Monday, July 11, 2016

New app can detect emotions of politicians – Magazine Saturday

8:00 • André Rito | PHOTO: Antonio Cotrim / Lusa

Imagine a technology capable of detecting the lies of politicians. Yes, there is, and startup that developed announces it as “a new era in political communication”. The method is simple: an application for smartphone uses a common web Campara analyze facial movement and expressions of a politician, during a speech, for example.

With this data, you can determine your state of mind and realize the guy is even the mirror of your soul. Developed initially as a marketing tool, the application has been used for days in Valencia, where he was born the startup Emotion Research Lab, in an initiative of the Party Senator People Rita Barberá, suspected corruption.

The former mayor proved peaceful, quiet and affable, but his Microexpressions revealed betrayal, sadness, anger and disbelief. There is the other side, the politicians who use this technology as an electoral tool. The Spanish company already advises candidates to Mexican municipal and state elections. Objective: to study the reactions of voters to speeches, public appearances and marketing campaigns, and provide after function guidance of collected data

Already in 2012, in Mexico, the presidential candidate winner, Enrique Peña Nieto. Neuropolitics resorted to consulting firms to analyze facial expressions, brain waves and heart rate of the voters and thus improve their speeches and convey positive feelings. The starting point of the idea is simple: human beings have common physical features and facial movements are one of them. That is, when we smile or we are afraid, the facial muscles that move are the same for everyone.

Market Research distance
The idea was developed by industrial engineer Alicia Mora, and Mary Pocoví, specialist in marketing , in order to explore the grounds neuromarketing , do market research in the distance and overcome a problem with that all marketeers struggle: the lie. “People do not always tell the truth, often for free,” he told El Mundo Alicia Mora. “[With this technology] read micro expressions by a mathematical algorithm and make the face reading.

software uses a kind of virtual mask to identify the emotions.” The app examines 400 points of the face and forehead 169 face muscles, fitting results in several parameters: surprise, happiness, sadness, shame, anger, disbelief. “There are micro expressions that escape the human eye but can not escape our software .”

This article was originally published in No. 630, on May 25 2016.

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