Tuesday, August 9, 2016

As augmented reality technology works used in … – Workshop Net

Since it was launched, the game Pokemon Go became fever, winning gamers of all ages. The use of augmented reality to capture Pokémon technology, pocket monsters that were very successful in the 90s due to the anime of the same name, seems to have worked, making the game of the Niantic soon turned success. In the United States he came to become more popular than Tinder, one of the most famous online social networking platforms.

Play / Exam April
Playback / Exam April

Before the game was released, many people had even heard of augmented reality or given any importance to this technology. It is thanks to her that the real world and the virtual mix, which is the main attraction of the game. However, the technology has been around quite a while and even had already been used in other games, advertising and even surgical procedures away.

But with the Pokémon Go for high that this technology is now present in conversations wheels, arousing the curiosity of many. After all, how can an animal that is not really appear on the bedroom door in my house or in my workplace? How they manage to mix the real environments? To answer these and other questions, we need to understand what is augmented reality and how it works. To do this, just follow the reading

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Augmented reality (AR) combines the capture of images with 3D projection, allowing through the graphics created from this mixture of what is real with the virtual, greater interactivity between man and machine. Currently, much of the research in RA is linked to the use of live broadcast videos that are digitally processed and “expanded” by adding graphics created by computer.

To make the simplest concept, let’s think about how works Go Pokémon game. the game uses Google Maps data to spread the animals, PokeStóps and gymnasiums in the cities. Upon arriving near where some Pokémon, the user is alerted by a message on the phone. To see where the monster is hidden, it is necessary to look through the smartphone camera. And that’s where the augmented reality technology comes in. Thanks to it is possible to put the Pokémon on the actual environment. The app renders a virtual image of the Pokémon on the signal obtained via the camera of the devices in this way is as if the monster really was on top of the desk, on the couch or behind a bush in the park.

Playback / Knowyourmobile
Playback / Knowyourmobile

But how is this possible?

For the reality increased run a webcam or other device that enables the interpretation and creation of a virtual object is necessary. Through the camera, the image that will be combined with the animation will be transmitted. From there comes into play the software or application capable of interpreting the signal transmitted by the camera. The captured image will be designed with a 3D image previously included in the application responsible for rendering the graphics.

Because the camera are capturing the images in real time and mixing them with animations, this joint cause the augmented reality effect.

the games industry is used augmented reality for a long time, in order to provide more realistic scenes players and more interaction. An example is the Clandestine Anomaly. Available for Android and iOS, the gamer must protect humanity from aliens that are invading Earth. For this he must use supertecnológicas weapons. And where augmented reality fit into this? Well, using the phone’s camera the player can aim and shoot in the most difficult enemies who blend into the environment where it is inserted.

Another example is the Oculus Rift. Using it is as if the user imergisse into the game. The device basically works like the television, turning any game in a different dimension.

The ads also already makes use of augmented reality. An example was a campaign of PepsiCo, where the Doritos snack casings were inserted RA codes, which, when activated in the brand site, did release monsters that jumped the packaging to the computer screen, performing a series of actions.

mobile augmented reality can be used in applications that operate in conjunction with the camera or GPS, that can serve as indicators of various places, such as bars, restaurants, among business premises. The Route 66 is an example of GPS based on RA. In this app, available for Android and iOS, the location service is available through 3D maps.

Through the augmented reality can do simulations with confidence. So it is gaining prominence in the commercial sector. An example of the application of this tool to improve business is the Swedish multinational Ikea, which sells home furnishings at low cost.

The company offers technology in a mobile application so that customers can design the furniture in environments that want real size and so see how they get on site before finalizing the purchase. According to Professor of the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), Martha Terenzzo, the ability to view mobile indoors, as if it were real, it increases the chances of sales.

Outside stores clothes are also using augmented reality technology. The computer screen you can see how a garment will stay in the body without experiencing it.

Sony released an app with augmented reality effect. Through it you can add various effects to your videos and photos, for example, add to dinosaurs environment, fairies or masks on their faces, among others. Something that is also present in Snapchat. You’ve certainly must have seen the image of a friend with ears and nose of a dog. This is just another example of augmented reality application in a photo

 augmented reality effect was released on  application by Sony
augmented reality effect was released on application Sony

Although novelty, Pokémon Go not invovou using augmented reality technology, as this concept is already present in several other games, among other areas. However, this does not take the game on the merits of Niantic, even investing in an already known technology, could make a difference, reaching a great success.


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