Sunday, November 1, 2015

Volvo tests technology to prevent kangaroos – Rossio Gazette

The Volvo is trying to give a little help to the Australian people, using radar and cameras to detect a few meters further on, and lock as necessary. There is already similar technology to other animals – including human pawns – but kangaroos have more to say about them. A Volvo engineer said at the launch of the product, that “in Sweden have done research with larger, slower animals such as elk, reindeer and cows that threaten our roads. Kangaroos are smaller and have much more erratic behavior. It is therefore important to test and calibrate our technology in their natural habitat. “

There are not yet forecast when this technology to prevent kangaroos will be equipment base in Volvo cars sold” down there “, but will for short, since all the technology and sensors already exist, just being a matter of the gauge depending on the behavior of animals. This week, Volvo has conducted tests without hurt no kangaroo, near Canberra

Rossio Gazette

. Source: The Verge


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