Monday, February 29, 2016

technology competition for girls chooses a boy like … – Digital Look

The world of science and technology, despite involving women is exclusively geared toward men. In an attempt to change this profile, the British company EDF Energy created the Pretty Curious, a competition to attract girls to the areas of science, technology, engineering and math.

However, a controversy is swirling around the contest. In its latest edition, EDF Energy opened the Pretty Curious for all young people 11-16 years to think of connected home ideas, rewarding a 13 boy as the winner.

The teenager created a control video game capable of harnessing the kinetic energy generated by their use. Three of the four runners-up, who had ideal smart curtains, intelligent fridge and a sleep monitor, were girls.

A computer scientist Sue Black OBE questioned the decision on his Twitter. “Congratulations to the winner – but I’d love to hear EDF on the choice of winner meets its goal for the competition,” published

Other side

. in defense, the company claimed that the contest was open to all young people 11-16 years in the “interests of justice” and added that the “winner was nominated by a panel of judges, including a team only winning women workshop #PrettyCurious Glasgow “. Nevertheless, the competition page continues to indicate that the program is geared toward girls.

On the other hand, not comments on the subject were negative. The winner of the Google Global Science Fair 2014, Ciara Judge, questioned in his blog to let a girl win a contest aimed at interaction with the sciences actually promotes girls in the area. “We girls have more courage and determination than just give up because we have not won a competition … Please more credit deem us than that.”

This is not the first time the contest is criticized . When it was released, many women working in STEM (acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics), claimed that the name of the campaign and videos released were sexist.

“This strategy seems to show interest in girls and women, while actually shows them wearing a pink badge at all times, drawing attention to our genre above our achievements, “said Emily Schoerning, director of Community Organizing and Research.

on the website of Pretty Curious, EDF states that in the UK, only 1 out of 7 people working in science, technology, engineering and math are female. “Our campaign aims to change that lit the imagination of young girls, inspiring them to curiosity about the world around them and follow issues related science in school and in their careers.”


Terminal invests in technology to reduce emissions –

The oldest warehouse ADM, now installed in the Port of Santos, had no use for a long time and therefore the space of 11 thousand square meters will be occupied by one of the most modern warehouses of Santos pier grains. The terminal is investing in technology in favor of the environment.

According to Eduardo Rodrigues, director of logistics and ports of ADM, the technology used does not yet exist in the Brazil . “ADM ran the whole world to find what was best in shiploaders technology, a British technology that is used for cement and reduces the maximum dust emission to the environment. And we’re bringing it to the grain, “he concludes.

Two shiploaders, equipment leading products to the ship, will operate at the Santos terminal. In addition, local discharging wagons and trucks will also be closed with automatic curtains, which will prevent large dust emission in contact with the environment.

Rodrigues also said it will use ‘smart lamellae ‘. “We are confining all the dust emission at the terminal because we believe that is a necessity of society and it is our duty as a company,” he adds.

The port consultant Sergio Aquino said that the expansion works came in great time. “These investments are critical to the survival and competitiveness of the Port of Santos. It is a way to overcome the crisis with investment in port infrastructure, which generates results in the medium and long term, “he said.

The main objective is to reduce by 70% or 80% dust reduction in terminal Santos. The modernization process began in January this year and will be completed in February 2017. One thousand indirect jobs will be generated during construction. It is expected to also increase the staff when the new warehouse is running.


“Every technology you use actually comes from the government” – InfoMoney

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The iPhone is an amazing device. But what if one of America's leading intellectuals spoke you that he actually is derived from state research?

This is the theory of the linguist Noam Chomsky, who explained how the "taxpayers" actually fund development in technology and the "private sector" has just captured all profits to create products with this technology for consumption tax payers own

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Uber drivers make new application not to be thrown away
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Noam Chomsky explains the origin of the profits of large companies ca ... tHE TRUTH aBOUT pROFIT oF EMPRESASNo capitalism, who invested and took risks should get the profits, right Well that's not what acontece.Veja what Noam Chomsky talks about the origin of the profits of large companies capitalistas.Via: a leftist any

Posted by Mariachi on Friday, February 26, 2016

Appeando Content



Government technology iphone

February 29, 2016 – Computerworld Portugal

The partner of Schneider Electric has to the second highest level of the channel program


Jo & # XE3; the Feio_Cilnet

John Ugly, manager of the business unit of Cilnet infrastructure

Schneider Electric announced that Cilnet, integrator of technology solutions, became Premier partner, the second highest level in the partner program for business based on the APC technology.
“Recently we created a new unit business where the key partners were identified.

“Schneider Electric comes as a key partner in the area of ​​Data centers and Infrastructure and one of the main advantages of this partnership involves providing our customers with solutions key-in-hand: its design, production, value-added services and maintenance, “John Ugly, manager of the business unit of Cilnet infrastructure

with the celebrated partnership with Schneider Electric. the Cilnet could enjoy in a short time, new business opportunities, giving its offer with Data Center solutions, said in a statement. The new program partners APC by Schneider Electric guarantees the free certification and is available to all partners and IT resellers. At lower levels, the program only provides for online training, which is at higher levels, as Premier and Elite, the partner already has defined billing purposes and classroom training



School of Prince George does not give much attention to technology – UOL

The third in line of succession to the British throne, Prince George, 2, entered the school this year. The chosen institution was Westacre Montessori in Norfolk, the same attended by his father, Prince William. Against the value of technology in education, Westacre, computer use is not a priority.

According to the website of the Montessori Society, of which the boy’s school part, working with technology not necessarily need to make use of this machine. You can work the subject with light switches, among other items.

The school is adept at the Montessori method. Created by Italian Maria Montessori (1870-1952), he preaches that the child learns alone, leaving the adults to provide an environment and learning materials for that

The Education of Prince George will focus on the management of learning own time and the organization of tasks. “We make them learn to make decisions, to organize their schedule as they grow,” says Edimara Lima, director of the Press Montessori School in São Paulo.

According to the website of Montessori Society, decision-making becomes even on not force children to stay at the table focusing if they prefer to be in the garden, pulling weeds from the earth.

the Montessori method is famous for giving children freedom of choice and many materials –deixados the reach of alunos– to learn the curricular content. There is not much difference from what is taught in a traditional school, except in teaching history and geography.

The Montessori schools work starting from the general history of the universe, for the particular traditional –the do the opposite movement.

Playback / Montessori Society In the Montessori method, materials are scattered around the classroom

according to Edimara, the big difference provided by Montessori is the way it is taught. It allowed children to explore a lot that is around you, try and choose (and early learn to choose means having to delete).

In all, the teacher does not have a prominent role, as in traditional schools. The self-education is more emphasis than lectures, when the teacher talks and the students listen.

Maria Cristina de Abreu, a professor of Prima School Montessori formed by MCI (Montessori Centre International) in London, explains that there schools work so similar to those of Brazil. “In mathematics, young children use the ‘number rods’, called here the blue and red bars that are between ten centimeters and one meter, to learn issues related to the amount,” he says.

In life practice, the school provides for children to be more independent and learn to open and close buttons and zippers as well as to tie the shoelace.

Playback / Montessori Society In order to independence of children, all items are within reach of them

According to Maria Cristina, the great secret of Montessori education is to know what to do with the learning materials. Prima School, for example, each class has 600-650 proposals for work to be selected by the educator and then offered to students.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Technology against the mosquito – Correio da Manhã

28/02/2016 11 : 00

Technology against the mosquito

infected have mild symptoms like low fever, headaches and skin irritation

             By João Ferreira, Suely Costa

Genetic manipulation can be the key to a way of fighting the virus Zika. Since 2014 a plant in Brazil produces genetically modified mosquitoes to control the mosquito population, freeing male modified in the laboratory that, to copulate with females – that bite humans – do with the contaminated eggs will eventually die before adulthood. This project has been possible to reduce the mosquito population by about 80%. The main reason for the Zika virus is the same mosquito that transmits dengue and yellow fever. Already infected millions in Latin America and is named as responsible for the increase in cases of microcephaly, which mainly affect Brazil. The alert is serious, “not by the number of deaths, which should be very small, but the consequences of pregnancy” says Jaime Nina, a specialist in Tropical Medicine. There is already a vaccine to be produced in the US, also based in science and technology, but only at the end of the year is that the first tests will be done in humans.

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