Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Inequality” is the reason for the CBF does not use the technology … – Globo.com

The additional bottom line referee did not see the ball kicked by Lefty against the goal keeper Vladimir crossed the goal line, in the defeat of Goiás 2-0 for Santos, over the weekend. But technology allowed by FIFA in Brazil after the World Cup could easily validate the player’s goal emerald.

With equipment installed only in 12 that Arenas were utlizadas during World, CBF chose not to use the technological system during the dispute of the Brazilian Championship. To be no inequality, the second vice president of the Arbitration Commission, Nilson de Souza Monsoon

-. This is an administrative issue. We have 12 arenas with cameras, this legacy by FIFA. Only in Sao Paulo have four stages, but only one has this system, the Corinthians Arena (…) may be used if it is determined by the command of the CBF, for now we only have the legacy left by Fifa. The thought of the Committee on Arbitration does have to have an equality is not just a stadium have this equipment and other non -. Highlighted Monsoon, “Writing SporTV”

According to story of “Folha de S. Paulo”, CBF would desembolçar £ 638,000 to install equipment in other stadiums that are used in Serie A – about 30 Furthermore, there is an expense of $ 10 000 per game , but FIFA had promised that would bear this cost for a period of one year after the World Cup – which was not necessary

-.’s use of technology is very welcome, by the arbitrators and the Commission. But in our campeonatot had 250 matches in Serie A and in fact only one ball that came or not. This happened only once – downplayed Monsoon



4G Technology: Claro, TIM and Vivo arrematam first three batches – Jornal do Brazil

The first of the six lots telephony fourth generation (4G) in the range of 700 megahertz (MHz) was sold by the operator Claro, with a proposed £ 1 947 billion. The amount reported by the company represents a premium of almost 1% compared to R $ 1.927 billion minimum price defined as the grant for each of the three national batches. The second batch was with Tim for almost the same value of course. The third lot was bought by Vivo, the minimum price of the grant.

Of the six lots, three have national coverage. The fourth batch covers the entire national territory, unless the areas allocated to plots 5 (87 municipalities of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo) and 6 (and Tamarana municipalities of Londrina, Paraná).

TIM, Claro, Telefonica (Vivo) and Algar Telecom delivered proposals to compete in four national batches of 10 MHz each and two regional. However, Algar Telecom was not involved in the dispute of these first three lots for not having bid security.

The 700 MHz band will complement the 2.5 giga-hertz (GHz), auctioned in June 2012, also for 4G technology. While the frequency of 2.5 GHz has more capacity and smaller radius of coverage, 700 MHz has greater scope and requires fewer antennas, and is used by several countries, like the United States and Argentina.

According to Anatel, using the 700 MHz band, you can take the fourth generation mobile telephony and Internet broadband high capacity to rural areas, at a lower operating cost, since this range is ideal to cover large distances.


Portuguese technology to conquer the United States of America – Observer

Go shopping with the smartphone : make a list of the missing elements, buy and pay. As? SmartShopping through a system of checkout developed by Xhockware that promises to make the payment of a full shopping cart in under a minute. The product ensures protection for retail theft and is compatible with boxes of global retailers, regardless of brand or technology. And is Portuguese.

The Xhockware is one of four Portuguese teams headed to the United States of America (USA) to accelerate the technologies and businesses that launched around here. During the eight weeks we will be in Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), the startups Xhockware, Displr, Followprice and WeTruck will enjoy develop products and services , developing skills Management and leadership, manage intellectual property , increase network contacts from potential customers , suppliers, partners and mentors , and other related business aspects.

The eight-week program of immersion in American soil is part of the 2014 edition of INRES, an initiative to accelerate business in the area of information and communication technology (ICT), coordinated by Carnegie Mellon Portugal program, whose mission technologies is putting the country at the forefront of innovation in this area. As? Betting on cutting-edge research , the “excellence” in postgraduate training and a very close connection with the Portuguese industry.

“This is the great time for all four teams benefit from an immersion program in the USA that will meet your needs and that will give them skills and tools to better manage their startups “explained John Claro, program director in Portugal.

In the USA, the four teams will be able to develop the business on the accelerator to startups the American university while participating in seminars, meetings and fairs as LaunchCMU, sponsored by the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship from CMU and the 3 Rivers Venture Fair, one of the busiest annual fairs and investment entrepreneur circle of Pennsylvania where João Paulo Rodrigues and David Nephew, the Xhockware, will present the company which is incubated at UPTEC (Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto).

New media, marketing digital and energy recovery

The second phase of INRES begins this Wednesday, the country “mother” of entrepreneurship and the Portuguese technology will be highlighted. Xhockware beyond the North American market will get to know the technology Displr a new social media that is to recast the role of digital public demonstrations as a means of communication, focusing If social interaction and enhancing the value chain.

Do Bluestart, the Portugal Telecom program, comes to the USA Followprice a marketing tool digital for e-commerce sites, which allows the clients to follow their favorite products and are advised of price changes. The system energy recovery for refrigerated lorries the WeTruck has been developing in UPTEC is the fourth project to be accelerated at CMU.

The INRES stands out “the quality and diversity of planned initiatives,” said John Claro. Before making the bags to the USA, entrepreneurs had four months to prepare. From June to September, participated in workshops related management of technology-based projects in highly competitive international environments , where they could learn from international experts like Dave Mawhinney, co-director of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship CMU or Suzi Pegg, vice president of global marketing at Pittsburgh Regional Alliance.

Rogério Carapuça, non-executive chairman of Novabase, Pedro Guedes de Oliveira, Faculty of Engineering, University of port, Paulo Marques, the Feedzai, and Mário Rela-Zenha, the RedLight also contributed expertise in the four months of training.

Funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology

In the American university, the INRES is supported by the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities, the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, the University Technology Enterprise Network Portugal and INESC TEC (Institute of Engineering Systems and Computers. – Science and Technology)

In 2015, a second edition is planned initiative. The Carnegie Mellon Portugal program is a collaboration between the Portuguese government and the American University and is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. . Partnership between institutions covers more than 300 students Professional Masters and PhD dual degree comprises 25 research projects and has over 80 partner companies

The program already left ten o’clock startups: Dognaedis, Geolink, Feedzai, Virtual Traffic Lights, Mambu, Orange Bird, Streambolico, Veniam, RedLight – Software and Sentilant. And spurred the creation of the Institute for Interactive Technologies Madeira.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Award recognizes initiatives that use technology to promote … – Universia Brazil

edition 2014 Governarte Award: The Art of Good Government , sponsored by the IDB (International Development Bank), is with Open Enrollment projects that promote social inclusion and people’s access to public services through technology . Entries can be submitted until September 30

Read also:.
» Microsoft offers awards for innovative teachers
» Online course enables teachers to use technology in education
» 3 ways how technology transforms the learning

Those interested can register four categories : partnerships with civil society at the provincial, departmental, regional or state level; partnerships with civil society at the local level; partnerships with the private sector in provincial, departmental or state level and partnerships with the private sector at the municipal level.

Entries must be made by sending the project to site the opportunity . It is essential to send information such as a description of the initiative, pointing beneficiaries, impact, sustainability of the proposal, possibilities for replication elsewhere, citizen participation and innovation, and a video presentation of up to 2 minutes .

All projects submitted will be evaluated by experts on issues such as innovation and impact, then the 20 approved will undergo a popular vote on the site.

The final result will be announced on December 1 . The award will not be made in cash, but through a disclosure of the initiatives that will be undertaken by the BID campaign.

For more information, visit the site Governarte .


Conference on business and technology in Funchal – Daily News – Funchal

The ArtSoft promotes on day 16 in Funchal, the conference ‘How to boost your business with technology’, to discuss the power of mobility in organizations, the Business Intelligence: an intuitive approach to your business, among other things.
The event takes place you enter 14h30 and 17h, the Pestana Carlton Hotel.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

The ‘revolution’ starts with the Clippers technology – More Football

In August this year, Steve Ballmer closed the purchase of the LA Clippers for two billion dollars. The story of the best national basketball championship of the world crossed in a special way with the realm of computer science. The NBA team now held by a former director of Microsoft. The Revolution the Clippers are in motion. And it will start with the technology side.

The new life that which is seen as the second team in Los Angeles became inevitable from the final expulsion of Donald Sterling following comments considered racist. In achieving this expulsion, the former owner of the Clippers was forced to sell the team. It was in April this year.

appeared interested in purchasing. Steve Ballmer was one. Sterling still resisted the obligation to sell determined by the NBA, but a court of the United States turned out to confirm the decision taken by the owners of the other teams. Thirty-four years after working at Microsoft since its founding, Ballmer moved to the world of sport.

O former executive director of 58 years has not completely shut the computer giant. To begin, Ballmer is the single largest shareholder of Microsoft (including greater than Bill Gates) holding 3.99 percent stake – worth an estimated 15.7 billion (over € 12 billion) value. The output of the executive board was ready, but the businessman had anticipated move to the board of the company. The business of sports led him to change direction; even without leaving the Microsoft way back.

Ballmer entered at the Staples Center showing signs of its sports policy is based on continuity. The new boss of the Clippers renewed for five years with coach Doc Rivers and institutional role-players Chris Paul and Blake Griffin remain as the stars of an admittedly strong team. Sporting goals will undergo overcome the Lakers rivals, but do not stop there. “They’ll have the best experience and the best will not be only in Los Angeles,” he said in an interview with Reuters fans of Clippers as recipients.

The same crowd at the same time are also consumers. And that can be adept not only in the pavilion, but through all the technological supports that allow the games below. Before giving the opponent the Lakers and the other 28 NBA teams, Ballmer was an adversary to Apple’s iPad or Samsung Galaxy. And his loyalty to Microsoft was such that the former CEO (according to the news agency) forbade family members own use an iPhone.

A exit from Microsoft was not then a goodbye ; was a let us see out there , starting with now . “The majority of the club uses Windows [Microsoft] [operating system],” but “some of the players and coaches do not.” Ballmer said the coach himself realized that things, the technological point of view, would change the Clippers: “The Doc is aware that the project is this. Was one of the first things he said to me: probably let us get rid of these iPad is not And I said Yes, we’ll probably . But I promise that we would do in the off-season. “

The Clippers enter action in late October. But the first clash of this technology push fan Microsoft will sponsor logo with the NBA itself. Tablets and TVs to be used by players, coaches and referees during games are Samsung’s sponsorship of a $ 100 million (€ 78.8 million) over three years – which obviously implies the use by the South Korean technology NBA brand.

is the brand wars so common in North American sports. As also, for example, in the main championship football. Here, the domain is in the field of old company Ballmer. The sponsorship from Microsoft to equip the NFL with its tablet Surface Pro 3 is worth 400 million dollars (about 315 million). And it has a new advertising development.


Robot finds lost objects with radio frequency technology – Globo.com

Researchers have created a robot that can find objects lost at home. He works from a radio frequency system. It’s very simple: just that the objects are tagged to issue signals to communicate with the smart machine. The technology is a solution for those who consider themselves “forgotten” and promises to give a break to the defendant as “Longinus” are.

Japanese Company announces robot that can avoid car accidents

Each object must receive a “tag” with your signature on radio frequency, which must be unique. With a search algorithm, it is able to understand user requests and then look for objects around the house.

The robot through antennas on the sides, can receive these signals and find them. As he approaches an object receives a stronger signal and can move in your direction. In tests, he was very efficient, finding drugs, remote control, cell phone, etc.

Drone in Brazil, is it true? Check in the forum TechTudo.

“With a little modification in some of the objects in your home, a robot could quickly have an inventory of your assets and navigate to an object of your choice. If you are looking for something, this robot will show you where it is, “explains co-author, Travis Deyle.

Despite already being evolved enough, the project is still at the beginning and the tests are being made by the developers themselves. There is no prediction about its release to the general public for now. See a video of the robot below:

Via CNET, UberGizmo and IEEE Spectrum


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Technology is what most would advance to arbitration, says poll … – Globo.com

“Arena SporTV” Friday was attended by Sergio Correa da Silva, president of the National Arbitration Committee, and discussed the level of arbitration Brazilian. In poll, netizens voted the “use of technology” as the main feature to look for advances in this aspect. The option had almost 46.6% of the vote. The other alternatives were “professional class”, which had 43% of the vote, and the “exchange with Europe”, which accounted for 10.4% of the preference.

commentator arbitrage SporTV Leonardo Gaciba said the issue of the use of images in football still needs a lot of discussion

– have to be discussed much more than it is. It is very simple to say that will save the arbitration. But how will it be done? You must have a monstrous investment. How will it be done? The viewer can be watching five minutes of game that is not worth. Has a penalty for challenging a coach, the ball goes back into play, another contact in the area, another challenge for the other coach. How will this be? -. Questioned

To the commenter Wagner Vilaron , the necessity of the use of technology in football to improve the quality of refereeing is evident The great challenge is to find the best way to use it

-. Discussion must exist. No one disputes the need to put this, it is necessary at this time. We have to discuss how -. Said


There is a Portuguese technology to move society – Observer

Carminho, voice of fado, has teamed up with the National Association to Combat Poverty (ANCAP) and auctioned the gold album “Fado” in the fair trade eSolidar platform. The September 20, a British citizen paid 350 euros to stay with the reward of Portuguese artist. Fan of the singer or the cause? It is not known, but the charitable organization thanked the donation.

The ANCAP supports about 80 families a month with a basket of food, distributes clothes, shoes and other articles of consumption and is one of 50 associations that is entered in launched by Marco Barbosa, Rui Ramos and Miguel Vieira in May 2014 platform.

A month before the auction Carminho another, the platinum Tony Carreira . And the donation was nearly ten times more generous. With the award of the bid, the ANCAP received three thousand euros in donations . There are no certainties, but the information presented in the profile of the bidding, it seems that the CD flew a Portuguese emigrant in France.

For Angola, flew football with the Sport Lisboa e Benfica played against Olhanense in the final game of last season, in which he devoted national champion. The bidding adept earned 2,800 euros The World of the NGO Carolina, which supports children with chronic illness or who are disadvantaged socioeconomic status. In 129 days of activity, eSolidar had raised close to 8,300 euros for 31 organizations.

 Benfica's Brazilian forward Rodrigo Lima reacts During the Portuguese league football match SL Benfica vs SC Olhanense at the Luz stadium in Lisbon on April 20, 2014 AFP PHOTO / FRANCISCO LEONG (Photo credit should read FRANCISCO LEONG / AFP / Getty Images)

Lima was the author of two goals with the SLB team of Olhanense won the April 20, 2014 Photo: FRANCISCO LEONG / AFP / Getty Images

The eSolidar is the project of social entrepreneurship that opened the first day of Citizenship 2.0 event and what is done with DNA technology and Portuguese. Promoters are new to the concept and the e-commerce platform is not the product debut, but with this tool you want to create technological solutions to social impact.

We want to be a Swiss army knife for nongovernmental organizations [NGOs], “explains Rui Ramos, 31, responsible for the finance department to the Observer. In eSolidar, any citizen can contribute to direct donations to the causes you believe in, participate in auctions for NGOs registered with celebrities promote the platforms and use the platform for buying and selling second-hand products, choosing a percentage that accrues to one cause.

“If we promote sustainability, we must also be sustainable,” said Rui Ramos, during the presentation of the project. And explained how:. Whenever an institution sells an object, the eSolidar charges a fee of 2.5% of the purchase and sale of second-hand products and receive 5% other 5% of the auctions also revert to the platform

The goal of the founders, who joined Filipa Barros, also is to create a supportive ecosystem and disseminate the tool outside of Portugal. By the end of the year, plan to double the number of institutions included in the platform.

Rui Ramos, Marco Barbosa and Miguel Vieira met in the incubator startups Minho Minho Enterprise Institute (IEMinho). It was there that integrated the design of electronic commerce Bewarket, which later gave rise to eSolidar, and Filipa Ramos explained Rui Barros, 30, the Observer. After advancing to the first idea, realized that there was a gap in the fair trade market and decided to redirect the project. The focus is now exclusively on NGOs.

photo (2)

and Filipa Ramos Rui Barros are responsible for two of the four eSolidar.

also “got sick”

Share experiences. The project Vilaça Rita, 25, presented the first day of Citizenship 2.0 aims to unite people who suffer from the same pathology. Rare diseases, chronic, degenerative or mental:.’s Room to talk about everything on the platform that the Master in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics almost master, launched in February 2014, I was sick to

The idea emerged during the master who took the University of Minho and where he met José Fernandes, the BloomIdea, a consulting firm that helps businesses launch Online . It was in that conversation that sensed there was no platform in Portugal that allows patients to share experiences with certain pathology, therapeutic and confidences. Why not create it

José Fernandes has allocated three company employees to the project: a computer, an designer and a manager, who contributed hours of work for the realization of got sick . Seven months later, more than a thousand people are enrolled in the digital community to talk about the pathologies of suffering. Those that have had the largest membership are Fibromyalgia, Depression and Anxiety disorders. Why? Perhaps because they are more “misunderstood” and “less visible” explains Rita Vilaça.

 & # XE7 Rita Village, the

Rita Vilaça to present the project at Citizenship 2.0 was sick. Picture: Martifoto

The platform, which works almost like a social network, allows patients to create a profile with medical and therapeutic records, establish moods, create a network of friends, send private messages and talk in groups. And is not exclusive to patients. Friends and family who feel the need to have support and share the experience they are living can also register.

The aim is that promoters of these data c ontribuam later for scientific research of some pathologies. For now, the team is still optimizing the platform and plans are to develop a version for mobile or app .

Politics is on Twitter

Public Opinion and Sentiment Tracking, Analysis, and Research , ie, POPSTAR. The project belongs to Pedro Magalhaes, 44, researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon, develops methods of collection, measurement and aggregation of political and economic opinions conveyed on Twitter, the blogosphere and the news, with funding Foundation for Science and Technology.

“collect the buzz , the frequency with which one speaks of leaders and political parties on Twitter and try to measure the feeling [of people to the leaders], “explains Pedro Magalhães the Observer.

In addition to collecting and analyzing the semantically tweets , the POPSTAR also intends to compare the data collected with other indicators of public opinion, such as opinion polls. The first prototype of the project, the team of researchers from ICS, Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering – Research and Development at the University of Lisbon (INESC-ID), Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) and the Center for Economic Policy Research at the University of Minho, analyzed the sentiment of the citizens to the political leaders through tweets , but the goal is to broaden the spectrum of activity.

“Let’s try to develop technologies that can measure the contribution of specific texts, such as news, and understand how the information is linked by the media and Twitter relates. Who influences whom? “Said the investigator.

 Peter & # Magalh XE3; es

Pedro Magalhães to present POPSTAR Citizenship in 2.0. Picture: Martifoto

The target of the analysis will expand, but the theme also. Next step: the economy. With the technology developed at FEUP and INESC-ID, the researchers will try to measure, through tweets Portuguese who feel the economic crisis, unemployment and firms. And for the future, the investigator gets one more chance “would also like to know if there are differences in the way the media cover politics and party leaders” account.

In the POPSTAR page there is daily updated information about the sentiment of the Portuguese (based on tweets ) against the political leaders. The September 25, Thursday, António José Seguro gathered 47.3% of the negative references provided by users of Twitter. Pedro Passos Coelho met 32.9%. On Friday, the day was biweekly concerning the case Tecnoforma debate. If there are changes of feeling, POPSTAR records.


To head of refereeing, soccer technology would be “too boring” – Globo.com

The use of technology to assist arbitration is not well seen by the president of the National Arbitration Committee. In debate on the subject in the “Arena SporTV” , Sergio Correa da Silva said he considered that the end of the controversy will make the game of football anything more boring. But he admits that this path will be positive for referees

-.’s Part of football this movement, people end up arguing a lot. If you technology, personally speaking, I think we’ll end this discussion and football is very annoying. Now the hand of the referee, the way it is treated by the media, which is butchered, is not respected. Incidentally, respect in the country starts today in schools, has no more respect for the teacher. Something that has important social effects. The technology will become just the football but will lose the grace, in my opinion. But in this system, without the technology we have no limits to become the most respected referee.

The ruling also said it is favorable that the arbitrators be revealed at a news conference shortly after the matches. According to him, they leave tired and without the necessary analysis

-. I favor that after two or three days they can speak. After the game they do not have mechanisms, the referee out of the field exhausted. He must have his time to rest, analyze the moves along with the commission and the fellow – said



Urals employ new technology in extracting metals from … – Russian Gazette

Scientists at Federal University of
 Urals (UrFU, its acronym in Russian) developed a unique technology to extract
 the rare earth elements from uranium ore.

The technique consists in creating a
 this extraction allows adsorbent. In the course of three years it is planned to
 deploy a pilot production based on this technology.

According to scientists, this
 will reduce by almost a third the needs of rare earth metals in
 Russian market, reduce import dependence of many sectors of
 industry and create competition with China, which controls 97% of the market

The resumption

Taking advantage of the monopoly, the
 China often manipulates prices. Today, Russia is responsible for only
 about 100 tons – of 120 000 produced worldwide each year, although the
 USSR have been one of the world leaders in production. In the coming years, the new
 technology will increase that amount in tons.

“At the moment, in Russia, there
 effectively this type of production, but there is demand for these materials in many
 areas. For the country, it is economically advantageous to resume its own production of
 rare earth metals for which there is no increase in the price of the final product ”
 told the Gazeta Russa the vice-chancellor of
 area of ​​innovations UrFU, Sergei Kortov.

In a period of three years,
 Researchers must create an experimental section of metal production of
 rare earths, using the unique technology of leaching of uranium.

For this, the government will provide 300
 million rubles ($ 7.8 million) to the university. The project will be jointly funded
 by Moscow company “Energuítcheskie Proekti” (Russian, “Projects
 Energy “), which contribute more than 360 million rubles ($ 9.3

The uniqueness

The sulfuric acid solvent uranium and
 Rare earth is pumped underground. The resulting concentrate is extracted and
 transferred to a processing system from which are obtained
 desired components.

The real revolution that lies behind
 this technology is the use of an adsorbent which selectively extracts
 solutions of uranium, rare earth metals, and scandium, without affecting the
 uranium production.

The researchers were able UrFU
 synthesizing this adsorbent together with partners. There is no similar technology
 in the world.

“There is much that we occupy in the
 rare earth metals, always aware of the world situation. There was a time
 no one had an interest in developing this production. But we were
 producing technologies for the future. Now is our time, “said the Gazeta Russa team leader
 Scientific responsible for the new technology, Vladimir Ritchkov.

For him, the new technologies will help
 to improve the efficiency of processing of intermediate products ore
 uranium and ensure import substitution of rare earths and scandium
 in the defense industry, electronics, instrumentation, nuclear engineering,
 mechanical engineering, metallurgy and chemical industry.

 “The product range
 we offer for sale is huge. Are metals, oxides, polishes,
 pipes, magnets, luminescent materials, and many others, “says Ritchkov.

Check out other highlights of Gazeta Russa on our Facebook page


Friday, September 26, 2014

IFMS opens fairs science and technology in seven campuses – Correio do Estado


The seven campuses of the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS) opened on Thursday (25) the fairs of the Week Science and Technology in 2014, first performed simultaneously in Aquidauna, Campo Grande, Corumba, Cushion, New Andradina Ponta Pora and Três Lagoas.

All fairs are open to the public and entrance is free. The complete schedule can be accessed at www.ifms.edu.br/semanact address. projects and 311 elementary school students (grades 6 to 9), integrated middle technician public and private schools in the municipalities that form the catchment areas of each campus were selected. The selection was made based on submitted abstracts.

The surveys were developed in the areas of Biological and Health Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences, Humanities and Applied Social, Engineering and Agricultural Sciences, or are multidisciplinary. The submitted works will be reviewed by a committee of teachers and researchers IFMS and other educational institutions. The awards include trophies, medals and scientific initiation.

The winners will be accredited for the Technology Fair, Engineering and Sciences of Mato Grosso do Sul (FETEC / MS) or for Brazilian Science and Engineering Fair (Febrace), depending on the campus.

Week of Science and Technology

With the theme “Science and Technology for Development Social, “the fourth edition of the event is held until Saturday, 27, in seven counties. In addition to the fairs, schedules include short courses, workshops, technical visits and lectures on issues related to technology courses offered at each campus axes.


Canada announces bilateral program for Brazilian companies in … – National Insurance Portal

 Canadian Consulate promotes Tech Week, in Sao Paulo, with the goal of fostering partnerships between countries with focus on entrepreneurship and innovation

 The Consulate General of Canada receives, from the 29th of September in Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre, the first edition of the “Brazil-Canada Tech Week: Fostering Innovation and Commercialization”. The goal of the event is to provide participants exchange information about how technology and innovation can accelerate the development of business.

The event will also formalize the Brazil-Canada partnership for development of small and medium enterprises by through “Bi-Lateral Exchange Program”: first program that undertakes to provide opportunities for Brazilian companies to enter the North American market, in a bilateral exchange within hubs of technology. The program is a partnership between the Canadian Digital Media Network (CDMN) and the Brazilian-Canadian company 1 Project with support from the Government of Canada and Ontario.

During the opening of Tech Week, partners disclose details how the program will work in practice and the benefits and incentives for companies from both countries. “Canada offers to Brazilian businesses a low-cost alternative in North America, with a workforce highly skilled and innovative, much lower corporate tax rates than major competing countries, strong support for innovation and research, easy access to international markets and ideal for doing business “, says Stéphane Larue, Consul General of Canada in Brazil environment.

Canada is considered one of the best business environments in the world, with the lowest federal tax rate in the G7. Only the province of Ontario (whose capital is Toronto) generates 37% of GDP and is where they are almost 50% of all employees in high technology, financial services and other knowledge-intensive sectors. It houses the largest center of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) Canadian with 48% of revenues from the tobacco industry. Among all Canadian and American states, Ontario has the second largest number of IT companies, behind only California. Ie Ontario has more IT companies than New York, Texas, Massachusetts and other hubs in the United States, and has 270,000 people working in the sector.

“It’s time to build a better understanding of Canadian and Brazilian ecosystems to predict future opportunities, challenges and cooperation. Our goal is to encourage interaction between companies from both countries to share synergies and complementarities in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. “Says Todd Barrett, Commercial Consul responsible for promoting trade between Ontario and Brazil.

Tech Week was organized as a week-long event where Canadian experts travel between São Paulo and Porto Alegre to share their experiences in innovation. Canada sees great potential for new collaborations with Brazil in the fields of science, technology and innovation and want to explore these opportunities for exchanges and partnerships.

The event starts on the 29th in Sao Paulo, where six panels occur with participation of Canadian and Brazilian businessmen to explore the potential of concrete partnerships between innovation clusters. Private sector firms may interact with some of the most successful centers of innovation, entrepreneurs, investors and executives from both countries. During programming, are still exposed some cases of Canadian Start Ups in different areas, who managed significant growth with technology and efficient management.

Programming in São Paulo continues until October 1st and have continuity in Porto Alegre between days 2 and 3, when Canada is invited to attend the 8th Cultures of Innovation Seminar, to be held at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS).

The event was organized by the Government of Canada, in partnership with the Canadian states of Ontario and Quebec and support of Air Canada Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada, the Support Center for Innovation Management (Nagi) -PUCRS, Tecnopuc, Stefanini , Cisco, Modulo, OpenText and D2L. The Brazilian-Canadian company Project 1, the main partner in the bilateral program, as well as promoting the exchange between the two markets, will collaborate with the establishment of the Canadian companies participating in the program.

Market on the rise

The commercial relationship between Canada and Brazil have shown strong growth in recent years, particularly in the areas of education, science, technology, innovation and investment. Since 2009, bilateral trade between our countries expanded more than 45% to $ 6.1 billion last year CD, CD with $ 2.47 billion of Canadian exports to Brazil CD and $ 3.62 billion of Brazilian imports in the market Canadian. Brazil is the 12th largest destination for Canadian exports and 13th largest exporter to Canada.

In 2011, Canada and Brazil have established a joint committee for cooperation in science, technology and innovation. This important mechanism leads collaborations between the two countries. The committee is composed of representatives of both governments and members of academia and industry; were also established working groups to drive initiatives in five priority sectors (ICT, life sciences, clean energy / green technology, ocean technologies and nanotechnology)

In 2012, Brazil was considered the 17th largest trading partner Ontario, Canada’s largest province in terms of population and GDP. In the same year, the bilateral market resulted in an amount of 1.8 billion dollars. The Brazil stood at 14th in the list of countries importing Ontarians products, which means a total of 452.4 million dollars in exchange.


  In Secs, where everyone has a right of reply, just contact us you will be entertained Important about source or authorship …: The Secs acts as an intermediary in spreading news briefs (Clipping), through reports, articles, interviews and opinions. The content published here for free, result of information arising from the sources mentioned, never will be responsible for their content to Secs, all that is known is the sole responsibility of the author and source or writer. “I believe the word is there to be used for the well. Intelligence and to enable us to interpret the facts, without passion.” (Authorship Lucio Araujo da Cunha) The Segs, never take responsibility for the content, accuracy or reliability of the content the material released. because it is an opinion of the author or source. In case of dispute, the parties elect the Courts of Santos-SP-Brazil, official site of the company owner and Secs already expressly waive any other forum, by more privileged. The Segs is an automated and controlled by IP Tool. To use and learn more, read TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE.


BenQ launches monitor gaming technology with G-Sync – National Insurance Portal

 Designed to push the boundaries of video technology, XL2420G monitor is a real watershed in the midst of revolution G-SYNC

 BenQ, global company that operates in the monitors, projectors, commercial automation and security cameras, shows for the first time in Brazil the exclusive gamer monitor XL2420G with G-Sync technology. The newest BenQ monitor is displayed during XMA X5 Mega Arena, considered the largest gaming event and e-Sports and Latin America, which takes place between 25 and 28 September in Sao Paulo, the Exhibition Centre Immigrants .

Designed to push the boundaries of video with leading innovations in the technology market, the BenQ G-Sync is the first hybrid monitor for gaming with a module that eliminates breaks in the screen, input delay VSync (Vertical Synchronization) and interruptions. This module developed by NVIDIA synchronizes the monitor output of the GPU instead of GPU to monitor, resulting in a smoother and faster experience redefining the way you play.

Marcelo Coffee, Commercial Director of BenQ account that formerly with VSync which is a setting found in computer games that synchronizes FPS (frames per second) of the game with the refresh rate of the monitor to eliminate the effects of disruption, players lose much performance in the question, they had to wait long before this process be done. And since this was the only option available display synchronization, players had traditionally choose between the best performance and the best image. “Today, with the BenQ G-Sync just this dilemma, because thanks to this module monitor, players can have the best image with the fastest response time for update frames per second,” says Coffee.

Inside BenQ G-Sync

“The XL2420G-Sync is a solid successor to the BenQ is the best in its line of monitors and gamers a true watershed in the midst of revolution G -sync “he says.

Unlike any monitor for gaming with G-SYNC technology on the market, the BenQ G-Sync allows players to have the freedom to switch between classic mode and owner of BenQ which offers the player the unparalleled ability to customize any gameplay to suit your preferences, while the G-SYNC mode provides higher speed for smoother on-screen actions.

As the other XL Series monitors, the BenQ model G-Sync 24-inch has a native resolution of 1920 x 1080 panel with a 1ms Gray To Gray refresh rate, built-in FPS and RTS modes and settings that allow changes in height, tilt and orientation. The monitor also has a ZeroFlicker technology (a system variable lighting to reduce eyestrain during extended periods of use of the monitor), Black eQualizer (a clarifier tone shade that increases visibility), and Low Light Blue (which reduces the level emission of blue light inside the monitor).

The X5 Mega Arena will feature exclusive monitors from BenQ XL and RL lines and visitors can experience this brand new technology.

Price and where to find
 The BenQ G-Sync, which is not yet available in the country, should reach the Brazilian market with estimated price of R $ 3,099.00.

For more product information, visit www.benq.com. br or contact BenQ in Brazil over the phone 11-2787-0250 or email: <--- This email address is being protected from spambots. --->


Date: 25 to September 28

Location: Exhibition Centre Immigrants

Address: Immigrants highway, 1 km , 5 – São Paulo – SP

Tickets and more information: http://www.x5ma.com.br/

Ingresso Daily: CA $ 49.00 (25 days, 26 and 27) and R $ 59.00 (28 day)

Passport: R $ 157.00

About BenQ

The BenQ Group is present worldwide and has offices in Latin America (Brazil and Mexico) and in the major countries of Asia, Europe and Africa. The company operates in the monitors and projectors, are the result of proprietary technology, developed in the laboratories of BenQ. Has offices, factories and research and development centers in Taiwan, China, Australia, India and Brazil. Employs more than 14 thousand employees in 40 countries. Additional information is available on the portal www.benq.com.br.


  In Secs, where everyone has a right of reply, just contact us you will be entertained Important about source or authorship …: The Secs acts as an intermediary in spreading news briefs (Clipping), through reports, articles, interviews and opinions. The content published here for free, result of information arising from the sources mentioned, never will be responsible for their content to Secs, all that is known is the sole responsibility of the author and source or writer. “I believe the word is there to be used for the well. Intelligence and to enable us to interpret the facts, without passion.” (Authorship Lucio Araujo da Cunha) The Segs, never take responsibility for the content, accuracy or reliability of the content the material released. because it is an opinion of the author or source. In case of dispute, the parties elect the Courts of Santos-SP-Brazil, official site of the company owner and Secs already expressly waive any other forum, by more privileged. The Segs is an automated and controlled by IP Tool. To use and learn more, read TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE.


The technology behind these robots can save lives in traffic – Digital Look

Ok, let’s be honest: these toys created by the Japanese company Murata will not save anyone’s life on their own. What really lives up to the title of the matter is that the technology is applied in these little robots, that has the potential to help prevent traffic accidents, and thus prevent deaths.

The Murata develops these robots are able to interact with each other and dance group synchronously. For this, they need to be able to communicate using ultrasonic microphones and infrared sensors. The algorithm is able to inform the position of each of the robots so that they can act in a synchronized manner.

For now, robots are only able to run pre-programmed routines, but the company is already working on a system that allows real-time interaction. And that’s where the technology starts to be interesting for the safety of motorists. According to the company, the technology could be used in traffic control networks with the intention of reducing accidents

In fact, Murata develops their little robots just in order to present their technology.; there is no intention of putting them on the market, even though the demand may be large. The Japanese want to leverage communication systems between vehicles with the project, which already has major competitors like Ford and General Motors, giants who also develop similar technology.

“We believe that the wireless sensor data can become a central infrastructure for advanced integration of people and objects in connected societies, “says Yuichi Kojima, vice president of the company in a statement.

While that day comes, you can see the little robots Murata sympathetically and joyfully dancing in the video below. To get around, the robots use a ball and remain standing through three internal gyroscopes.

Via The Verge


Technology offers the keys of Rome who want to discover … – TeK.sapo


The site is Keys2Rome storefront on the Internet of an exhibition that opened this week in four cities – Rome, Amsterdam, Sarajevo and Alexandria. Organized by a network of archaeologists, art historians, architects and experts in technology and communication, the initiative has received European funds to realize the idea.

The project was developed in the last four years and the inauguration marks the date of death of the founder of the Roman empire, the emperor Augutus.

The collections of four museums involved in this show were arranged in order to offer visitors an interactive tour with an itinerary that uses various types of animation, interactive installations and mobile applications.

Written under Orthographic new agreement


Thursday, September 25, 2014

We tested the first 4G Internet with bus technology in … – Globo.com

Wi-Fi connection from 4G technology on buses is already a reality in Brazil. The first city to receive the news, for now, is São Paulo. The bus company Sambaíba Transport launched the service in 2104-10 Santana Subway line – Terminal Park Don Pedro II. The TechTudo, already checked other buses with 3G wireless internet, was to test the new alternative Internet access in public transportation.

Router with touchscreen display and Wi-Fi high speed reaches Brazil

The entire line 2104-10, consisting of eight new vehicles, has the connection and uses a wireless router VRV310-4G, provided by VEROnline. The 4G Internet was implemented in cars this past Saturday (20) and is provided by the carrier Vivo.

The downside is that this fleet does not have air conditioning, unlike bus technology 3G already circulated by the South Zone of São Paulo. On the other hand, the performance of the navigation Wi-Fi network surprised by allowing the user to watch videos on YouTube or Netflix while riding a city shuttle.

Before accessing the Internet at bus, it is necessary to agree on a contract for use of the network for passengers to make use of it with common sense and awareness. In the future, VEROnline require a registration with email, and be taking steps to safeguard against hackers who have managed to change the network name on some buses.

Currently, to connect to the web, just turn Wi-Fi on your smartphone, tablet or other mobile device and seek “SAMBAIBA_0001″ network. Then, just to login in the browser, after reading the terms of use and accept them.

How to use 4G Internet? Comment on the TechTudo Forum.

No need to have a phone that supports 4G frequency in the 2.5 GHz band.’s Bus router has a chip that already receives this signal and transmits only the connection via Wi-Fi to devices. Internet performance in our tests was exemplary: about five seconds to open a page. Videos began to roll in less than a minute.

According to VEROnline, the router supports 400 people with different IPs connected and makes the guard logs of users, working in accordance with the principles of the Brazilian Civil Marco Internet, adopted in 2014 The free internet will not mess with the price of bus tickets in town so far.


Seminar Smart Cities: technology for the urban future – Pravda.Ru

With participation of Domenico De Masi talking about “The creative idleness and the third technology platform,” seminar will address how to improve the future of cities with information technology (IT) technology tools.

The Smart Cities workshop, sponsored by Assespro-RJ (Brazilian Association of Information Technology), will take place next Thursday, the 25th, and discuss what it takes to make our cities more functional and interactive, with the support of Information and Communication Technology tools (ICTs). Technology firms, professionals, scholars in the subject and members of government are expected to debate

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were invited to the event secretaries of federal, state and municipal spheres of science and technology, as well as mayors and decision makers. Among the activities, the case of Buzios, Brazil’s first digital city will be presented; as well as cases of “internet of things”, command and control centers and education. The “Public Policies for Smart Cities” panel will bring together the State Secretary of Science and Technology of Rio, Tande Vieira, the Municipal Secretary of Science and Technology, Franklin Coelho, and the Municipal Secretary of Conservation, Marcus Belchior.

There will be the participation of the Italian sociologist Domenico De Masi, as keynote speaker. He will speak on a topic that has been outstanding in the world: “The creative idleness and the third technology platform.” Present their ideas of how to rest in times in which the mind is stimulated by technology all the time and their creations as mobiles, apps, communicators in real time, etc. He will enlighten you on the new challenge of working against time to use new interactive technologies, which impact on the lives of modern cities

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New technological creations allow improved relations between citizens, businesses and governments, in contexts such as accounting and administration, management of municipal assets, urban mobility, public safety etc. The Smart Cities want to approach generates ideas with those who consume them. Lead to discussion with national focus the technological revolution that has been going around the world in cities like Singapore and Barcelona, ​​which already has part of his daily administrative governed by ICT tools.

The event is a partnership between Assespro RJ, Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro, FGV Projects, Lide -. Business Leaders Group, sponsored by FIRJAN and Sebrae


Seminar Smart Cities

September 25, from 9am to 18pm

JW Marriot Hotel – Praia de Copacabana (Avenida Atlântica, 2600)

More info: Jaqueline Moraes – Lupa Communication – 21 98146 6737


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Secretary of State praises science and technology plan – AngolaPress

Chairing the presentation of PLANCTI 2015/2016, which took place at the Faculty of Law of the University Agostinho Neto, the official said that the proposal is part of one of the steps towards the implementation of the sector and strengthening the national system of science and technology .

According to João Teta, an objective of the presentation of the plan is to expand knowledge of the guiding documents of science, technology and innovation in the country.

“This meeting arises as a result of work undertaken by the scientific ad-hoc advice to PLANCTI 2014/2015, which demonstrated the low level of scientific research projects, technological development and innovation, subject to ministerial department for approval, “he said.

Present at the event, the national director of Scientific Research, Domingos Neto, considered that the state has to encourage and promote scientific research for the development of this sector task.

According to Domingos Neto, in developed countries has scientific research to promote 70 percent of the business, while in countries such as Angola state intervention is essential. “

The national director said that this policy outlines guidelines for that science, technology and innovation have a higher incidence in the fundamental pillars of the national economy and contribute to human development.

The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University Agostinho Neto, Carlos Teixeira representatives of government departments, national and general directors of scientific research, technological development and innovation, and officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology institutions.


Wireless technology is capable of recharging smartwatch and even car … – Globo.com

A Qualcomm introduced in Brazil on Tuesday (23), the Halo, a technology that not only recharges without wires, battery electric vehicles as well as smartwatches. The novelty is in development to have several applications in the future and has already been tested in Formula E, racing with electric vehicles. The Brazilian driver Lucas di Grassi, first winner of the category, explained how Halo works, during the product announcement in São Paulo.

Sensor measures pressure with bluetooth car wheel and sends alerts

How does Qualcomm Halo?

The wireless charger for electric cars called Qualcomm Halo and is still study to come to feed various devices. The technology is used in Audi automobiles in Formula E. Furthermore, Qualcomm showed a prototype smart watch that can be refilled only by contact with halo autonomous battery and has up to five hours. The gadget was tested only for now, in the United States.

Which smartphone has longer battery life? Join the Forum TechTudo.

The battery of Formula race cars and take nearly two hours to be replenished. “It is about 1% per minute, but the first 80% are replaced in half an hour. And most importantly: the magnetic poles do not need to be fully aligned to recharge, “said Lucas di Grassi

A Qualcomm bets on wireless technologies that make cars talk to each other.. The president of the company in Latin America, Rafael Steinhaiser, it will, in future, the existence of cars without drivers. Google has even invested in this type of car.


CPqD sends for chip manufacturing in Taiwan with national technology – Computerworld

Intended for high speed optical communication systems, the new processor is considered strategic for the Brazilian industry that operates in this area.

Edileuza Soares

September 23, 2014 – 18:37

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The first prototype of an electronic chip with advanced technology of 40 nanometers (one nanometer equals one millionth of a millimeter), fully developed in Brazil, has just come out of the laboratories of the contributing authors, in Campinas, bound for manufacturing to test, in Taiwan.

Intended for high speed optical communication systems, the new processor is strategic for the Brazilian industry that operates in this area – which now depends on imported components, with few suppliers in the world – and for the very competitiveness of segment in the country.

This is the first result of an important project of microelectronics, started last year in CPqD, which receives financial support from the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) and the partnership Padtec, acting as industrial actor.

With three years’ duration, the project aims at the development of an OTN (Optical Transport Network) processor for optical transport network using 40-nanometer technology.

“treatment is a design that repositions the CPqD – and Brazil – in the microelectronics scenario of high complexity, with the design of systems on chip, or SoC (system-on-a-chip), “says Juliano Rodrigues de Oliveira, manager Optical Technologies organization.

According to him, the mastery of this technology will contribute to the independence of the Brazilian manufacturer of optical equipment, and also to reduce the costs of these products.

Oliveira also highlights a the challenges of the project is to put a huge amount (16 million) of transistors, connected by wires, within a millimeter silicon device.

The role of this integrated OTN circuit is doing the manipulation and combination of signals with different transmission rates and different protocols (voice, video, image), and then transmits them at the rate of 100 Gbits per second (Gbps)


The test chip, which is being produced by TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.) – a leading independent manufacturers (foundry) of dedicated chips in the world – will be available in early 2015 for use in proofs of concept, which will result in the final version of the processor. It is expected that the new chip is ready for use by the industry in early 2016

CPqD is working also on another strategic project in microelectronics:. Developing a signal processor digital (DSP, its acronym in English) for optical transceiver modules with 16-nanometer technology



Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Roundtable discusses science and technology in the provinces in 2015 – AngolaPress

According to the official, who was speaking at the closing ceremony of the Second Consultative Council of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Minct), their separate meetings will be held in each of the provinces.

According to Minister, this type of event aims to gather and discuss key issues for promoting solutions to the main problems of the country, in order to improve the quality of life, reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development.

According with Maria Candida Teixeira, consisted of the objectives of this Advisory Board, collecting subsidies distinguished participants to strengthen and consolidate the role of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The event was also a key tool in promoting policies for sustainable development of Angola in the implementation of the Programme of Governance in Science, Technology and Innovation, based on the Development Strategy of the Country “Angola 2025″.

During these two days, he added, were analyzed several panels that reflected relevant questions on Science, Technology and Innovation.

Taking into account the task of Minct said, under the Presidential Decree in order to provide favorable conditions for the training of qualified researchers, responsible, ethical, professional and competent entrepreneurs in scientific research institutions.

“We want to continue to rely on the contributions of the participants and not only so that we can become more and more solid the National System of Science , Technology and Innovation of Angola and consequently leverage indicators Scientific Production, Technological Development and Innovation, elements considered of utmost importance for the development of the country, “he said.

According to the leader were dealt a considerable set thematic needs and actions. Undertakes the MINCT in continuing the gathering and processing of all information generated during these two days of workshops, seeking to ensure that all contributions shared here can be included in the Government’s strategy through MINCT.

participated in the event which brought together for two days, under the motto “By increasing scientific and technological production and strengthening the national system of science, technology and innovation” members of the executive, ministerial senior staff, researchers and partners was also recommended greater accountability in project evaluation.
