Saturday, July 4, 2015

The future is the past and the technology with a will … – Observer

Soon the world will no longer have problems transplants because you can create organs in the laboratory of genetically modified pigs to be transplanted. Soon, machines will take control and evolve so that will do for us everyday tasks. It seems the world’s future is not? But do humans really want it ?. Data sharing went so far and privacy is a concept that does not exist on the network. How will the company in five years? The machines will replace man. What can happen to our jobs? Is there future professions?

In the second event offline , the Observer invited to the debate six disruptive minds to discuss and give their input as artists, entrepreneurs, visionaries, scientists people “outside the box”.

Celso Martinho founded the Frog in 1995, the world marveled at the network (web) . Two decades later, that he was born as a college project became a giant of content and services in Portugal. Brought the “powerpoint” in his pocket, vulgar paper to be presented as optimistic and dreamy. While begins a journey through time, Celso Martinho analyzes the society in which we live. “We live in a data world. Humanity gave up the privacy “. And it stresses that everything goes through the net. “All companies, business, any entrepreneur basically creates an idea and explores its business in the database.” “This is the raw material of the digital industry.”

An industry constantly changing, which each day reinvents itself. The technology has become a “commodity” , the English word for merchandise. Currently “technology is abundant stupidly.” The paradigm has changed. Everything goes through the cloud.

What if 20 years ago, recalls Celso Martinho, “enough to be a programmer”, now people have to “understand technology,” but they also have to sense of “several areas “know interconnect knowledge. Walking through technology in this return trip to the future, the entrepreneur recalls that research in artificial intelligence is progressing by leaps and bounds. For example, in the United States, as you are trying to grow organs from pig organs genetically modified. Celso Martinho still speaks of the advances that are having replication in the brain, to launch the question. “? Are we creating artificial intelligence as to defy human”

From evolution evolving, Celso Martinho comes to what considered a “revolution”:. the “makers” People usually young, enterprising, “kids in a garage” who can have access to all materials necessary raw and “can do things that only the factories could do.” Accordingly, stresses: “Great percentage of innovation does not come from big manufacturers, but types in garages,” they no longer need the bank to take money. Prefer to finance the projects through “crowdfounding” . And comes the turn of Pedro Lima, PhD in robotics and a professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico. It is tech lover and believes that multidisciplinary is crucial for robotics. Recognizes the progress in its area and has said he would like to see robots at home as there are computers. But while presents himself as an optimist, remember that “ there is an important thing. The side of the social awareness of the impact that robots “. In this regard recalls three fundamental laws.

An educator at heart, Pedro Lima recalls the Three Laws of Robotics by Isaac Asimov , to raise the ethical question of all this ongoing technological revolution. Brings in his pocket examples of Monarch, “the IPO gasparzinho”, or the example of drones and robots of search and rescue, “to emphasize that” robotics scientists goal is to not make machines that do harm to humans. ” On the contrary.

Give sensitivity technology

In another completely opposite field is Rudolfo Quintas. It is an artist and uses technology as a means of expression. He says that “when artists work the technology do it in the sensible plan. Bring to the technology dimension of the sensible “. And oddly enough the technologies and methodologies used are similar to those used in one of the world’s best laboratories: Harvard Medical School

In the United States was inspired by the process of endocytosis – process through. absorb nutrients which cells or viruses. Used cameras to see the cells in detail. After extracted data that used to “produce sounds, graphics, interaction.” Was born the interactive sculpture “Absorption”, which reacts and interacts with the visitor. created its own algorithms and, with the help of other industries, built a way to design your idea, your feel. Therefore, it argues that “artists working in the technology plan also help build the technology.” “All I know is that without art and artists technological future will be less sensitive.”

Are we send in technology or is she sends us?

I could have been a millionaire as a teenager and created a page dedicated to Benfica. It is the founder of Quodis and without it the observer would not exist. Leo Xavier recalls the time when the internet appeared and all went in and out of a machine. Today, stresses What is happening is that the machines “have more in us than we them” . “Come to the office and is the machine (computer) that has information about the business. She is telling us what we need to do, “says Leo Xavier.

The Observer CTO will further and argues that if this continues to evolve in this way,” ten more or less 10 years, the fact is that the machine is already thinking about the medium term and there have deeper issues to be discussed. ” Such as unemployment. We are still at the beginning of this revolution, so still no one notices what will be the effects on jobs. The world of data is so vast, says Leo Xavier, that “those who best know the process, will have more competitive advantages” in the labor market.

In abstraction that for many may futuristic look, but the future is already past in regard to technology, the programmer sharing your perspective and your curiosity for the future. What will happen to the world when we become “slaves of machines” and they replace the man in trouble as answer calls in a call center or to build cars. The programmer leaves the question to debate: will we reach the point where the technology is so cheap and you can produce so much wealth that “we will have more time to explore creative things and more we enjoy life or work two hours a day. Is this the future we want? “.

In this path of technological futurism, Paulo Bastos, the first Portuguese cyberjournalist is a fan of technology, considered almost as a” prosthesis “, but supports that “technology is neutral. Is neither good nor bad it is, is what we want. ” He attended major change in the paradigm of journalism in Portugal and was part of this movement. Like technology and accompanies it. Paulo Bastos says “the future has not arrived earlier. The future is delayed. We live in a permanent present. “

Those who followed the evolution and embraced the technological revolution was Ana Neves. . Mentor of Citizenship 2.0 project, Ana Neves uses social networks to improve citizenship and social activity For the company has active citizens, the director of knowman says that several steps are required:

. Information: citizens must be informed. View open public data.

. participation: how to bring citizens to mobilize. Example crowdfounding to finance Greece.

. construction:. the idea fail to participate in something for someone to pass to be creators in the spirit of “makers”

Ana Neves speaks of citizenship applications in open source sharing economy to say that “technology does nothing without us. We do have to look at it and create interesting initiatives to build better things. “

What is the future profession?

With the advancement of technology and the use of digital teaching has been forced to evolve. In the audience this conversation arises the coming issue of owning a private school this year will teach programming as a discipline. Is there future professions for which we already prepare children?

Starting with Pedro Lima, also an educator, the answer goes towards “multidisciplinary” in that art. Celso Martinho, for its part, points out that the “Education today is everywhere. In 2015, it is reasonable to say that we have multiple channels, forms the context in which we are learning “. However, argues, “formal education school not be to adapt to the future.”

The founder of Sapo portal goes further and says even if the important question is not whether there are future professions, but yes how we should “prepare people for the future.” Leo Xavier believes that people today “not only have a profession” and should know “cross several areas” of knowledge. So Leo Xavier says he’d like to see in schools teaching that promotes, on the one hand, a greater “self-learning” of the students and on the other, to take account of the tastes of students: “No one learns alone without liking what you do.”

You can listen to the full session in this connection.


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