Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bengo: Presented project “A journey into the world of science … – AngolaPress

Speaking to the press, the project coordinator Francisco Azevedo Coutinho, explained that the project aims to sensitize young people to choose precise areas, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, to choose their professions in the future.

It considered that the exact areas are very important for the development of any country and advised the students to continue to invest in the training of these scientific sciences.

He said the project “journey into the world of technology and innovation “is aimed at students Iº cycle of secondary education and particularly in the province of Bengo. Covers 2,160 students in six schools selected.

Francisco Azevedo Coutinho stated that the project also aims to encourage students, teachers, parents and guardians to choose a course in areas related to science and technology for training .

He said that in Bengo 18 best editorial work with the six schools participating in the project will be chosen later and will be evaluated to rank the first, second and third places, which will represent the province in the national competition in December.

He explained that the methodology of the project “a journey into the world of science and technology innovation” has a first pedagogical approach to educational institutions, which is presented to teachers and educational coordinators of schools to information program and presentation of the play “when I grow up I’ll be.”

He stressed that the staging of the play is a strong component of this educational program, allowing for a fun and lively cultural interaction, presented by three characters , “students and the teacher.”

The project called “A journey into the world of science, technology and innovation” was released in Luanda and will cover approximately 100 000 students in two hundred schools in all provinces of Angola and will coordinate four thousand teachers from the selected schools.

In turn, the school director of secondary education Iº November 11 in Caxito cycle, Raul António João Francisco, was pleased that of your institution be awarded the project “a journey into the world of science, technology and innovation.”

He urged students to demonstrate what they know to choose areas related to science and technology for training.

Have the student Justino Zululo considered valuable project because during the demonstration of the play “when I grow up I’ll be” demonstrates an educational lesson for scientific fields such as mathematics, physics and chemistry and biology that is beneficial to students’ education.

The project called “A journey into the world of science, technology and innovation” has passed through the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Lunda Sul, Lunda-Norte, Malanje, Cabinda, Zaire, Uige, Huambo, Bie and Bengo.


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