the range, even eliminating the need for additional hardware to make it work. If this question is exceeded, the technology of Samsung will be able to popularize faster than Apple Pay.

The LoopPay stresses that its system is supported by more than 90% terminals installed at points of US sales. Support for NFC payments is much less widespread and not even reach 10% of the stores in the US.

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