Friday, June 26, 2015

Technology to control frying oils developed in Portugal – TVI24

A Portuguese technology will allow control the quality of frying oils, which under the laws in force may not exceed 25% of polar compounds, today reported INESC TEC, one of the developers entities.

This new analysis platform, called Eyefry, arises because “the systems that currently exist place robustness and reliability issues”, and took the idea to invest in a solution that conjugasse “ease of use and low cost, reliable analytical results,” said in a statement the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), one of the implications partners in launching this technology.

The others were the Ambifood (which provides rapid analysis systems in environmental and food fields), the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto (FFUP) and the Chemical Laboratory of the ASAE created this technology.

This innovation, the statement said, “has an impact on public health, since there is a causal relationship between the intake of oils used in frying, its degradation and the appearance of certain pathologies “.

Through optics and software in registration and data control through a ‘smartphone’, which in turn is connected with the general system of control data through a ‘software’ itself, Eyefry is part of “a growing market with an innovative product able to create dedicated jobs and with a view to internationalization,” says CEO Ambifood, Artur Melo and Castro, quoted in the statement.

This product is intended for organizations working in the food industry and who controls are required, considering the legal and economic issues.

“In addition to the economic benefits the project will bring Eyefry is proven a causal relationship between the intake of oils used in frying, its degradation and the appearance of pathologies such as degenerative diseases, oncology, aging, among others, “can be read in the document.

Project results will be presented Tuesday, June 30 at the end of the Workshop Eyefry project in Auditorium B INESC TEC, beginning scheduled for 14:15.

In the presentation will be present IAPMEI members of the Hospital Centre of Porto and ASAE, to discuss the implications of this issue for public health, its framework and official control and practical interest.

This project was funded by the Regional Operational Programme Norte (“ON.2 – The New North”), the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


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