Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Google announces AMP: technology that can speed up browsing … –

Google has just launched a new way to publish mobile web pages that contain news publications, causing the content to be loaded much more quickly on phones and tablets. The platform, called Accelerate Mobile Pages (AMP), consists of an open source project where companies like Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest have signed up as partners. Facebook offers an alternative, Instant Articles , which is currently available only on its own platform.

An average web page takes about 8 seconds to load. The AMP, meanwhile, this time is considerably reduced, in some cases, loading the content of instantaneous as possible. The technology aims to maintain the longer users reading the content, since when they all load quickly, the time saved will be used to reading.

Google is working with a variety of quality media partners around the world, including the Telegraph and The New York Times, on the initiative. As a reader, all you have to do is search as you normally would – or Safari or Chrome through Google, or Twitter or Pinterest application. Google will display a carousel of stories on top of search results, which carry the AMP pages when clicked.

This page appears largely as would be the mobile web, but being cached by Google and its optimized code, which means that loads almost instantly from search results. Google also designed the technology to the editorial content always load before ads, which also will not be automatically adjusted as you scroll the page. It should theoretically provide a cleaner reading experience.


“Speed ​​has always been a cornerstone of Google Search and we are thrilled to be working alongside others in the technology industry and publishers from around the world to bring the AMP to market to,” said Dave Besbris, vice president of engineering, Google Search “


The service is set to be released early next year, but can be tested in in mobile browsers. Searching “Telegraph”, for example, will load a carousel of news, which can be clicked and alternating between notícias.A AMP technology could also be a genuine alternative to ad blockers that threaten the core business model of virtually all sites news. Tools such as AMP and Facebook Instant Articles should provide something similar service as an ad blocker. – Fast access to content and sizes of lighter data web pages


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