Monday, September 26, 2016

Despite the technology, the teacher makes a point of writing letters … –

Passionate letters, the retired school teacher Teresa Cristina Lins Sarmento, 69-year-old, he makes a point of writing them down even with the advancement of modern means of communication. A resident of Goianápolis, in the Central region of Goiás, it says that no message of the mobile phone compares to the thrill of sending and receiving a match.

"In the letter, we speak with the heart, speaks slowly. It is the emotion of the moment. The person reads and you can save that memory. In the 'zap' [ Whatsapp] things happen, and I like the things that are," says the teacher to the G1.

born in Recife, Teresa Cristina has not forgotten when he wrote the first ticket, 8 years. Since then, she began to compose their own cartinhas and even to other people.

"I Love to write. When I got to the state of Goiás with my husband we went to live in Petrolina de Goiás. This for 39 years. And I helped with the staff that knew how to write to write letters, Christmas cards", you remember.

As Teresa Cristina moved away from the family, the cards were the output for the exchange of stories, photos and gifts since the late 70s. The teacher saves fondly the cards that you received. Including, she is moved to show them and to read to the husband, the fiscal, is a retired agricultural José Ari Gonçalves, 70.

Interference from mobile
Teresa Cristina reveals that with the use of the phone and messaging application of the mobile phone, has been gradually reducing the amount of matches. Currently, they boil down to five per month.

In the letter, we speak with the heart, speaks slowly. It is the thrill of the moment”

The main recipient of the Teresa Cristina are the brothers and nieces who live in São Luiz of Maranhão, cousins that live in the Reef, and friends who live in Rio de Janeiro and Mato Grosso.

"Now has the 'zap', in this mania of 'zap' the people do not write letters any more, but I still command you. A friend of mine from Mato Grosso always sends because she does not have the 'zap'. She sends in two months, more or less," he says.

The time in which the teacher receives most matches is at the time of his birthday, celebrated on Monday, September 26. She fears that, with the lack of a postman fixed in the city, not to receive the time messages.

"I’m worried not to receive my cards for the birthday, but also has the billets that arrive by the Post office. It is unacceptable that a city does not have postmen fixed," said.

Post office
Goianápolis had two postmen until march of this year, one of them resigned in march and the other graduated to run for the post of alderman in August. Thus, according to the locals, the matches were piling up and causing damages to the population.

After a complaint of the residents, was made a task force in mid-September and the distribution was normalized in the city. According to the Post, the work is being held with the presence of at least one postman every day in the city.

The Post office argue that “the city was not underserved”, because the system of reallocation of postmen has been applied. According to the company, the distribution was hampered by the lack of map and numbering irregular of the municipality, which complicates the work of postmen external.

Since the morning of Friday (23), the G1 try to contact by phone and e-mail with the Municipality of Goianápolis, but there was a motion on the numbering of the city until the publication of this report.

In the state of Goiás, 71 cities have only one postman and 35, two professionals, according to a survey by the Post office. The company ensures that they meet the demand of distruibuição location and that, when there is any embezzlement, these municipalities “are not destitute, because “postmen from other cities are relocated, as well as are put in place for special operations”.


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