Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Opinion: The mobile technology frees, not enslaves – TeK.sapo

 Stephen Kelly (*)


<br /> Stephen Kelly “src =”http://imgs.sapo.pt/gfx/f6/51/585410.gif”align =” left “/><br />   <br />  One of the most interesting aspects of the technology is its ability to divide opinions. Be on the sustainability of its use or the war iPhone vs Galaxy, everyone has an opinion. And as technology evolves and settles in people’s lives, also the opinion of the people evolves. </P>  <p> For some people, mobile technologies are changing for the better the way they live their lives, freeing the both at work and at home. For others, the opposite is true – feel they can not escape to your phone and that technology is commanding.<br />  </P>  <p> Regardless of the side in which it is, one thing is certain: mobile technologies are completely change the way of working of small and medium businesses. Currently it is estimated that 4.5 billion people are using a mobile phone, of which 2 billion are smartphones. </P>  <p> In Sage believe that mobility is a disruptive force for good. It helps you balance your life, puts you in touch with your customers and help you control your business. </P>  <p> According to the Sage Business Index, SMEs that are joining the mobile working are emerging economies such as Brazil, South Africa and Malaysia. Cheap smartphones – some under $    50 – are flooding emerging markets, overcoming cost barriers and infrastructure to connect a new generation of consumers and companies on the internet </p>  <p> However, the SME leaders. economies established as France, Germany and the UK are concerned that the line between professional and personal lives is becoming blurred. </p>  <p> When you do not take advantage of new ways of working, companies in the developed world are at risk of losing a great opportunity.<br />   </P>  <p> The mobile technology has to boost your business, not condition your life. Entrepreneurs must have the notion that they are the boss, not your smartphone or tablet. Just because you can work from anywhere, does not mean that has to do. Mobile technology has to ensure flexibility to spend more time with his family and turn off the emails at the dinner table.<br />   </P>  <p> The truth is that when it reaches the right balance, the benefits are enormous.<br />  </P>  <p> Mobile technology is helping business leaders to run quieter operations, drive innovation and accessing new markets. For example, productivity applications are transforming the way businesses are done and the speed at which materialize. The growth of e-commerce is being accelerated with people to make moving purchases. This change is being fueled by the mobility and represents a tremendous opportunity for small businesses to sell to consumers wherever they are. </P>  <p> Mobile technology has reached maturity. There is an emerging trend, is a tangible reality. Entrepreneurs who have joined this change are reaping the benefits, at work and at home and as a result have happier and more solid business customers. </P>  <p> Those who did not, they risk falling behind now.<br />  <br />   <br />  </P>  <p> (*) CEO of Sage Group<br />  <br />  <br />   </P></p>  <a href=/api.addthis.com/oexchange/0.8/forward/facebook/offer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fambegrout.hol.es%2F%3Fp%3D19875" target="_blank" >LikeTweet

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