Saturday, July 9, 2016

Innovative technologies in health are world trend and Brazil – EBC

Combining innovation and health to advanced technology is a global trend that is strengthened in Brazil today, he told the Agency Brazil Professor Alex Lucena, the Software Engineering Laboratory of Scientific Technical Center the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). He coordinated on Wednesday (6) the panel “IT and the Revolution in Health”, the 14th Rio Info, considered one of the country’s main events dedicated to information technology (IT).

” I usually say that there’s nothing more important than health, and technology today is going strong in this area, making people live longer, with better quality, improving the relationship with the care that you have and the various actors, such as hospitals, laboratories, clinics, “said Lucena. The Engineering Laboratory Software PUC-RJ started three years ago research to meet the challenge of the institution’s medical school to be a school linked to the latest technology, especially in the area of ​​’ Mobile health ‘(mobile health). A year and a half, the laboratory created the company 4H Technology and Health, whose mission is to put the patient as the center point and turn the flow of the health system information.

Alex Lucena cited international research that estimates that investments in the health sector enterprises in technological innovation projects in Brazil may reach R $ 17 billion in the next two years. This amount includes heavy investment of multinationals in the country, such as the purchase of Amil group by the United Health, the United States.

Segments such as robotics, nanotechnology, cancer, DNA are receiving heavy investments worldwide for research funding, he said. The Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, for example, has a R $ 200 million budget only to the areas of Big Data and ‘ analytics’ . “It’s a lot of money being invested, including the large national groups.”

Lucena assured that everything today permeates the information and communication technology (ICT). He bet on the growth of ‘e-health’ market in Brazil. The country already has pointed out, one of the world’s telemedicine systems in the public arena. In the health sector, he pointed out the five technology areas of greatest evidence in the country: telemedicine; ‘ Mobile health’ or ‘ m-health’ ; electronic medical records; ‘analytics ‘ (data); and internet of things. The latter is a technological revolution that connects electronic devices everyday Internet and processing of such data can change for the better life of an individual.

The use of technological tools in the medical field, such as cell , has contributed to save lives, said the teacher. Through the application ‘ WhatsApp ‘, pointed out that the population is already using technology for virtual visits to doctors. In Brazil, an adaptation of the legislation is necessary because remote consultation are not allowed. Brazilian law requires that a health professional is with the patient. In the United States, “it’s free”.

With the use of advanced technologies, Lucena said “it will not be unusual, the next generations, people living well, with more than 100 years.” The ‘ WhatsApp’ , for example, is a proven fact. Agility in medical care and the possibility of remote treatment of health problems are benefits provided to users of ICT in this area. The trend meets the demands of society itself and the market, he said. “I do not see how this regress, no. On the contrary “

Edition:. Valeria Aguiar


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