Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Technology Symposium brings together over 70 projects in Fatec Tatuí – Globo.com

The symposium Technology, Faculty of Technology (Fatec) Tatuí (SP) gathered 75 projects developed by students of the college in several areas. The highlight was the electric sectors and robotics.

The classes have become laboratories. Curious and attentive to understand what is behind the “gadgets” looks. The symposium in Fatec Tatuí also involved students from elementary schools and middle of the city, reveals the pedagogical advisor Rodrigo Franklin. “Our intention is that people look with another look at the technology, in order to supply other areas that are not usually advertised to other media,” he explains.

The works on display developed by students piqued interest of visitors. One of the attractions was a system to control energy expenditure through a tablet or a mobile distance.

The student Cleber Dalanize was one of the creators of the control of energy expenditure system. He says that the project got off the ground after two years of research. “Fits the staff not only control the lamp and have the convenience. Also serves to safety, to be monitoring the house, if triggered any electrical device, “he says.

Another success for the event was a robot used to facilitate industrial work. That’s because after the technical presentation of the device, the robot gained from breeders a good deal of boldness and danced alone to the sound of the viral “Harlem Shake”.

For the member of the organizing committee Helder Bocaletti with the event Fatec students had the opportunity to show the work done during the courses, and stimulate the interest of other people by technological training. “Where that what the student is learning the theory of salad in class, he can apply for the benefit of the community,” he concludes.


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