Sunday, January 15, 2017


The technology has already proven to be a very powerful tool for the evolution within the corporate environment.

Including, adhere to the advances of the digital world is no longer a differential to be a matter of survival in the market.

But, why is it then that many companies still have not joined the technology?

next, we do a brief reflection of the current scenario many companies.

to Track the details and understand the importance of your company’s escape to the middle ages.


it Is a fact that the technology has expanded over the years, bringing room for the society in general.

However, although we live in an age where technology is practically mandatory, it is still very common to see companies stuck in the dark ages.

that is, without making use of the technology, and when they do, if limited to the traditional features such as telephone, e-mail and even the fax to communicate.

in This scenario, the major obstacle is in the constraints of these resources at the time of storing the information.

In the case of Supply Chain management, for example, technologies such as the telephone, e-mail and fax make the desired time to store and manipulate information regarding contracts with suppliers, quotes and other important information.

As a result, the company ceases to stand out by not being aligned to the reality of the market that has required ever more agility, precision and dynamism in the activities.


In the midst of an era where technology has arrived to facilitate the actions, making processes more accurate and turning into a competitive advantage for companies, the question is: Why many companies have not yet acceded to the technology or are not migrating quickly to it?

The response can be directly related to the concern of entrepreneurs with their core business.

Therefore, companies that are not directly linked to the technology sector, they tend not to prioritize investments in this area.

In a certain way, it is understandable the fact that the greatest investments should be focused on proposals that are directly related to the segment of each company.

however, it is necessary to call attention to the fact that technology is no longer just an investment option.

To be ahead of your competitors, reduce costs, automate processes and gain greater efficiency, you need to involve technology, whatever the business segment in which it operates.


Ever stopped to imagine how the life of your company could be simplified configuration when the subject is Supply Chain Management?

To give you an idea, just to assess how much your company spends on a monthly basis with manual processes of the quotes, orders, purchases, contacts with suppliers, rework due to failures of the manual operation, among other activities.

But, the good news is that your company can easily escape from Middle Age with low investment in technology.

We of the Ibid, for example, we provide solutions for e-Procurement by means of modules that can be deployed according to the needs of your company.

Thus, your business can grow in a way that is scalable with the technology that will provide traceability, auditabilidade and transparency in the processes.

If you are interested in? Visit our website and learn what we can do for your company.

And you, still keeps your business in the middle ages?

get to Know the solutions of the IBID and see how easy it is to align the technology to your Supply Chain Management.



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