Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Laboratory in Recife stimulates creation of products through … – Globo.com

A laboratory in Recife has helped the production of new products through technology. A laser cutter and 3D printer are available in the Fab Lab Recife, which includes a project that aims to democratize the use of equipment that is expensive and would normally be difficult to be accessed.

The space at Fort House, North Reef area is small, temporary, but very busy, turning ideas into prototypes and materializing creations. “The Fab Lab was born at MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States] in the early 2000. To give you idea a year ago had 150 laboratories worldwide. Today there are over 400, which shows the trend of the maker movement take over the whole world, which is a move that makes people materialize their ideas, take their role of ideas, “says the executive director of the enterprise, Edgar Andrade.

Paul Carvalho architect creates furniture, decorative objects and architectural designs with the new tools. “This allows me to materialize, we all materializemos our ideas that were previously only in the digital world and we now can materialize with this technology”, he said.

Trained in architecture, Natalia Tapety use the 3D printer to form sophisticated accessories. “The idea is always to make parts you look at and say, this piece was made in a different way, using different technology, could not be done otherwise,” says

The possibilities for use of. laboratory resources are unlimited. Goers and members of the project often say that it can be done almost everything in space, which is dedicated to innovation, creation and experimentation. And when people and machines come together, the result is amazing.

Pregnancy Isaac robot, for example, champion of a competition in Latin America, also passed by the laboratory. “We have this part here holding the tablet, so here was developed 3D printer as well as the part that makes all the mechanical part of it. This here is that the motor coupling with the robot, “explains Henry Forest.

The creative team of Capibaribe Park, which will give a new face to the area that borders the river, also used the laboratory for develop the model of an urban equipment that goes far beyond a common bank. “We draw the project and at the same time we will have the collaboration of the Fab Lab in order to make this model of this project, which is a step to run,” explains architect and engineer Capibaribe Park, Roberto Montezuma.

The final seat lab will be built at Santana Park until May 2015. Until then, this equipment will be on service of those who bring innovative ideas. No matter the profession, let alone age. To democratize the use of equipment, 40% of the time machine utilization will go to ordinary users for free. The rest will follow a schedule where a fee will be charged for the use of machinery and also the material.

The schedule can be made by calling (81) 3314-5390. The Fab Lab works at Rua Dona Ada Vieira, 87, from 14h to 18h.


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