Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blatter proposes rules and ‘surf’ the technology to track ahead of the … – Terra Brazil


September 9, 2014 • 14h38

<-! Subtitulo -> <- BBC // TESTING TO INCLUDE AUTHOR // -> <- // & NO LEGS! BBC - INI // -> <- // Author // start -> <- end // // Author -> <- NOT // & LEGS!!; BBC - // END ->

The increasing use of technology in football is serving as an election banner in Joseph Blatter crusade for a fifth straight term as president of FIFA. In the Soccerex conference in Manchester, he took the last rabbit out of the hat. Proposed that the technicians can challenge the decisions of the judge once or twice each time.

The suggestion is surprising to those who have always resisted the technology to invade the field. Blatter was against the use of cameras to clarify whether or not the ball went to the 2010 World Cup changed your mind to condemn the injustice of a dropped goal from Lampard in the 4-1 defeat of England to Germany. The ball bounced a foot of the line but the referee saw, committing an egregious error.

Since then, the International Board ?? ??, making the rules of soccer, adopted the technology that allows check whether or not the goal was in a second -. used for the first time in a World Cup in Brazil

There remain doubts whether this new experiment of technical questioning the judges can work. The head of FIFA says it wants to do a test at the World Under-20 in 2015 in New Zealand. He explains that the judge will check and decide after reviewing the technical bid with the monitors at the edge of the field. It also makes clear that this check should only happen when the game is stopped.

How to prevent, however, force a player to stop play? What kind of move can be questioned? Some incidents depend on interpretation, are not subject to standards of scientific accuracy. Taking the goal line and the line of deterrent, you can not measure, quantify check other bids. Hand was on the ball or ball in hand? Fell or was knocked down? And how will the fans react? May become enraged with the changes of the judge’s decisions. And his authority, would not be at risk?

Give one or two chances to challenge decisions will not end the eternal controversy involving arbitration. Before converting to technology, Blatter argued that the error is part of football that maintains the same rules for over a century. What we watch in Maracanã, Wembley Camp Nou and is in essence the same sport that you see on the beach or in a floodplain.

There’s the magic of the “beautiful game”. These technological developments will end up destroying this unit, creating two levels of football:. One with the normal rules and other paraphernalia with a sport that becomes radically game

The cop insists coach and judge between stopping the game once or twice every time can give some extra time televisions for an ad ?? that would be paid their weight in gold. While the judge walks to the edge of the field, a small range of 20, 30 seconds.

In the back, the unprecedented image of a referee and technical arguing who is right who is wrong in front of a TV monitor. Preferably with the sound of loud discussion. Welcome to the football four times. More emotion, more controversy and more money. Perhaps this is the great advantage. Our commercial ?? please ??


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