Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Retrospective: 10 greatest moments in technology in 2014 – Brazil Post

Well, blog friends. We are nearing the end of another year. It’s time, as we did in 2012 and in 2013, to emphasize the main events in the world of technology. Let them.

10. iOS and 8 great iPhone
iOS 8 is a refinement of iOS 7. Not radical as the predecessor. But brought two things that caught my eye. The first is the Apple Pay system, which allows pay for things using the iPhone – and was born accepted on 200,000 US businesses. Thanks to Apple’s negotiating strength is the first time a type of technology has a chance to succeed (Google already tried and failed). The other novelty is less visible, but even more impressive: are called “extensions” of iOS 8. They allow applications to exchange information with each other. This makes it easier to send a link via Whatsapp or save a text in Instapaper, for example. In these situations, the iOS now operates just like Android. Enhanced printing, mo reover, by the expected launch of the iPhone. 6 – the largest screen finally equates Apple turned to the size standard in Android, 4.7-inch

9. Apple Watch
Okay, he has not even been released. And the first demonstration of the clock, in September, Apple showed not right how it works or what it can do. But what showed was enough to impress. The Apple Watch looks better and more elegant than the smartwatches already on the market, as the models from LG, Samsung, Sony and Motorola. If they will, we will only know in 2015. Neither Apple itself seems totally secure way forward. So much so that, in a surprise move, released the API (programming interface) clock before releasing it, so others have come forward and develop apps for it. This completely reverses the logic of the iPhone – born closed, and only after much persuasion was open for third-party applications. New times. < /P>

8. Microsoft’s reaction
the last three decades, Microsoft missed with some frequency; sometimes erred ugly. But it can not be accused of stubbornness. The company’s history is full of episodes in which she realized what she had done, corrected their mistakes and gave a comeback. In 2014, it happened twice. First was the repositioning of the Xbox One Microsoft decided to push the Kinect sensor along with the console -. That, so went a bit more expensive than the PlayStation 4 (US and Brazilian gray market). This difference, and a certain disadvantage of power, made the Xbox One look good behind the PS4 in sales. But Microsoft dropped Kinect, lowered the price, invested in exclusive games and reacted. The latest figures, has 10 million consoles sold (against 14 Sony). Still behind, but is closing the gap. The other change was in Windows, the new version finally brings back the traditional Start Menu. That is, back to work as the traditio nal Windows. ‘re Absolutely right.

7. Google ultravigilância
If you use Android phone, Google keeps a report with all the places where you’ve been. All the same, every minute of every day of your life. And you can see everything with your own eyes. This unpleasant discovery, we have reached in August, gave the talk – the post was the most read of the year on this blog, with over 740 thousand accesses. It seems that the constant monitoring that all suffer the Internet, social networks and smartphones finally began to bother.

6. Material Design
Apple is good at design, but is weak in online services. Google is good at online services, but is weak in design. That has always been the relative strengths of the two companies. In 2014, it changed – because Google finally agreed to hand in the design. Four years after being hired, the Chilean Matias Duarte (which was the Palm) finally managed to transform the look of Google’s products, which today are recognized by the beauty and visual consistency. This process reached its apogee with the introduction of Material Design, visual language adopted in all Google products – Gmail to Android. It is very beautiful, and leaves nothing due to iOS.

5. The return of virtual reality
I remember the first time I used a virtual reality device. It was a Virtuality helmet in the 90s I was a child, and found it amazing. The media kept talking in virtual reality, how it would be the great technological revolution of humanity, etc. and such (kind of like today refers to social networks, but that’s another story). The fact is that the time passed, and no one has found a practical use for the RV. Or rather, utility, until yes. But lacked the processing power to generate convincing virtual sets – the leap of tosquinhos graphics for photorealism proved much larger and more difficult than imagined. But now, 20 years later, virtual reality seems to be reborn. In March, Facebook announced the acquisition, for $ 2 billion, the Oculus Rift – which is developing a cool VR system. And Sony unveiled the Project Morpheus, a VR helmet for the PlayStation 4 which can be launched next year.

4. The Heartbleed case
Security holes appear every day. But there never was such a great. Called Heartbleed, the breach affected no less than 66% of all internet sites – if you had an account with one of them, your password could be stolen. Gradually, the problem was being repaired. Interestingly, the National Security Agency, the US spy super-agency, was aware of the failure and operated since 2012 to access the accounts of people who wanted to monitor. As it probably has, today, access to other loopholes that are not public knowledge.

3. Death of Nokia
Nokia was sold to Microsoft in 2013, but had some survival – this year reached to launch an Android phone (something that could have saved the company). But finally over. In September, Microsoft killed the Nokia brand, whose name is no longer used in mobile phones it sells in the US. In Brazil, it has not happened, but it seems a matter of time. In November, the leftovers of Nokia tested until a turn, with the release of N1 tablet. But it is a means generic device that looks like a copy of the iPad Mini – and is manufactured by Chinese Foxconn. Not a real Nokia.

2. Facebook in The elections
Wow. Even now, two months after the election, there is still a hangover fog – and people head and ears warm by who spoke and heard on Facebook during the elections. People fought each other with an unpredictable Ghana. Were weeks of explicit breaking-stick, in which each side defended its policy position with some arguments, several insults, much burning. People blocked each other, friendships (virtual and real) crumbled. Everyone got involved, or being affected by the Facebook policies fights. Even those who did not want to get them, but saw his own timeline taken by the electoral Fla-Flu fire – fanned by filling sharing links to information, both false as true. It was the first election to stir true with social networks (and to be less but materially influenced by them). Let’s see how will be the next.

1. “She”
know those things that are right in front of you, but you only see when someone out? They are like invisible elephants. In 2014, the movie “She” did it with the greatest of our time: the side effects of technology. As the hyper life is changing emotions and human relationships – and what will happen to us in a few years, with the evolution of this process (spoiler: not a good thing). A transformation that we are living, we feel at all times of the day, and on which we talked better this text here. If you have not read, read. If not seen the movie, you see. There’s always time to reflect and change things.

That’s it. That hug and see you in January!

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