Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fair in sao paulo brings together the inventions of students of technology –

In Sao Paulo, the National Newspaper visited an exhibition of inventions of students of the Institute Mauá of Technology.

Light up a light. An action that can be simple for a lot of people, but not for those who have physical disabilities. The instrument has been designed for those people who have limitations: a camera attached to a pair of glasses reads the movement of the eyes. With the help of a computer program, this movement gives orders to carry out simple tasks, such as, for example, turn on the light.

"The program also plays a few phrases pre-defined as: mother, father, I want water, I’m thirsty, I’m hungry," explains Lucas Henrique Bordonal, student of electronic engineering.

The students are also concerned with climate change. The idea is to take advantage of the markers that are on top of the buildings to guide the planes, and put inside a card. It is a sensor of humidity, temperature and pressure.

"If we know, for each region, whether it will rain more heavy, or if it will rain, we can mobilize the personnel of the fire department to, in the case of falling the tree, the staff of the garbage can to spend in a region before the rain", says Luca Di Pasquale, student of electronic engineering.

And if you have a disaster, a shelter to be used in the areas of homeless. The inventors ensure that it is better and more resistant than a tent conventional.

Now Luke, who is also a surfer, invented a device that measures with precision the size of the giant waves in the championships of surfing.

"it Is a sensor that captures the height of the surfer with the accuracy of one-half percent margin of error. It is a measurement of the precise scale of the surfer and I can project this measure to the whole wave,” says Lucas Castro, student of electronic engineering.

Already a device can be put in speed bumps to transform movement in clean energy. The account that the students made was the following: assuming that 70 thousand bikes spend per month on 400 miles of capacity, if each kilometer you have two devices, it is possible to light up 600 led bulbs for six hours per day for up to a month.

"the weight of The bike plus the weight of the cyclist and cause lower spine, which is connected to the generator that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy," says Marcela Melo, student of mechanical engineering.


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