Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Opinion: Transforming the future of education is the task of technology – Computerworld

Education is experiencing a quiet revolution, albeit late second criticism of the traditional model of education, and information technology appears as a key element for the modernization of schools, universities and learning centers. A year and a half, Gartner estimated that spending on online education will increase 25% by 2017

To parody the band music Pink Floyd (Another Brick in the Wall).: “we do not need no education”. Knowledge has long since not have to be transmitted unilaterally, and the school and the gym have bowed to a new model that relies on the availability and abundance of information everywhere, all the time, transforming the human being in many different ways .

South Korea is proof that the fastest way to the advancement of education and, consequently, to change an entire country is technology. There, the government put in place in recent decades its General Plan for ICT in Education and changed the direction of his future. Today is among the most advanced nations in the mission of educating his people and stimulate the creative economy.

The new school supplies

Of course a step like this It depends on integrated actions to complete paradigm shift of educators themselves. But it is the task of educational institutions enable the new access to knowledge and interact with the media that transmit, including applications, collaborative platforms, games and other resources shared by a multitude of smartphones, tablets and other types of mobile devices students themselves.

This reality encompasses all fields of education, is the distance (it depends on a robust infrastructure) or in person. The good news is that in Brazil, more and more leaders of schools and universities become aware that it is essential to provide infrastructure to support information technology, allied in the learning process.

Whether to meet the needs a connected generation with autonomy to learn, is to generate greater revenue opportunities to the institution itself. Who remains static on the digital revolution tends to disappear from the market.

educational centers in the country invest in the network to respond satisfactorily to the BYOD trend (Bring Your Device Own), offering support to mobile devices through which students seek knowledge. It takes more than providing broadband access points to thousands of users. The technological leap is through the use of proprietary technology, deep understanding of your audience and tailor the network to those who use it.

Innovative use

Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) invested R $ 9 million to renovate its IT infrastructure and in the last two years increased by 250% the number of users connected to your Wi-Fi network. A public institution has replaced an obsolete network hardware and software including data center switches and management that enable access speed, availability and management of the behavior of the entire infrastructure. The novelty allowed to practice projects such as VoIP and Wi-Fi on campus.

The next step is to provide the Ufal analysis applications, efficient network security and unified management. Thus, the institution will meet the profile of access in different times and places, direct bandwidth to certain applications, monitor the misuse, ensure network security and custom IT services to students and teachers in order to integrate education the technology. This investment allows the learning process is modified from projects in the classroom. – Or outside

In the south of the country, the University of Santa Cruz do Sul follows the same direction. There, the technological leap took place this year, with the upgrade of the core network which increased by 10 times the capacity of the flow of information from the infrastructure that has already been deployed on campuses. The IT team considered this important expansion to support growth policy for access to the network for teachers and students, especially as a way to stimulate research.

In addition, the university, with 13,000 students, six units and Distance mode, presented exponential growth in the number of accesses to the wireless network, with an average increase of thousand mobile devices per year, reaching peaks of 6,500 simultaneous connections that were installed infrastructure in 2000 running near full capacity. With the change, the institution now has about 5% of its capacity used by its audiences, giving a broad perspective of expansion going forward.

Creativity is the engine of development in the present day and provide infrastructure for the technology is the first solution to stimulate creation, authoring, knowledge building horizontally. And provide the necessary for interaction in this new and different ways to learn and transform the information appears as a priority task of the school and state institutions. Gradually, entrepreneurs and professionals in management positions in the industry will wake up to this reality.

* Fernando Munhoz is Marketing Channel Manager at Extreme Networks in Brazil


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