Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Secretaries advocate the use of technology against violence – the Journal of Commerce

Isabella Sander

Deploying new technologies is expensive. Depending on the innovation, however, the initial investment can end up barateando the expenses later. One of the projects of the ministry of Public Security of Rio Grande do Sul is seeking partnerships with the municipalities, rio grande do sul state, in order to use the fencing electronic cameras videomonitoramento. “This already exists in some municipalities and may be extended, as we will seek resources from the federal government,” says the secretary Cezar Schirmer.

investments of the Ministry of Justice are going the same way. In addition to announcing the increase in the effective National Force of 800 to a thousand police officers to 7 thousand in the coming year, the minister of Justice, Alexandre de Moraes, secured on the last week of passage by the Rio Grande do Sul, which qualify the work of intelligence and information of the corporation.

“The lack of personnel in the Brigade and in the Civil Police, for example, can be partially corrected by the technology. Unfortunately, Brazil is far short of what should be in the search of alternative and more modern, both in the management of resources and in the search for technologies which will certainly improve the effectiveness and the result of the activity of public security in the State,” says Schirmer.

To the secretary of Public Security of Maranhão, Jefferson Portela, who also attended the event, which brought together secretaries of security throughout the Country, technology can help in the advancement of research through the work of the intelligence and technology laboratory, and wash resources. “This investment needs to be done, since the construction of the proof technique is fundamental. We need equipment and expertise for proof especially of the activities of organized crime, that have a sophistication in their practices,” he observes. In the opinion of Portela, if the State does not have a compatible technology for the fight against these practices, you cannot build technical evidence against criminal organizations.

José Mariano Beltrame, secretary of Public Security of Rio de Janeiro, considers the fundamental technology, because it rationalizes the use of people for the activities, as well as the costs of general way, and helps to control the institutions. “I know that people do not like to be controlled, but they need to. In a way, we are all controlled, we have to present results, and the technology also serves to this.”

According to Beltrame, in times of financial crisis like the one that Brazil lives, technology allows us to rationalise costs with vehicles and effective and use them in equipment to protect the life of a police officer, for example. You can also compile the data, and detail how much the State is spending on security. “For both, it is critical that the federal government allow the private sector to come and contribute, because it is obvious that Brazil does not have the conditions to apply cutting-edge technology. If the State can’t do, that breaks these barriers and allow the entry of the private initiative. If not, we’ll be marking the past,” he says.

If the State is always put in front the interests of the population and provide the necessary transparency, Beltrame considers important the inclusion of the private initiative in the public service. “We don’t have more conditions to stay fighting for power. If you have the power, then you must resolve the problems. If you can’t, have to ask for help, listen to other mechanisms,” he says. Even when there is no legislation provided to do any change, the secretary believes that, when there is a will, the law “is modified from night to day.”


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