Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The missing children and young people addicted to technology? –

Childrençeatsçam early to use the internet on mobile phones and other devices
The use of technological devices by children and young people is far from being harmful. If well oriented, can stimulate creativity, logical reasoning, collaboration, research capacity and other skills valuable to the contemporary world. However, it must be in moderation. The increasing dependence on electronics has concerned parents and educators around the world.

The fact that a good part of the daily tasks increasingly involves technology makes it difficult to define this balance. It is common, even among adults, the distinction between work and leisure just by the exchange of applications: to close the e-mail and programs from the computer, open the social networks.

in The same way, children use technology at school and do their homework. After, they go to the games and the messages in digital – often without even leaving the room. Spend the days, one to the other, plugged in monitors. Until, in some cases, the habit turns into dependency.

Among children and young people, the consequences of the excessive use of electronics if they perceive both physical problems (tendonitis, overweight), as well as mental and emotional (social isolation, difficulty concentrating, sleep disorders), with an impact also in the academic results.

As in the case of any other addiction or compulsion, the central issue is to detect what is the source of the disturbance. In the case of children and adolescents, some of the hypotheses to investigate are:

- Lack of motivation: For the other dimensions of life do not provoke the same interest and fascination that a device technology?

- Grace in relationships: There are gaps linked to the affectivity that the electronic devices are helping to compensate?

- Lack of limits: How is the organization of the daily routine of study and leisure, and how the family controls the compliance with healthy standards?

- Influences of friends: to Be plugged in day and night, participate in games and social networks is a sign of status and even a need to be accepted into the group?

As prevention, the example of the family is the key. Parents need to avoid the use of the devices to reassure the child, so that it is quiet for a few hours, and to avoid that children isolate themselves playing during the meals. There are dosing the purchase of new games, since the moment when the child tires of one of them is the opportunity to alternate with activities outside of the web.

the Valley to mark a time for use and ensure that it is respected. An interesting experience is the negotiation of hours of use of electronic devices with other tasks, for example: if you arrange the room, you win fifteen more minutes of internet. And the main thing, especially with children: participate in activities, digital along with them. Not only to monitor, but because the relationship with the parents, in activities enjoyed in common, can be the best of the present.

(Photo: Playback/EPTV)


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