The psychologist and researcher Larry D. Rosen, California, considered one of the world’s leading authorities when it comes to the relationship between man and technology, said the Region diary about it. Rosen is a warning to the risk of people becoming mentally ill in his narcissistic relationship and obsessive-compulsive with your gadgets.
The author of books like “Rewired” and “iDisorder”, still no translation in Brazil, Rosen has evaluated with some concern that the use has been made of technological equipment. Chairman of the Department of Psychology at California State University, the scholar is known as the psychologist technology. Rosen alert parents about the risks of becoming addicted to social networks.< br />
On the other hand, it also highlights the importance of new media if well used. If, on the one hand, Rosen recognizes the importance of some research that already point to the list of mental disorders in those who use social networking excess, also points to a lower risk of change in the mood of those who interact with friends hereby to throughout the day. That is, although critical, Rosen is not definitive when it addresses the issue and believes more research should be carried out prior to demonize social networks.
Daily Region – What do you think about the relationship of young people eat technology ?
Larry Rosen – We are living in a time when technology options are expanding rapidly. It worries me, particularly, the various ways found to electronic communication, from the most traditional ways, such as telephone and e-mail, to newer forms such as text messaging and the use of available social networks. The diversity is such that it is almost impossible to tell. What we see now is that people are increasingly feeling “forced” to be all the time connected to these platforms. Just see how the young are checking their phones every 15 minutes or less.
Daily – believed that many stimuli are affecting human behavior ?
Rosen – People sleep with their connected devices or the vibrator, creating a constant state of anxiety as to have the impression that their phones are vibrating, but when the remove the pocket or purse there is no message or notification. That’s just a shot of random signals of neurons, leading to an “itch” and not a warning.
This happens a lot with people who do not drop out their smartphones by. For many young people, their cell phones are no longer carried in a pocket or purse to be always in one hand, waiting for a call or a notification. From the perspective of our brains, people are having these behaviors to remove neurotransmitters that give anxiety and stress signals, such as cortisol.
Daily – How do you see the fact that children have access to computers still in infancy? Believes that this has been reflected in the fact that new generations are more hyperactive?
Rosen – This is a very interesting question. It’s like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg. The feeling I have, by research, is that because there are many types of technologies monitored all the time, we are seen as if we were hyperactive, but in fact we are just trying to keep up, watching the various things we checked all the time , texts, Facebook, apps, email, Instagram. We are having to check everything, all the time, to assure ourselves that we are not missing anything that is important. Some polls give the name of this FOMO: Fear of Missing Out (fear of missing out on the translation into Portuguese).
Daily – Why do some people seem to get depressed when they are not in touch with their mobile devices, connected in a social network ?
Rosen – There was some interest in a topic known as the depression of Facebook, which states that when we see all the positive posts of our friends having fun much more than us, we become depressed. There is little evidence about it, but there is always some, and for many people, this is a worrying situation. Have our research showed that those who have more friends on Facebook and talking over the phone on a daily basis, in fact, shown to have less symptoms of both dysthymia, as frames of deeper depressions.
However, those who use Facebook with? more often, they have added more friends and regularly update their status with new posts and photos presented a higher number of disease symptoms on the basis of anxiety, such as narcissism, antisocial personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
And those who excessively use Facebook also showed higher symptoms of manic disorders, half of bipolar and other depressive. So you can see that it is quite complicated, but some good research is being done to try to understand how technology in general, and especially social networks, are affecting the psychological state of the people.
Daily – How will the future going forward with the presence of robots increasingly interacting with humans ?
Rosen – I made a personal promise not predict the future, because every time I try to do it, I fool myself completely. For example, I never expected that one? Website? Like Facebook could reach 1.3 billion active users worldwide and certainly never imagined that one day we’d all be carrying a powerful computer in your pocket. Technology is changing so fast that any forecast today would wrong in the future. However, I believe we will continue to operate from a state of anxiety, which will lead us to the excessive use of technology.
Daily – When it comes to mental health, when it’s time to intervene to prevent permanent damage to the human brain ?
Rosen – So far there is no evidence that the technology can cause any damage to the brain. All experiences we change our brain, both by the release of neurotransmitters such as by growth and removal of axons and dendrites that are extensions of our neurons or nerve brain cells.
Everyday How the child may be eligible without a loss?
Rosen – As parents, we must be very careful to moderate as and when our children can make use of technology. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding exposing children under two years to the computer screens. But I see it as something very realistic, since children love playing in technological devices screens and do a simple and intuitive way. That’s the beauty of these technologies, since they are so simple and require very natural actions, even for children.
Daily – When the use of technology is favorable ?
Rosen – I believe that parents should stick to a few basic rules: First of all, the technology should not be used when there are opportunities to interact with other children or with adults . This means not allowing the child to use the tablet for dinner because that will prevent them from talking to parents. The family needs that time to learn from each other. Children need a lot of face conversation ahead to learn about all the nonverbal cues that signal emotions and feelings.
And without these, they are unable to relate effectively with others. Secondly, children should not use technological devices for a very long period, I would say no more than 30 minutes at a time when smaller, and gradually extend to 90 minutes (which is the duration of most movies), when the child is already among its 10 or 11 years. Breaks should be twice as long (or more) that were in front of it.
For example, if a child was playing on the phone for half an hour, I would leave without making use of any technology for at least two hours. After that, I believe that pre-teens and teenagers should not use their technological devices for more than two hours straight. As for young adults and older, breaks need not be as long – 10 or 15 minutes, but they need to engage in activities that allow to give a “reset”, ie that reconfigure the brain or calm down hyperactivity that promote technologies. Ideally participate in physical activities, observe nature or talk to someone face to face, in short, any activity that may reassure the brain.
Daily – As the world was affected by the internet?
Rosen – Social media has been at the forefront of the revolutions in the Middle East and approached people who are geographically separated. The fact that I can give you this interview while I’m in San Diego, California, and you here in Brazil is one of the positive results. Another major impact is that the information be accessible to anyone, anywhere that has internet access. ? The information is no longer exclusive and just meant for those who can attend a library.? We can now search for information on any topic at any time. The world was reduced to the size of a pea in the diffusion of knowledge and communication.
& gt; & gt; Read here the Journal of Digital Region
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