Friday, October 21, 2016

“Black Mirror” explores the misuse of technology to expose the “failures … – UOL

Even if secretly, that the voter would endure to see the president of your country be forced, on national TV, to pass through a situation very vexatious and humiliating as… to have sex with a pig, for example?

The image, at the same time both disturbing and attractive, appears in the first episode of the british series “Black Mirror”, released in 2011. And disturbing images are the specialty of this program. Closed in 2012, was little known outside of the Uk, but became cult. In good part, due to the events shown in the series that, strangely, have become or are becoming reality.

“I’ve read that there are people inventing a tool for you to tweeting after he died, that was the theme of an episode. Contact lenses that double as cameras are in a certain way that is Google Glass,” says creator Charlie Brooker, who spoke with the reportage of the UOL together with Annabel Jones, which produces the third season, available from this Friday (21), on Netflix.

For them, the pecha of “prophetic” that the series won among his admirers, is due to the fact that the script uses technologies and behaviors very contemporary to tell stories that are absurd — or not so absurd as that.

last Year, british prime minister David Cameron had to deny publicly that it has participated in an initiation ritual at the university of Oxford, which consisted in simulate sex with the head of a pig.

The story/gossip was told, behold, a lord, a contemporary of Cameron at Oxford, which would have seen the fact, and that claims to have photographic evidence — that never reached the public.

“We were surprised, and we think that is not true, but that is funny it is”, they say, to the laughter, the “prophets” behind “the Black Mirror”.

the black Mirror

the name of The series, explains its creator, is a reference to the screens of smartphones, TVs, tablets, laptops and monitors in general. When off, they become a “black mirror”, where we see our projected image. The program is materialized in this black mirror of our soul. As technology enhances our wickedness or our delusions of immortality.

so it Was in the first two seasons, with only three and four episodes, respectively. We see us meeting in a bar with friends to watch the pitiful situation of the prime minister. We are paying for a service that allows us to shoot prisoners being tortured in a jail-reality show. See you at the couple in crisis who uses contact lenses with cameras to mull over each scene of your failed relationship.

Brooker and Jones, however, refute any speech antitecnológico: “First we want to entertain people, much more than send a message, but if it resonates in the conversations, all the better. It is emotional reaction and relaxation,” explains Brooker. “But as the technology is used on our show? She is never the villain. Are the human flaws that are manipulated by technology. Is the human being that screwed with everything.”

Big Brother

entertainment and technology, the two understand. Both the Broker and Jones worked in Endemol, the company that has the rights to the “Big Brother”, the one program that we brazilians love to hate. The experience with the TV in the era of the reality show is also reflected in the episodes.

“Although the series show the human failures potentiated by new possibilities of error, we try to not vilify people. The second episode of this season, for example, speaks of this boy, who grew up having access to every type of image. And we’re raising children in this environment, that although they know to distinguish right from wrong, can not have any moral guide by the way,” says Jones.

“Before the TV was a familiar experience, in that everyone sat around to watch, and you were taught your morals through the discussion of what was being shown. Today, people are more isolated on their computers, smartphones. Do not have more of this discussion,” he explains.

The two also guarantee that in these six new episodes there will be space for the sweetness and for the exploitation of the good side of technology. “There are other episodes that show how the technology offers other opportunities of how to manage your life, as the fourth episode, which takes place in 1987.”


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