Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A notebook reusable could only be possible with technology – SAPO Tek

While technology is lavish to create new, also it is pointed out the talent of reshape, modernise and redesign the existing one. Products like this are good examples of this. The once simple and finite, notebooks paper, notebooks can today, with the help of innovation, you become an authentic gadget.

The Rocketbook Everlast are a link between the traditional and the contemporary. Not to detract from the experience of writing in a notebook, but, at the same time, they join you with a hand full of features that a single paper is unable to make it possible.

like any other piece of paper, the pages of the Rocketbook allow you to write anything about them with a normal pen, however, a cloth or a handkerchief damp serves to erase any scribble and leave the page again, blank. The company says that the pages do not spoil with time. You can write and erase as often as you want because, as it reads on the Kickstarter, the Rocketbook is “infinitely reusable”.

Finish it is also not a headache. Delete a page, in this case, does not mean that you have to dispose of the notes. Through a set of symbols that appear in the footer of the pages, the user can transfer the contents of each one of them to Google Drive, Evernote, Dropbox, Slack, Box, or send them directly to your e-mail with the help of an app dedicated.

The Rocketbook Everlast are from the past month of November in a campaign by eu funding on Kickstarter, but with 39 days remaining until the end of the fundraising, the notebook has already surpassed in almost 180 thousand dollars the established target.

If you want to order one of these you will have to support the project with a minimum of 34 dollars. You can choose between two sizes, and in addition to a Rocketbook Everlast also has the right to one of the pens that the company says are optimized for the use of the notebooks.


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