Wednesday, September 30, 2015

City Hall defines elements for solid waste technology – Network (Blog)


Technology proposed by the Secretariat are in accordance with the provisions of the Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC)

The City of Ponta Grossa together with the Department of Environment, presented through the office 203/15 (SMMA), the elements that comprise and define the technology to be deployed in the city as regards the solution and proper disposal of solid waste and end.

Last Friday (25), Mayor Marcelo Rangel and the Municipal Secretary for the Environment, Valdenor Paulo Nascimento (Carrot), sent the document to the prosecutor of the Environment, Honorino Tremea to inform the elements of technology that will be used in Ponta Grossa for disposal of solid waste.

Delivering the first clause of Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC) signed in June this year, between the Municipality and the Public Ministry , sent a letter to the Prosecutor, containing the description of the requirements of technology, whose system will be adopted in the city of Ponta Grossa.

According to the document, after research and analysis of various technologies and methods disposal of waste available in the national and international market, the thermal technology was chosen as the best and least environmental impact.

The thermal technology must comply with the laws prevailing in the country and in particular the Council resolution National Environment (CONAMA), No. 316 of 29 October 2002. Therefore, the technology that meet the following requirements:

  • remove organic and inorganic waste;
  • eliminate waste considered as large volumes;
  • remove waste from pruning and weeding; eliminate waste tires;
  • get the lowest possible levels of NOx emissions;
  • get lowest possible levels of SOx emissions;
  • get lowest possible rates emissions of dioxins;
  • get the lowest levels of furans;
  • get lower-carbon in the waste (final residue of the process);
  • can not be generated tar;
  • the waste should be dry, inert and sterile;

Information is Melissa Eichelbaun advisory Press

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What is Virtual Reality? Understand better how to … –

Virtual Reality is an interface technology that can fool the senses of a user through a virtual environment created from a computer system. By inducing visuals, sound and even tactile effects, virtual reality allows complete immersion in a simulated environment, with or without user interaction

Oculus Rift or Morpheus:. What is the best glasses virtual reality

Currently, virtual reality is based on stereoscopic displays like glasses and headsets, being released mostly for entertainment. But as you’ll see below, the concept encompasses much more than visual effects and it has been around for a long time.

Virtual reality in its most ordinary way, works by stimulating visual and auditory. It is common to use headsets that completely cover eyes and ears, depriving the user to hear and see external stimuli.

Projects like PlayStation VR , Sony promise to completely transport the individual to within a game, with total immersion, both visual and auditory. In this type of virtual reality interface it is possible to look at all sides without having to interact with the control, only turning her head sideways. The Sony headset also includes the option to use headphones for more complete immersion.

History of Virtual Reality

The term virtual reality was first used in the book “Le Théâtre et son double”, the French author Antonin Artaud in 1938. Although not a science fiction author, Antonin practically coined the term to suggest a theater where “natural illusion of characters and objects created a virtual reality.”

Even without the term exists, had already experiments “carried” people elsewhere. The famous stereoscopic glasses with 3D cards sights existed since the 1920s They are the great-grandparents of VR glasses we know today.

In 1939, was introduced to the world in the International Fair New York science the “View-Master”. The device was a stereoscopic glasses that served to see slides in a toothed drive. The device has become a very popular toy. Recently, Google and Mattel announced a new version of the gadget.

virtual reality glasses work?

One of the bases of the visual illusion of a new reality is to forge the current. For this, a simple flat last picture before our eyes is not enough. The same could simply be seen as something false. That’s where one of the virtual reality trumps.

With the use of stereoscopy, the illusion of depth is created, with another immersion element in virtual reality. For this to happen, two different images are generated, one for each eye. The effect consists in the interpretation of the brain that the two images are in fact one.

The technology that first began with pictures, is now used in films and three-dimensional computer-generated environments. Current technologies such as Oculus Rift , allow such a rapid interpolation between images, the 3D effect is stunning.

The highlight of these modern eyewear is the ability to interact in sync with the user’s head movement. Unlike cinema glasses and toys like the “View-Master”. By using the Oculus Rift, e.g., vision is completely overlapped by a 3D display. The image generated does not remain static at a single point, it follows the user’s movements.

Although it is not seen, the great innovation of modern virtual reality devices is on the fast image processing and distortion correction lens. All hidden layers of drivers and software execution in real time.

Virtual Reality today

Nowadays probably 99% of people who hear the term virtual reality, must have heard because of any entertainment product, be it old movies like “The passenger of the Future” or recent applications to games on the Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR .

There are already interfaces that allow the gamer to insert completely in a game. Virtualizer of Cyberith is a station where the player can literally feel within a game. Check out the video below demonstrating the technology in conjunction with Oculus Rift.

However, virtual reality can be used in other fields, because the implications for areas such as training are numerous. Since the 1970s, US troops are training exercises in a simulated environment, many of them completely immersed in virtual reality.

Recently, the oil brand Castrol for cars, introduced a bill a three-dimensional environment that is created from a helmet. The pilot runs in a test circuit without seeing the track “real”, trusting only in virtual reality. This in turn creates an entirely different challenge of reality, with other cars and drastic changes on the track.

There are also projects under development linked to the sense of touch. The Level-Up project, for example, allows one to feel the ground you are treading even changing elevation of the same.

What virtual reality glasses will you buy? Comment on TechTudo Forum.


Addiction to technology requires treatment with therapy and medicine –

The digital addiction is a growing and worrying problem. Countries like China, Japan and South Korea have recognized the disease as a public health problem, as the Special GloboNews. In Brazil, there are institutes geared for digital detox – required when using abusive dependent. Ie when it generates loss in real life. Addiction to technology requires treatment with therapy and medication.

The digital dependence can lead to drug addiction. Psychiatrists explain that it is very common chemical dependents have greater interaction with the virtual world.

A study by an American institute pointed out that the number of people addicted to smartphones grew by almost 60% between 2014 and 2015 . If before were 176 million addicts are now 280 million people.

The program also shows the challenge of controlling an entire generation that is growing stuck on tablets and mobile phones. Who should set limits is still learning to cope with new technologies. A bill under consideration in the House of Representatives prohibits the use of cell phones in classrooms throughout Brazil. For now, those who make the rules are the parents and schools.

The digital addiction a mental disorder is already considered. People who are very anxious or distressed when they are away from the cell may suffer from NOMOPHOBIA, a disorder that disrupts the social life, job performance and can even cause serious accidents. . The Delete Institute in Rio de Janeiro, is the first to treat internet addicts people

The US Department equivalent to national transit advice found: one in four accidents in the country involves the use of mobile phone . The driver’s attention is halved. And record audio message instead of typing does not reduce the danger.

“Nearly 80% of young people check their social networks before bed. Virtual life is occupying a space that relations of flesh and blood should occupy. And that’s too bad, “says psychiatrist PUC Cristiano Nabuco. He argues that the first contact with the digital world should not happen before 2 years of age.

Luciano Ribeiro neurologist, the Brazilian Sleep Association, points out that the overuse of smartphones and tablets affect the quality sleep, which leads to cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases such as diabetes and obesity, as well as emotional, mental and premature aging problems.

Watch Special GloboNews complete the GloboNews Play. The report is Roberta Salomone and Ana Carolina Raimundi.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week of Education and Technology in Salvador has inscriptions … –

Registration is open for the Week of Education and Technology (Edutec), held in Salvador, between 5 and 8 October at the Senac House of Trade in Salvador.

To participate, simply to register in any of the Senac units of Salvador. It has to donate a toy or a new children’s book, which will be delivered to orphanages and day care centers on Children’s Day.

The opening ceremony will be next Monday (5), at 19h, with a lecture on the topic Digital Games and Education. The pedagogue, Master and PhD in Education and Communication at UFBA, which acts as a teacher researcher by UNEB and Senai, Lynn Alves, will give the first lecture of the event. Check here for the full schedule of Edutec. For more information, just call the phone 71.3186-4000.


Photosynthesis: nature is much better than human technology – Observer

A pioneering research on the process of photosynthesis in plants, developed by an international team of scientists concluded that nature is able to capture and use solar energy “much better than current photovoltaic panels.”

The group of researchers, including experts from the Department of Coimbra Physics, “was able to simulate the light-gathering process of the gigantic structure of molecules – the ‘antenna’ known as ‘Light-Harvesting Complex II’ – involved in the first step Photosynthesis in plants, “announced Tuesday the University of Coimbra (UC).

This was the first time it has been studied” all huge structure (about 18,000 atoms) “of what you can “call” the photosynthesis of the machine’s starter, using exclusively to quantum mechanics “, underlines the UC, in a press release.

The results are important to” understand how nature solves the problem of taking and using the sun’s energy, “says Fernando Nogueira, computational physics expert and coordinator of the Portuguese team involved in the study.


Capture and use of solar energy by plants is made of “an extraordinarily efficient” and “much better than current photovoltaic panels,” says Fernando Nogueira, cited by UC.

Researchers have identified, “through a unprecedented calculation, who does what in this giant and intricate kind of chlorophylls network. “

One chlorophyll molecule has” the lead role in photosystem structure, “adds the expert of UC, noting that all other molecules “act as ‘antennas’ energy harvesting, transferring it immediately to the central molecule, which is where we give the following steps of the process.”

The way he handles energy transfer to the center of the reaction is still a puzzle and the next step of the research is to understand “how these ‘antennas’ transmitting power to the central molecule”, said Fernando Nogueira, noting that, in this work, was taken “an enormous amount of information, it is necessary to disentangle”.

The results of this study, which involved five years of “complex studies and over 30 million hours of calculation in European supercomputers” are already published online and will headline the theme of an upcoming issue of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP).

Continue reading


Portuguese technology promises to reduce the costs of operating … – Economic

A team of researchers, engineers and submariners tested on Monday, near the Port of Leixões, a prototype of a submersible which could lower the price of oil exploration at great depths.

Coordinated by the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering (INESC TEC), University of Porto, prototype development is a partnership “in consortium with several companies and with the invaluable collaboration of the Portuguese Navy,” he told Lusa Alfredo Martins, a researcher at INESC-TEC and professor at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP).

be around 1,300 kilograms and the size of a small car utility, the submersible allows market applications to civil and military levels, both under the “mining, evaluation of conditions for oceanography and biological or military applications”, as well as independent and cheap exploitation of oil deposits.

Called for now, the “Turtle”, English word for turtle , the prototype can be controlled to the maximum distance of eight kilometers by a laptop computer equipped to perform readings sonic waves.

“It is increasingly important, since Portugal is responsible, especially now with the expansion the continental shelf, by a very wide area of ​​the ocean floor, “considered Alfredo Martins, underlining the sinking capability of the equipment up to a thousand meters deep, which in the future could approach the” average four kilometers that has the Atlantic Ocean ” .

According to the researcher, the “Turtle” is still relevant in that “nowadays there is a lot of oil exploration at great depths, as in the case of Galp in Brazil with operating two thousand meters, and this type of technology allows operate at these depths with reduced operating costs. “

The sharp cut in underwater exploration costs, mineral exploration, monitoring and marine life analysis and even measuring seismic activity It is explained mainly by high autonomy prototype, apart from cheap production – so held in series -. exempting “the usual kilometers of cable and structures to the surface involving”

The security applications, defense port or tracking vessels on the high seas with discretion are also valences of the submersible that captivated the attention and support of the Portuguese Navy.

“Lets go down autonomously and energy efficiently and, once placed in the background, can be reprogrammed to move to a new location without having to return to the surface, which greatly reduces costs, “explained the researcher.

This” first depth submarine designed and developed entirely in Portugal ” It was tested on the same day that the National Authority for the Fuel Market (TNGC) announced that it has invested over 236 million euros between 2007 and 2013, in the search for oil in the country.

Between the main actors on the ground to invest are Partex (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), Repsol, Eni and Galp. According to José Miguel Martins, the TNGC, quoted by the weekly Expresso, “more than half of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) [Portuguese] has oil potential.”

The project that gave rise to the “Turtle” It had its genesis in the European Defense Agency program [European Defence Agency], or EDA, and was “one of six out of 70 projects at European level” whose support was approved in conjunction with a national funding reimbursed by the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)

“Basically, what the EDA does is say, ‘this project won and deserves to be funded.’”, said Alfredo Martins, just before analyzing the data collected during the test carried out the collaboration of the Portuguese Navy and stressing “the ambition to provide the country and the national economy tools to exploit the deep sea Portuguese, which is vast.”

They are also scheduled two new tests with the Portuguese submersible with the cooperation of the Portuguese Navy for the month of October and another with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) by the end of the year.


Monday, September 28, 2015

NASA today reveals mystery about Mars – Correio da Manhã


Researchers create technology that turns ordinary cameras … –

A team of engineers and researchers from Duke University in the United States, created a method that allows ordinary cameras can produce 3D images. Using current, present technologies in several models, such as focus and image stabilization, the researchers created lens capable of capturing depth information, defining a three-dimensional image.

Five falls more ‘bizarre’ GoPro who recorded stunning images

The idea of ​​the engineers was to use the image stabilization systems present in many cameras. These systems work by moving the lens to compensate for fluctuations caused by the user at the time of shooting.

The researchers used this characteristic to the cameras rather than void jerky movements at the time of shooting , capture variations of light on objects at close range, exposing different perspectives and creating an image with depth of field.

The end result are 2D images that contain files with depth mapping image, which describes the position of each pixel in this picture. Using business graphics rendering engines, such as those applied in computer games, you can combine map information and photo to generate a three-dimensional image.

The study is still in phases initials, since all the apparatus needed to make 3D photos need to be confined to the laboratory. But in the future, a mature version of this technique can allow high quality DSLR cameras are able to record three-dimensional images with simple adjustments and very competitive costs.

What semi professional camera with adjustable buy ? Have your say on TechTudo Forum.

Via Duke University


Indian technology can help prevent accidents such as Mecca – euronews

In India, religious celebrations are a major challenge for the authorities in terms of safety. In the city of Nashik, the Kumbha Mela Hindu festivities attract millions of people. To help manage the situation a young Indian inventor has designed a system that detects and counts the steps of the pilgrims.

Thanks to the new technology, it is possible to estimate the density of population in each area. The data is sent to the authorities and can be used to develop improvement strategies of circulation.

At 15, Nilay Kulkarni says he prefers designing technologies that help people, instead of working in the games industry video.

“I care much for technology. I wanted to create something useful. Develop video games is not helpful. It is better to do things to help them. That’s why I took part in this project, “said the young Indian inventor.

One of the major challenges of the project is to adapt the system to the land dimensions. The carpet costs 40 euros per square meter.

“The system continues to evolve. The first model card and aluminum was manufactured in four days. Over time, the system has become more sophisticated and more robust, “said Nilay Kulkarni.

The young inventor expects the system to be adopted by other structures such as temples, shopping centers and stadiums.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Technology enhances security of online shopping – Bitmag

Prosign IT developed a platform can let the user protected time to carry out the online . The system developed by the company is a double accreditation and use the computer and the smartphone to complete the service.

With this platform, the index fraud and cybercrime with the user may decrease on a large scale in online shopping.

But to make your computer secure, you should take some precautions when it comes to navigating, the orientation of the CEO Prosign IT and specialist . in Internet security, Leonardo Baptista

“Keep updated antivirus; do not do banking on shared computers; do not believe in promotions sent by email; protect your computer and your whole family. “

More than one million people have been victims of cybercrime and 78% of these attacks are targeted to financial transactions in banks or online shops .


Technology create or destroy jobs? – Look Digital

Man versus machine! Some criticize – and – technology adoption in the labor market. They say mechanical arms, drones, intelligent machines and even cognitive steal more and more jobs of millions of human beings all over the planet. Other bet on the contrary; integration of human and machine will lead to a new industrial revolution. Now what?! …

The discussion is not new. For over 200 years, when the labor-intensive began to be replaced by machines, technology was seen by some as a great evil! Worse, some studies even lead to understand that this is the reality: the European Union, a research institute said that more than half of the vacancies is likely to disappear in the coming decades. Another survey from the University of Oxford is the same warning to the United States

On the other side -. In which, particularly, we believe more – quite complex and interesting research reveals that in recent years, technology helped create more jobs than destroy. A study together at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and the London School of Economics, in Inglarerra, which analyzed the labor market in 17 countries between 1993 and 2007, argues that technology has played an essential role in productivity and economic growth . Even newer and even awarded a Deloitte economists report also states that in the last 140 years – at least in the UK – the technology has helped to create more jobs; not vice versa.

In some sectors, the study recognizes that technology has eliminated jobs. But will these jobs are worth being preserved? According to the report, the technology directly replaces only the hand of heavy work. And that is synonymous with increased productivity, while diminishing vacancies in a certain position. In the UK, the first sector to feel the effect of this replacement was agriculture

On the other hand, the technology raises the creation of jobs with more geared to knowledge activities.; intellectual professional capacity. In some sectors, including medicine and education, technology has increased productivity and employment, ensure the report

More than that, the digital world has enabled the coexistence of much smaller companies -. The so Popular start ups – part of the world economic ecosystem. This reality will totally against the idea of ​​eliminating jobs.

The conclusion of the report’s authors is that the labor market will continue to find changes and will see more jobs being extinguished, but also new are created. The increasingly autonomous and intelligent machines can even take repetitive and laborious tasks, but are not close to eliminating the need for human labor. And if it a message to live in such a world, watch.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Portuguese technology comes to space – Correio da Manhã

Satellites with domestic materials were launched in China.

             By CC

Portugal should bet in space exploration?

In the early hours of Friday were launched three satellites to the space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China, under the Tianwang-1 mission. These three devices have Portuguese technology Gamalink, developed by the national company Tekever.

“The contribution of Tekever is central to the success of the mission since it will be the Gamalink of Tekever technology that will enable the three satellites that make up the mission work together as a constellation of satellites and not a set of three disconnected satellites, “he said in a statement Ricardo Mendes, CEO of Tekever.

This Portuguese technology was based on another already used in land mobile communications, as mobile phones. It also incorporates the Radio System Cognitive, which serves as support for efficient use of the electromagnetic spectrum and has been used in military radios.

The launch of the satellite was reported by NASA .

About Tekever
Tekever is a Portuguese multinational, founded in 2001, Lisbon, by former students of the Higher Technical Institute. Produces technologies for the markets of information technology, aeronautics, space, defense and security.

The European Space Agency and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are some of the customers Tekever. Currently the company has offices in the UK, USA, China and Brazil.

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Virtual reality technology will reach $ 99 – Daily News – Lisbon

Cheaper than this will be difficult. Samsung and Facebook today announced the release of new version of virtual reality goggles Gear VR during Oculus Connect 2 conference, taking place in Hollywood. It is the second model fruit of the partnership between Samsung and Oculus and was revealed on stage at the Dolby Theater by Peter Koo, vice president of Samsung Mobile.

“We wanted to make it accessible to the whole we can enjoy the mobile virtual reality motion, “said the executive, in announcing that the price will be $ 99 – half of what it did the first version a year ago. Hits stores “in time for Black Friday in the United States”, that is, November 27, and the rest of the world soon after. “Together, we are making the virtual reality into reality,” Koo said.

The new glasses work with all Samsung range tops launched in 2015, the Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 edge +, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge, allowing an immersion in the virtual world through the phone and not the computer. Besides the aesthetic redesign, the new version is 22% lighter and “more comfortable for the user.” One of the problems of such devices is that they do hurt the head and neck after some time of use, and Samsung wants to solve it. The de-velopment was made by Oculus, now that Facebook bought and launch their own model, Rift in the first quarter 2016.

Precisely p “or because of the involvement of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has made an appearance surprise in the keynote. It made no great revelations, just showing a few minutes to tell how he fell in love with virtual reality Oculus and as the last two years of development of this new version. “We are just now ready to launch the first consumer products,” he noted, saying that everyone in this event have the “opportunity to change the way we play, communicate and collaborate.”

Are 1500 programmers in the second conference Annual Oculus, offering 30 presentations, demos and workshops to Friday. “Facebook is committed to the virtual reality in the long run,” said Mark Zuckerberg.


DM industry invests in technology and diversifies –

In a period of ten years between 2005 and 2015, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the industrial sector in Mato Grosso do Sul should exceed R $ 3.2 billion to 14.2 billion, according to data the state Department of Environment and Economic Development (Semade) and estimation of the Federation of State Industries (Fiems), representing an increase of 343.75%.

In this same time frame the participation of state sector in GDP increased from 17.2% to 24.5%. The industry as a Fiems, accounts for the second largest share in South Mato Grosso GDP, ahead of agriculture and the public sector and second only to the services and trade.

In this decade, in addition to expanding existing plants and the installation of other processing agricultural products, the South Mato Grosso industry invested in technology, diversified and sophisticated. One example of this process is the Mana Outsourcing cosmetics industry. With an investment of almost R $ 1 million, the company began operating in May this year, the Guanabara neighborhood of Campo Grande.

The Managing Director of the company, Marcelo Battaglin, said before installing the factory We did a market research and identified a great business opportunity. “We did a survey and identified a shortage of cosmetic manufacturers in Mato Grosso do Sul. To give you an idea, in Goiânia, Goiás, there are over 90 factories, and Campo Grande had no regulated” he said.

Another factor that was crucial to the decision to invest in the segment, according to the managing director, was the beauty industry’s own potential in the country. According to the Brazilian Association of Toiletries, Perfumes & Cosmetics Industries (Abihpec), Brazil is the third largest consumer market for products related to beauty, behind only the US and China and in 2014, the turnover of the sector was R $ 101 billion, representing 1.8% percent of the national GDP.

Among the decision to invest in the sector and the factory start operating, Battaglin said it was a year of work. Investing in high technology, technical staff with a high degree of knowledge in the industry and strict quality control, the factory is able to produce all kinds of cosmetics, from perfumes, passing cream until items geared to hair treatments.

The industry, as it has partnered with a cosmetics brand that was already ten years in the market, but it produced its products in another state, the Ecoplus, and also develops and produces cosmetics for other companies and brands. “We are already serving customers in the Federal District, Mato Grosso and São Paulo, as well as local companies,” Battaglin said.

The director says the company is able to meet from the small business to the large company, from the production of a cosmetic line that already exists to a spokesperson for the implementation of a new brand new. An example of this work is the case of a South Mato Grosso doctor who has a research related to the use of barbatimão medicinal plant, and sought the company to develop together a line of targeted products for body and hair from these studies.

Advantages of producing in the state
The commercial director of Ecoplus, Marina Sanchez, estimates that to produce their cosmetics in Mato Grosso do Sul instead of St. Paul has a reduction in cost by approximately 30%. “In addition to having provided superior products, we reduce the tax burden, since production is local and we are generating jobs and income for our city, our state,” analyzes.

With a line of more than 55 professional products for beauty salons primarily Marina says to partner the purpose is to expand the market and reach the retail. “We want to put our products in pharmacies and other establishments” designs.

According to the managing director of Manna, the company currently has 15 employees, produces about 2 tons of products per day.

Another company that attests to the diversification of the state’s industrial base is Optimale Engineering and Technology Solutions, which is headquartered in the Tiradentes neighborhood of Campo Grande. Founded in 2009 by empreeendedor Peter Cheung, PhD in hydraulic and sanitation, it develops, manufactures and markets information technology and equipment to market the water industry.

Company CEO, Cheung explains that the company applies concepts of “hydroinformatics” for treatment and analysis of data coming from sensor networks installed by the company. Thus, the market offers complete solutions to the integrated water management in real time and energy, developed from equipment (hardware) and to the system (software). These solutions, as it can be deployed in any physical medium, with distribution networks for water and sewage, urban drainage channels, industrial systems, buildings, rivers, dams, lakes and aquifers, among others.

In addition to Mato Grosso do Sul, the company has a team of ten people, including the two partners, serving customers, for example, water utilities and sewage in states such as Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro and Acre. As a technology company, the CEO says that investment in research and innovation is a constant need. For this, it has partnerships with higher education institutions such as the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), and researchers who are masters and doctors. These professionals dedicate a few hours a day in developing methods and techniques that are incorporated into the company’s products.

The good results already achieved make Cheung design the expansion of the company’s operations to another segment, the agribusiness. “As our technology can help producers to monitor their activities and improve their productivity in various areas from the collection and analysis of this data,” Designs

The Secretary of State for Environment and Economic Development, Jaime Verruck , has stressed repeatedly that the state government is facing encourage diversification of South Mato Grosso economic matrix.

It has cited several industrial projects that are being implemented in the state and that corroborate this initiative , such as: the implementation of new pulp production lines of Fibria and Eldorado in Três Lagoas; chemical corn processing industry – citric acid, lysine, various acids and vitamin C in Maracajú; the factory of MDF and MDP in Agua Clara; the soy protein industry in Great field; the corn ethanol industry in Chapadao do Sul) and a cement plant in Bela Vista.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Chinese satellites with Portuguese technology already in orbit – SAPO Tek

The three Chinese satellites Tianwang -1 mission already in orbit after a successful launch that took place at three am, Portuguese time. And that means “now, Portugal is also breaking space,” he said in a statement the administrator of Tekever, Ricardo Mendes.

The Portuguese technology developed system communication team the three Chinese satellites: Tianwang-1A (SECM-1), Tianwang-1B (Njust-2) and Tianwang-1C (NJFA-1). The Gamalink system, whose name is inspired by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, ensures the equipment communications.

The technology developed by Tekever allows the three satellites “talk” to each other, creating a “constellation”. The Chinese mission is based on the Cubesat satellites.

The agreement on the partnership between Tekever and the Micro-Satellite Engineering Center in Shanghai (SECM its acronym in English) was signed in April 2014, with the technology started to be delivered in March this year.


Chinese satellites with Portuguese technology has reached the space – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The Tekever was responsible for developing the technology that will allow these three microsatellites send real-time information collected to Earth.

The Chinese satellites with Portuguese technology already in orbit. These satellites have Tekever technology company in what was the first Portuguese-Chinese partnership in aerospace.

The launch of the Tianwang-1 Chinese space mission was made in the early hours of Friday, September 25, from the Centre Launch Jiuquan satellite in China.

“It’s the first time a Portuguese company can establish a business partnership with a Chinese entity in the space area, one of the countries that have more invested in technological research and Space lately, “he said in a statement the administrator of Tekever, Ricardo Mendes (pictured).

The Tekever was responsible for developing the technology that will allow these three microsatellites send the collected information in real time to Earth, 500 kilometers away.

The Portuguese company has developed the Gamalink technology that allows you to replace various communication systems and therefore saves space, weight and power, something essential for satellite about three kilos .

“The contribution of Tekever is central to the success of the mission since it will be the Gamalink technology that will enable the three satellites work together. It is our technology that makes the three satellites communicate and interact, “the administrator.

These satellites will be launched with a number of objectives, including environmental, how to monitor the ice caps, the masses of ice, as explained Ricardo Mendes in an interview with Business in July.

Another goal is to collect information from ships and aircraft in the polar regions, a place where communications aircraft are more difficult due to the Earth’s curvature degree and distance face to Earth.
