Wednesday, July 22, 2015

‘Addicts’ technology use app, game and mobile as if it were … –

A study by Flurry, Yahoo consultancy, pointed out that there are 280 million “addicted” to mobile applications in the world but has no medical basis. However, many Brazilians, 10% of all Internet users second the Hospital specialists (SP) have been diagnosed with a real addiction: the addiction to technology that makes its victims pass to connected 12 hours and, when they are off -line, tremble, sweat, have palpitations and, in extreme cases, reach up to attempt suicide. The G1 talked to some of them and experts in the field

“I was having several panic attacks at various times: sleeping, driving, motorcycle riding and even diving, man.”, says the dispatcher MA *, 42, who spent ten years it comes sporadically with anxiolytics (drugs to assess the tension) to discover, in December last year that one of the triggers for the attacks was anxiety for not being connected. “I saw that one of the major vectors of my anxiety was technology.”

confuse dependence on connection time. It is the time you spend connected, but the loss of control over technology that defines a dependent “
Eduardo Guedes, a researcher and director of the Institute Delete, UFRJ

He had contact with the technology at 16, in the decade of 80. Since then, new already retired, like Orkut, and other activity, such as Instagram, came into your life so launched and logo became an addiction.

“People confuse dependence on connection time. Is not it time you spend connected, but the level of loss of control over the technology that defines a dependent, “explains Eduardo Guedes, a researcher and director of the Institute Delete, an organization that is dependent on technology and is the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). In the study of Flurry, eg, “addicted” is the one who opens an app more than 60 times a day.

“I was after hours to use the internet. Already got stuck in the office because of it, “he said. Fond pictures, MA has an account on Instagram with over 2500 publications, averaging more than three images per day. The fissure was such that when he traveled to his farm, spent up to three hours editing photos. As the place is out of cellular network coverage area, MA abandoned his wife and walked to the top of a hill to get connection and publish the images.

“The person does not realize that the need for being connected is increasing and, for the same pleasure she has to use more and more. It’s like a drug, “explains psychologist Sylvia von Enck, the technological dependence core of the Hospital das Clinicas. “To the extent that the person can not control these impulses in the pursuit of pleasure, it increases these stimuli.”

So explains the technological dependence is considered one of impulse control disorders, as well as kleptomania (compulsive stealing), pyromania (pleasure in firing) and trichotillomania (pulling the hair).

Lack of control with apps and games
To MA , lack of control also extended to apps and games. So much that he already downloaded more than 340 programs for mobile and battles of “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” during the night were the terror of the wife nights. “I told her, ‘Do you prefer me to be drinking at the bar?’” If swapped the joystick through the glass, give the same. Alcoholism, like addiction to other drugs, and technological dependency produce similar satisfaction effects on the brain, says Guedes.

“In the case of a chemical, there are elements that interfere with the neurological functioning. But in the case of the Internet, the person releases hormones that generate pleasure and, therefore, is in some way relieved when connected spends a lot of time playing in some activity or to withdraw a moment of displeasure, anxiety and depression, “he says van Enck.

No internet = abstinence
The psychologist says that deprivation of internet functions as a forced withdrawal and can lead to violence. “We already serve some cases of parents who were seeking help because the maximum point that the son, aged 15, arrived, having thrown objects through the apartment window, was threatening to play. In another case, a 17-year-old took a knife and tried to hurt his mother. “

Without having played cases of violence, MA lived with addiction without knowing for ten years and only started to deal in Delete Institute after being advised by a friend. But the architect BR, 29 sought “the center with no idea of ​​what was happening” in 2014, shortly after an anxiety attack while watching TV with the family.

Dealing with disorder
No unglued from the phone or PC, he was always waiting for information about work and alert at the slightest sign of app notifications. “If the smartphone rang, I was looking.” After going through the institute, both as MA BR They say cope with the disorder. The architect jokes that became “copsicólogo” of friends and have even indicated the treatment to two well-known.

The psychologist HC says, however, that the patients in this condition will always have to be alert. “It’s a ‘high’,” he says, told anyway in quotes because “sometimes happen situations where the person ends reincidindo, returns to present the compulsive behavior.”

* The dependent on technology names were deleted for their request to report to preserve the privacy of respondents

Use technology sparingly, medical alert
For Dr. Ana Escobar, program consultant wellness, we must stay alert when the person ceases to have a social life and just want to stay connected.

“People are within themselves, no friends, no share moments. This can be a problem. “

The pediatrician notes that the warning also applies to children. See VIDEO:


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