Saturday, October 29, 2016

Tourism and its relationship with technology and innovation – Journal of Commerce

The change that the technology and the innovation they brought to the routine of the people is a fact more noticeable in many segments of the economy; or it would be better to say "in all segments"! This new scenario has promoted a drastic change in the way consumption and on this subject we could write texts that are endless. However, such assess the impact of these changes on the tourism segment?

This new scenario (not so new) within the chain of tourism has often been the subject of several discussions, especially in relation to the interference of technology within the tourism, its positives, negatives, and also by the possibilities it provides for people on the go, as autonomy, speed, connectivity, integration, and security, among others.

To measure this change, a reflection quickly back to the past, through the present and a proposed projection of the future can help us. The process of setting a trip 30 years ago was another, because there was little influence of the technology, so we chose a destination for the budget after a long period of the economy, from reports of positive experiences shared by family, friends, and by the traditional agencies and tour operators. And when we got to the destination, we had local guides, taxi drivers, points of information, and receptionists of the hotels. The possibilities of experiences were limited in comparison to what we have today, that does not mean to say that the trips were the worst, because in the past the travel was a mega event which required many preparations and advance.

In today’s scenario, for those passionate about travel, travel continues to be a great event. So, what has changed? Already we no longer need so much time to schedule, today information is at our fingertips, or better, in our hands! Now we were able to make a last minute trip for anywhere in the world, we have the feeling that the world has become smaller, so as it says in the book, 'The World is Flat – A Brief History of the twenty-first Century', written in 2005 by Thomas Friedman.

it Seems to be unanimous that the technology helps a lot, although not eliminating the traditional information of friends, family, taxi drivers, drivers of Uber, travel agents, guides, hotel receptionist, among many others. We have indeed the feeling of greater power of choice, since there are various options such as website, blogs, apps, push and social media.

Depending on the need it is possible at times to be in three national capitals on the same day, to schedule a last minute trip and consume the holidays safely and quickly, all this with the help of technology. But, when we analyze this scenario and we compare Brazil with other countries, we realize that unfortunately we are not so prepared.

There is a enormous potential to enlarge the understanding, sharing and belief in the importance of technology in the current scenario and the future. Arguably, the hotel market nationally is going through a time of maturing, but it will not be possible to evolve without understanding that the world has changed and is better than lamenting the changes and crises, it is necessary to use the technology for our benefit. Will the high costs of technology in tourism are not caused by the inability of understanding and investment in technology? Isn’t it time to understand that the investment in technology is a process innovation that, in addition to providing the improvement of the travel experience of people, inevitably, or certainly, will bring benefits in the medium to long term for the financial health of the entire chain of tourism?

The technology brings the opportunity of approaching the people, the customers, seem to be antagonistic, but with technology it is possible to shorten the distances, cultural differences and understand with a lot more assertiveness, which are the behaviors and the desire of the people. This new scenario is much more complex than before, and depends on a lot of investment, but the result also has superior chances to travel for leisure or business!

And in the future? We will continue to rely on the help of people, because the services and experiences depend very much on the human relationship, but it is necessary to open the mind to live with this change. Let’s think and discuss more on this topic?

*Director of Marketing and Sales of Vert Hotels

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