Friday, September 11, 2015

Technology and education: where is the balance? – Jornal do Brazil

The theme of technology and education has been a recurring everywhere. The impression, to the outsider, is that technology is a young rebellious and undisciplined coming disrupt the system and cause chaos. But it is not so. Within a few minutes of reflection, everyone can come to a different verdict, after all, none of us would be willing to give up a millimeter of the advantages that said “new” technology has brought us.

To begin this discussion, we must first define what is meant by technology. How about we talk about mimeograph machines, overhead projectors, photocopiers, calculators, computers, notebooks, word processors and spreadsheets? Technology has never been the problem.

What is being discussed now is not really the issue of technology, because it was always required and encouraged. What is debated is what smartphones, tablets and their connections caused social behavior and how this new reality liberalized access to information, good and bad, and revolutionized the world of human interactions. The school, the press, books and even family are no longer the only sources of knowledge and this caused a void that is turning into panic.

As this void can not be understood, the conversation soon is directed to criticize young people. We are unable to remember what our parents were square, tacky, funny faces and complained that youth of today, as we are doing now.

Having established that there is nothing new in the air, we can analyze the scenario with other look. The first thing we have to assume is that we do not have the power to change the course of transformations. Second, natural and obvious, is that we need to see that there are always opportunities for all, especially in the chaos.

Internet Steering Committee data in 2014 Brazil, analyzing students between 9 and 17, show that 61% of young people from classes A and B access the Internet by smartphones. The same applies to 49% of young people of class C and 47% of young people from classes D and E.

the last ENEM Data realize that there is unequivocally a direct relationship between social class and performance on the exam. At least 80% of young people among the 100 institutions best classified are in classes A and B.

If the caste difference is not capable of generating such a big gap regarding the use of technology and this same technology is able to ignore barriers and boundaries, we seem to have here a great opportunity to democratize access to knowledge, critical skills and citizenship. But how to balance this balance: on the one hand these strange young people and others, the principles and procedures of the educational environment

Well, if you walked not researching about it, let me give you some good news: said generations Y and Z are, notably, more ethical, more concerned with problems of society and the environment and are more critical about the quality of their participation in the environments in which they operate.

From the point of view of the education system, it seems that the balance depends on the accession of educational methods to the new order, since they limit the social environment is not an option. Educators need to “like” relate thus need to “like” being part of a community, need to post more as facilitators of an agile customer and dynamic than how the learning process managers.

World It is different and changing more every day. To find the balance between technology and education is important that there is an evolution in schools, that teachers develop the potential of children and young people and that teach in a setting that turns every “updated” status.

* Eduardo Bahiense is founder of the Controller Education and fifteen years developing technologies for education


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