Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Educating with Technology … in childhood – Pplware

increasingly we live in a world surrounded by technology, which comes at a hectic pace and we can hardly undertake a screening of “ what good ?”; “ I use can give you ?”; “ what are the advantages in using it for my day to day ?”, Among other issues.

If previously only adults had access to technology, the truth is that repeatedly the younger are brought into contact with technology showing highly interactive and intuitive in its use


Children are increasingly inserted into the technological universe and have, early on, easy to handle mobile phones, tablets and computers. In this context, an important concept to be worked out is the digital citizenship, which in other words reflects the “responsible and appropriate use of technology.”

When you’re a child, it is very important that the follow-up of parents and teachers from kindergarten in the use of technology so that they can distinguish safe situations and risk contexts and that technological resources are put to better use. Simply put, adults must show that, just as there are limits in real life, they must also exist in virtual environments.


Weather we are with technology

In addition to good use, parents and teachers should set a time limit in which children can use the technology. Because the equipment will be interactive and awaken curiosity, children tend to spend hours connected, leaving aside the living spaces and homework. So it is true that adults encourage digital literacy, ie the ability to know how and when to use the technology

The first reason is the most obvious:. We live in a society where technology has a central role. We use it in most of our everyday tasks, without realizing characterizing them as a technologically unsustainable society, ie a society unable to develop tools you use.

From this perspective, education in Technology is key to building a sustainable society. Does not suffice to be just consumers of technology but also creators, promoting entrepreneurship and facilitating the necessary tools to enrich the knowledge of the industrial network and enterprise of our country.

it is currently deposited in technology a set of expectations technology can hardly satisfy. We hope that all present and future problems will be solved sooner or later, thanks to technological progress. In short, we have mythologized the term “technology”.

For these reasons is that many technology companies and HRC is a good example in this field, have developed educational projects to share all the knowledge generated and encourage you to do so. For this reason all the tools and training courses that the brand offers are free among educators since argue that these tools are appropriate and sufficient to acquire necessary skills and abilities to deal with any learning tool, free or proprietary, by students who later will be part of the labor market

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This concern of the brand serves as a response to Portuguese parents , who believe that the success of the economy of a country depends on the proper use of technology by children, which should be encouraged in schools from an early age.

educational HRC Project

In conclusion format, the educational project HRC believes that technology education should necessarily be based on three pillars: hardware; software and design. Based on this premise is created an ecosystem in which children use hardware, learn how to program it and may also be able to perceive the structures that house the hardware through 3D printers.
This ecosystem provides a pedagogical proposal to include learning technology within an educational model based on interdisciplinary projects. This is not only to teach robotics (learning of robotics hardware, software and design)., Is also showing other content using robotics as a learning tool

This paper reinforces once again the Study on technological education in Europe conducted by GfK for HRC that reveals the importance that the Portuguese parents, along with the countries of southern Europe and the United united, give the technology in the education of their children and the role that schools and businesses play in preparation for tomorrow’s society. Now there is only to put into practice.

Do you think that technology should be included in the student’s learning process?


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