Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Opinion | CEO, CIO and integrator of technology together in the direction of the … – the Journal BIT, computers for all.

The trend for the near future is that the technology to boost the growth of companies and promote changes in its segments of operation. According to a survey by Gartner of over 400 CEO’s and senior executives, only 7% of respondents believe that the segment in which they work will remain very similar to the current one during the next three years. Meanwhile, 84 percent believe that the change will be moderate or significant, and 9% believe that in three years will be to operate in a industry almost unrecognizable compared with today.

in This context, the CEO needs to increase the relevance of IT within the business. Most of these executives have already realized that the digital transformation is inevitable and that it is better to act as agents of change than being hit by a new reality in the not too distant future, and they do not have time to react.

However, this is not an easy task. The CEO needs a right arm to help the company to transform and keep track of the digital world – the CIO. While the CEO shall prioritize the technology as a fundamental tool for the growth of the company, the CIO will be exercised in a consultative, understanding the business needs and contributing strategically with new solutions.

This alignment, however, account with an obstacle. The great challenge for the CIO and his team is to get out of the operational needs of the technology of the day-to-day and be closer to the CEO and the business. Understand the challenges of the company and propose innovative solutions that add value to business requires time and knowledge of new technologies, spending for cloud, IoT, Big Data, Security, Hiperconvergência, among others.

it is Thus crucial to have technology partners that are able to take care of the operational needs of the executive IT. Thus, the assembler can help on two fronts. The first is take parts or the whole of the IT operation solutions and services proactive in improving processes and free the team to act on issues that are more strategic. And the second way is to support the CIO in the search and installation of the ideal solutions leading the organization digital transformation. Not simply just offer a hardware or a software, but it is essential that the assembler be able to visualize what the business needs and which set of technology and services will be best for each market segment. The only way for the CIO to be able to focus on a more comprehensive view of the business in conjunction with the CEO.


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