Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Technology SC records overweight truck while … –

A technology developed in Santa Catarina aims to streamline and optimize the control of overweight in cargo trucks on the highways. For this, the device records whether or not there is infringement while the truck is traveling on the road, as the National Journal report showed on Monday (18).

Overcoming the load limit is routine part of many carriers. The Federal Highway Police (PRF) of Santa Catarina analyzed 216 000 notes of different transport companies. The result was that 91% of them indicated that the load was overweight. The difficulty lies in enforcement, since many motorists fleeing the scales are not caught.

How it works
Under the new model, developed by researchers at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), the truck will be weighed on the highway itself, at normal speed. Only the suspicious vehicles irregularity will have to enter the checkpoint.

If the excess is confirmed, the driver receives a fine home, by mail. The driver who tries to escape, have photographed the truck and will also receive a punishment. Vehicles that are within the law following trip without stop.

“With this, we will ensure trafficability, agility without this bottleneck, it would have to stop at a weigh station even though according with the rules, then all the carrier wins. until the flow on the highway itself wins, “said the superintendent of the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (Dnit) of Santa Catarina, Vissilar Pretto.

Interest international
The project was approved and will serve as a model for implementation of new weigh stations throughout Brazil. The idea is catching the attention of researchers from other countries.

In order to better understand how this technology works, 220 foreign technicians participated in a seminar on the equipment at the beginning of the month. “The world is concerned and is also developing new technologies to control excess weight,” says the engineer and researcher at UFSC Helium Goltsman.


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