Sunday, November 29, 2015

Connected and raped: how technology is used in abuses … – BBC Brazil

Thinkstock Image copyright THINKSTOCK
Image caption In constant connectivity times, technology has become tool for ‘attacking women and girls’, warned the UN

When the British actress Emma Watson campaigned in favor of gender equality in the United Nations (UN ), she did not know who was making itself a target of persecution by a global mob.

When technology is an ally

Last month, the Black Point campaign has taken the social networks by storm: a well-intentioned effort to identify victims of domestic violence seeking help by asking them desenhassem black spots on their hands and publish it on the internet.

“In just 24 hours, the campaign reached 6000 people worldwide and helped six women”, published one of its organizers.

Your viral success did not receive the support of groups fighting domestic violence because of fear that it would attract attention to the victims, which could become the target of the wrath of their abusers.

But it was an example of how technology and social networks can be an ally against gender violence. As well as this, there are other projects in the world.

The hashtag #NiUnaMenos was created in Argentina to condemn femicide that go unpunished. The campaign “Bites for All” seeks to combat gender violence in Pakistan.

The Medicapt application is created in the Congo to collect and transmit evidence of domestic violence. And the campaign # meuprimeiroassédio was launched in Brazil for women to report abuse still suffered in childhood.

Neither knew the developer Zoe Quinn games she would be abused by entering a world predominantly male -. the hate campaign, called “gamergate” began when her ex-boyfriend accused her of having achieved a good media coverage of their games by offering sexual favors

What came after was a misogynist harassment from other online players, including threats of rape and death.

Similarly, the American actress Jennifer Lawrence has become a victim of “sexual offense” after photos in which she was naked were castings and distributed by the digital world

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As such, there are many other examples: in constant connectivity times, technology has become a tool to “attack women and girls,” says the UN

Millions of women worldwide are subjected to domestic violence just for being what they are: women. And the popularity of communication technologies and social networks have enabled new forms of rape them.

It is time for the “world awakening” to the importance of this issue, the United Nations said. The organization estimates that 95% of all aggressive behavior and detractors on the Internet have women as targets.

“The online violence overthrew positive original premise of Internet freedom and, too often, to become a space chilling allowing anonymous cruelty and facilitates attacks against women and girls, “says Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women, the agency’s organization dedicated to gender equality and greater female power.

Gender-based violence in the world digital is no longer a “first world problem”, say experts in technology, and comes in the wake of the global popularization of smartphones and tablets and the Internet.

It is not easy to fight it, since technologies Digital is a double-edged sword, which can be used both to perpetrate gender violence as to make women feel safe and more independent.

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digital Pandemic

With one in three women have already suffered from it, the World Health Organization Health (WHO) considers violence against women “as a global health problem of epidemic proportions,” ranging from domestic abuse to harassment in the street, sex trafficking, rape and femicide.

Social media boosted further this pandemic

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Image copyright ITU. Jacobson Gonzalez
Image caption Game Developer Zoe Quinn was abused on the Internet

“The Internet is available to all, as well as violence. Their perpetrators are no longer limited by geographical or physical boundaries,” he says Baroness Patricia Scotland, former Attorney General of the UK and founder of Alliance Corporate Against Domestic Violence organization.

The center of association studies for Progressive Communication established the “four A’s” that distinguish gender violence related technology to:. anonymity, accessibility, action at a distance (thus exerting less apparent form of violence without physical contact) and automation (ie less time and effort are needed to perpetrate the attack)

This behavior online violent ranges from cyber bullying and public vilification to physical aggression desire -. and the Internet can be a tool to transform the virtual violence to real violence

“Intimidation, threats and access to the victim information not are new tactics within the context of domestic violence. But the use of technology means that harassment and abuse can become more invasive, intense and traumatic, “says Kaofeng Lee, the nonprofit National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV, its acronym in English).

  • 74% of the countries do not take appropriate action through the courts and police forces

  • 65% of women who are victims prefer not to report ciberviolência for fear of reprisals social

  • 56% say they have experienced some form of harassment

  • 26 % have been victims of persecution

  • 25% suffered sexual harassment

  • 5% say something happened online that led to run “physical danger”

A survey conducted by NNEDV, which is based in the United States, found that 89% of victims enrolled in programs related to domestic violence suffered some kind of abuse through technologies, often on different platforms.

And the victims are younger and younger, according to the figures show.

No hazing

The reaction in social networks famous women against such violence has helped raise awareness about the poblema, experts say.

There were only Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson. There is also Caroline Criado-Perez, for example, that for a time became the main target of online abuse in the internet speaks English after asking the British government to put more women in the printed faces in paper money.

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Image copyright AFP
Image caption Women have joined worldwide to contain and expose cases of violence

She was the victim of intense persecution on social media:. insults, provocations and threats by other users

Some believe the lack of regulation in most countries needs be resolved, beyond the simple fact that digital bullying is not always taken seriously.

Danielle Citron, a professor at the University of Maryland and author of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace (crimes hatred in the cyber environment, in English), analyzed the most common reactions to threats of death and rape on the internet and found that sometimes these messages are considered “harmless” or “juvenile pranks”.

E the termination of tools created for social networks to help its members to report abuses “just a palliative to a problem of potentially dangerous real world”

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Image copyright GETTY
Image caption famous Actresses have also been the subject of virtual violence, as in revenge porn cases
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Campaigns have been prominent, and some countries have already introduced measures legal to punish offenders

Citron has campaigned in the United States by laws which criminalize revenge porn – the publication of sexually explicit images without the consent of the person photographed and form of domestic violence in the digital age which is already penalized in some countries.

But it has faced powerful critics, especially among online activists who argue that legislation so would hurt freedom of expression.

Jillian York, director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an international organization that advocates for civil rights in the network, believes that social media platforms should not filter content to monitor cases of violence.

“This sets a dangerous precedent for that certain groups require censorship of Facebook the subjects that interest you, “she wrote at Slate .

There is only 40 years, sexual harassment and domestic violence were seen as normal. Today we see the same pattern of tying in cyberspace. Online harassment is seen as trivial.

Danielle Citron, author of “Hate Crimes In Cyberspace”

  • 1. Online harassment – from abusive SMS to monitor the victim using geolocation

  • 2. Intimate partner violence – for example, threats to disclose private conversations or “revenge porn”

  • 3. Violence legitimated culturally – from pass sexist jokes to create Facebook groups that promote rape

  • 4. Sexual violence – when technology is used to attract women to situations resulting in rape or other forms of physical violence

Jonathan Bishop, a specialist in online harassment, states that, on most sites, users are able to control the collective behavior, despite considering that laws are necessary when this self-regulation fails.

A recent UN study urges members of this market – ranging from providers and cellular service companies to social networking companies, video games and all types of sites. – exercising this surveillance

“Technology companies . need to explicitly recognize violence against women as a criminal behavior “and provide” support for victims / survivors, “the report

But the picture is quite discouraging: statistics show that one in five internet users living in countries where gender violence is unlikely to be punished by law.


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