Monday, December 15, 2014

As technology ‘extended’ charcuterie exports – News Minute to

A business group Famalicão invested in a technology developed by the University of Aveiro to increase from three to four months charcuterie of validity periods that produces and get export to more distant markets, was released today.

According to the president of the Board of Directors of Primor, Pedro Pinto, the group bill currently 174 million, 26 percent of which are for export.

Primor already exports to 35 countries, enabling that technology developed by the University of Aveiro that their products reach the most distant markets, such as Japan and South Korea.

Pedro Pinto stressed the bet “permanent” in research but also innovation, “to respond to the global market.”

As an example of innovation, noted the new range The new range of products “Natura”, already being marketed to be one ham birds below 50% salt, lactose-free and gluten-free and low in fat.

In the course are new projects, in partnership with the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and the University of Minho, aimed at creating packaging for innovative products of the brand.

“We invest in products to the customer,” said Pedro Pinto, during a visit to the factory of the president of the Chamber of Famalicão, Paulo Cunha, under the road map by the mayor to disseminate examples of entrepreneurship and “business boldness” in the county.

With five factories, one of which in Spain and one in Angola, the group employs about 900 workers.

Have guaranteed to obtain two dozen national and international certifications, including the Halal certification, which opened the doors of the Islamic market, and the ESCA certification, which allowed him to enter the international McDonald’s chain.

“Certification is an essential tool for the entry into new markets,” he said Pedro Pinto, noting that the group wants to strengthen its presence abroad.

The Primor Group makes all the pig sector, from the creation to final product for sale to consumers. It produces 2.3 million per month cuvettes all kinds of meats and cutting per day 2,400 carcasses of pigs, a weight of about 200 tons.


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