Sunday, October 5, 2014

Meet the challenges of communication in Brazil – EBC

Das TVs in black and white 50s at very high resolution. Press the paper to the computer screen. Increasingly accessible technologies and content available in different formats within reach of smartphones. With the equipment, people of various social classes have television, news, radio, all in the palm of the hand. To achieve this the road was long and still lack adequate legislation and infrastructure to ensure these advances.

Reporter Brazil exhibited a series of reports on developments, public policies and challenges that involve communication in Brazil

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As information reaches the people? Who can conveys it happens and how the inspection? Newspapers and magazines are private companies, they need only register the file notarized. As for the phone companies, radio and television rely on state authorization to operate. The first story shows how the industry is regulated.

Even with the emergence of new technologies, radio and television still occupy an important space. TV is the medium most used by Brazilians, who spend an average of 3:30 a.m., on the small screen, according to the Brazilian Media Research in 2014, the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency. It is present in 97% of homes nationwide. The two vehicles make up the so-called Brazilian broadcasting system. In the second article, understand how this service works.

A public communication is the subject of the third article in the series Communication. The model set out in the Federal Constitution, has principles as the interest of the citizen, the regional diversity and the plurality of opinions. Created by Law 11,652 of 2008, the EBC is now the main expression of the public communication system. The third article in the series Communication presents the Brazilian experience and the models in other countries.

The fourth article in the series discusses the communication internet in Brazil. The network, considered of great democratic potential, still faces structural problems in the country. The report shows how this medium is regulated, what the main complaints from users and the challenges to make the service more efficient and democratic.

The fifth and final report on communication highlights of 4G service in the country. The technology of ultrafast internet is available in Brazil since 2012, but still not enough in fact to most ususários. So far, she worked at the frequency of 2.5 giga-hertz (GHz), but the auction of the 700 MHz band for the fourth-generation network should ensure greater speed for those who use the mobile internet. As in other areas of telephony, the service has many problems in Brazil.

Also check out the special series on communication Brazil Agency:

Learn how it works and what moves industry

TV and radio face new and old challenges

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