Sunday, May 15, 2016

Technology is affixed to enlarge diversification to investors … – IstoÉ

The more intensive use of technology is the betting market to expand access of retail investors to information and thereby increase the diversification of portfolios that public, still very concentrated in Brazil in traditional products and enough liquidity, as the Bank deposit Certificates (CDB). The Global Investor Pulse, global manager BlackRock, shows that 94% of Brazilians do some kind of online financial activity, a number that can make room for the so-called “robo-advisors” who are online investment services that offer recommended portfolios to customers .

“The investor perception is that a digital tool can offer advice more objective and more simply. And there is still the perception that the cost is lower, “said BlackRock’s operational director for Latin America and Iberia, Karina Saade. The manager of the research also showed that 74% of Brazilians have an interest in this type of service. A recent study by consultancy A.T. Kearne estimated that by 2020, $ 2 trillion will be applied through the “robots advisors” who, through mathematical models, not only assemble the portfolio as perform rebalancing of the portfolio systematically.

In view of this movement, BlackRock acquired last year, the Future Advisor, which provides this type of service. Karina Saade says that “advisors robots” do not come to replace financial advisors, but to reach that audience that does not use the service professional. The study of BlackRock shows that among investors in Brazil, only 22% remember having discussed asset allocation with your financial advisors. “The digital consultancy can be a tool for Brazilians who want to have a little more knowledge and are not getting,” said Karina. As a result, the portfolios of investors gain greater diversification, reducing exposure to more traditional assets and even savings.

Data from the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (ANBIMA), which considers the distribution of retail products, shows that at the end of last year, 43% of the funds were invested in savings, 23 % in mutual funds and 32.9% in securities, and that this share, 28.3% were time deposits.

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These robotized consultancies turned a strike length of market “FinTech start ups” and several companies that profile emerged in the United States, which It attracted the attention of large management, such as BlackRock. Fintech was a term coined to describe the segment of startups that create innovations in financial services.

Magnetis, for example, platform created a little over a year, made this bet, eyeing this segment in Brazil. On the site, the investor can make a record, which is sought aim of the investment term and the initial application, and issues to identify risk appetite. An investment recommendation is given for free in a few seconds, with a portfolio ranging from traditional time deposits the funds, stocks and ETFs, for example, all selected through algorithms, mapping the investor’s profile and connect the aim of your investment .

For those investors who want to rely on the consulting service, a monthly fee is charged in addition to the specific rates for each product portfolio. “Who pays only want to invest through the platform,” explains the president of Magnetis, Luciano Teixeira, noting that the cost will be much lower than for those who prefer to invest through a bank, for example. The executive does not open the number of paying customers, but says that more than ten thousand people have received Magnetis investment recommendation after the completion of registration. For the customer to execute orders without leaving the platform, the consultancy has partnered with Easynvest brokerage.


At first, the technology used in the investment environment brought easy access to retail, and now the second wave will bring information to these investors, says the director of Clear, brokerage acquired by XP in 2014, Roberto Lee. there, the area of ​​research and innovation is attentive to this movement around the world, but the perception is that using these tools is still in phase maturation, which is evident when analyzing the number of open accounts versus closing these companies abroad.

“There are a lot of open accounts, with an average ticket much lower and more fragile. The customer takes off very fast. In Brazil, the application of these ‘advisors robots’ is even more difficult, since there are few active market for these robots to choose and make the allocation, “says Lee, the Clear.

Thus, the focus of the studies has been in service with the support of ‘big data’, which is the term used for large volumes of data. “Thus, it is possible to allocate ideas not only based on questionnaires, but data on navigation and time when contributions are made,” said Lee.


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