Sunday, December 27, 2015

Trends in technology in education by 2016 – Blasting News

The use of technology in education is already a reality today. Trends for the coming year will value the security of data and the more effective participation of students in the creation of projects.

The technology has always been present in the area of ​​education as an aid to the learning process. Since the earliest times, where used devices such as the abacus, until the present day, with personal computers and more recently mobile phones and tablets, the technology always is renewed to bring not only new solutions but also new features that favor the Learn.

The use of the Internet by children and young people is a reality that also reaches the classrooms and generates debate among educators. One must think of investments, which will certainly be high in order to keep pace with technological developments in the educational field.

The replacement of paper books for electronic books, called ebooks, and the use of resources such as Internet and mobile devices in the classroom, are already present in many establishments, and in the future, this growing trend will have an even greater impact, which is good, provided it is used to sharpen the imagination of students and support the work of teachers, complementing it.

1) Each student should bring their own instrument

Although ideal for a fully integrated educational system with connectivity, was a laboratory with equipment such as laptops, 3D printers , mobile and 3D glasses available to students, this still will not be a reality in 2016. Students are who will take to the classroom their own mobile phone or tablet as a common school supplies. Therefore, it is important that schools at least offer a good Wi-Fi connectivity and establish rules for the use of these devices during class.

2) audiovisual content

Use Videos in classrooms is already a reality. For 2016, students can develop their own audiovisual content and present lessons as a result of what was learned in a particular discipline.

3) Discussion on Data Security

Debates schools about Internet safety are already carried out in schools, and this trend will continue with more strength to the year 2016. It will be important to inform students about the care to be redoubled to files and information.

4) The Internet of Things

The daily life of the population is around connectivity and internet. It is impossible to live without it for just about everything. The learning system, is something still distant, but according to researchers, the use of new technologies in education for a long time has been the case in European countries, and this trend will begin to be reinforced already next year in Brazil, in projects to be realized in spaces for creation, so-called “Space Maker”, which is a technological version of “Do It Yourself”, which will give more room for appreciation, creation and discovery of the students.


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