Wednesday, March 4, 2015

ZTE strong emphasis on your eyes with Sky Eye technology – Pplware

Barcelona introduced the world to a wide range of new smartphones and other devices to Mobility segment. There is a bit of everything and the competition is such that manufacturers, in addition to quality construction, perfect design or the right price, want to be innovative in technologies that offer.

ZTE is one such example, launched a new smartphone at an affordable price and includes technology Sky Eye. Do you know what it is?

 Image: Digital Trends

More and more smartphone manufacturers seek to find features that can captivate consumers and that is what ZTE just made, announcing that would introduce to your ZTE Grand S3 the Sky Eye functionality.

What is the Sky Eye technology?

This feature will allow all users unlock their smartphones through a different method that is currently present in most devices, using technology called Eyeprint ID


This system, which presents the user with a minimalist interface, a green line on the screen where it is shown only allows the user to follow this line with your eyes about 8 seconds. During this process, the front of the smartphone camera will record the blood vessels in the whites of the eyes, creating a secure identification.

“Read” the blood vessels?

Truth. Each of us has a unique construction of ocular blood vessels. These are tracked and created a “map” of these brands each eye.

When the smartphone is locked, simply press the power button and slide your finger from the top of the screen until the end. Then just then follow the green line that will appear on the screen to unlock your device, a process that will take about half a second to be able to identify the characteristics of their eyes.

By Hugo Sousa to Pplware

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