Saturday, August 23, 2014

Support for technology projects grows steadily and … – Radios EBC

The grant funding from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) for projects of information technology and communication (ICT) has grown steadily and diversified manner, informed the Brazil Agency the boss Department of Information Technology and Industrial Area seat Communication Irecê Kauss. She said the bank support is given to companies of all sizes, “in various segments such as information security, integrated enterprise management system (ERP, the name in English), IT services [information technology] and the internet . things “

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The volume granted by the bank for ICT R $ 3.7 billion from January to July this year, with £ 470 million in the rest of IT and telecommunications. In 2013, disbursements totaled R $ 3.1 billion , of which R $ 900 million in IT and the rest in telecommunications. There is, however, raising the BNDES on regions that have received most funding in IT, explained Irecê Kauss.

resources for innovative ICT projects are from the Program for the Development of National Software Industry and Information Technology Services (BNDES Prosoft) and fall in the area of ​​innovation, considered strategic priority for the bank. From January to June this year, spending for innovation reached R $ 2.6 billion, compared to R $ 5.3 billion in all of last year.

With a budget of $ 5 billion, Prosoft already have $ 730.6 million, corresponding to 15% of the total committed since August 2007 with IT projects under review, approved and contracted. That means they are available until the end of the program in August 2017, R $ 4.27 billion, according to information from the press office of the bank.

In last Thursday (21) BNDES announced the approval of funding amounting to R $ 41.3 million for projects of six companies of information technology (IT) in the Northeast, Southeast and South regions of the country. The funds will be granted under the Prosoft. The projects will serve the states of Ceará, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, and should generate over 5000 jobs, according to estimates by the bank.

Editor: Stênio Ribeiro


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