The Caravan of Transformation is health, citizenship and science, technology and innovation. Games, drones, virtual-reality goggles and robotics sharpen the curiosity of children, young people and adults who pass by the edition of Jaciara. The goal has been reached: to popularize science and to wake up in the new generation the taste for technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Conducted by the State Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secitec) in partnership with the Institute Young Entrepreneur, the project leads to the Caravan and also to the schools of the public network of teaching lectures on entrepreneurship and using technology to undertake. In parallel are carried out in workshops, such as pilot drones and robotics.
There is also the virtual reality goggles, one of the equipment that draws the attention of the public passing by the tent of the Secitec in the Caravan. This is a great "glasses" with a cell phone attached internally. By means of the equipment, are produced visual and sound effects which allow the immersion of the user in this virtual environment.
21-year-old Suellen Ribeiro had never seen this technology up close. With a suspicious eyes, first observed other people using the unit before "risking". And she repented not. "It is a reality, it seems that you are inside. It gives cold in the belly", he described.
Coordinator of popularization of science of the Secitec, Lectícia Figueiredo explained that the project is part of a larger program of the folder, which is to stimulate in young people the taste for science and to encourage them to participate in the fairs held by schools and even the National Week of Science and Technology, an event that happens every year in almost all states, including Mato Grosso. "It is also a way to encourage entrepreneurship in this area," he stressed.
The brothers, David, 07, and Michael Golden, 04, loved the equipment. After observing several children of the same age enjoying the technology, they were eager to know the such glasses. It was sure to be fun. To the father, Evander Gold, 36 years old, the opportunity to have contact with high-tech equipment only has to add in the lives of children. "Technology is our future and this type of action stimulates the taste for this area, the creativity, the curiosity. It’s great".
The partnership between Secitec and the Institute of the Young Entrepreneur reached 30 thousand children and young people only in 2016. Were workshops, workshops, lectures, and other activities to encourage attitudes of entrepreneurs. This Friday (27.01), for example, the Caravan of the Transformation has received the talk show "Entrepreneurship and technology that transforms and teaches to turn $ 10 dollars into 100 dollars".
Course distance LEARNING
During the Caravan of the Transformation of Jaciara the Secitec also performs pre-registration to interested parties in the course of Computer Operator, in the formed Distance Education. The course is part of a project of transfer of knowledge and technology, a result of the partnership between the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and the Government of the State.
The course is free, 100% via the internet and the student makes his own time, or study time that is available, and where you are, you just need to have access to a computer connected to the internet. The certificate is issued by the UFMT and the content is considered a benchmark in the state.
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