Monday, September 7, 2015

Find out if you addicted to technology. And how to avoid it – Observer

A specialist in energy control and techniques for sleeping Hospital Nightingale in London, Nerina Ramlakhan, told the BBC that the kind of people who spend most of the time ahead of technological devices “live in survival mode.” In other words, the sympathetic nervous system “works in forced pace” and, therefore, it is common that these people feel wiped out in the afternoon. This is because the “body is acting to adrenaline-based, noradrenaline and cortisol.” This is, according Ramlakhan, the Description of an addict in technology

These usually have some characteristics in common:.. Perfectionism and a tendency to control everything

They are self-motivated, competitive, aggressive people and feel a compelling need to accomplish things. They can not relax, and when they do, they feel quickly exhausted. Have a level of hyperactivity that is the product of fear of not being in control. “

So, the simple act of spending pages on the smartphone creates a sense of gratification and pleasure . Comparable to the sensation of eating favorite food . Thus, the so-called multitasking, the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time, what was once seen as an attribute, is now considered a danger, especially for children. So says psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair.

We are experiencing a decline in memory. They are to develop this part of the brain, which is a muscle that needs to exercises focused on a single activity. “

Ramlakhan explains that these people can only start its activity if they receive continuous doses dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for adrenaline and a stimulant of the nervous system. Thus, the motivation is higher, the mood is better, the ability to process information and sleep are also higher.

In other words, someone addicted to technology is actually addicted to dopamine .

Patients go to bed and can not sleep. And when they do, they wake up tired. People tell me just who can not ‘turn off the brain’ “

The expert Ramlakhan recommends four steps to tackle addiction.

  • ” Sunsets e. “: when you come bedtime, stay away from all electronic devices and read, for example, a book
  • Keep the clock away overnight. So it’s not possible to know what time it is, so that the passage of time does not cause anxiety.
  • Do not use the smartphone as an alarm clock. . Take breakfast in the first half hour after getting up and before drinking any caffeinated beverage
  • Stay hydrated:. Drink at least two liters of water a day
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