The Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) and Science, Technology, Innovation, Communication and Informatics (CCT) approved on Tuesday (28) the inclusion of amendments to the Bill of Budget Guidelines (PLDO) 2017.
One of the amendments approved by the PPA provides that in preparing the budget proposal for 2017, the Executive should prioritize the allocation of resources to measures relating to education, health and actions for children up to 6 years.
If accepted in LDO 2017, the amendment authored by Senator Cristovam Buarque (PPS-DF), will seal the limitation of commitment and financial transaction expenses covered by these areas.
on the initiative of Senator Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM), the committee also approved two amendments which prohibit the reduction of resources used by the Superintendency of the Manaus Free Zone (Suframa), especially those from collection of Administrative Services fee (TSA).
three other amendments approved in CAE, initiative Cristovam Buarque, Raimundo Lira (PMDB-PB) and Waldemir Moka (PMDB-MS), aimed at promoting micro and small enterprises, industrial development and the promotion of innovation, respectively.
Amendments in CCT
the Commission of Science, Technology, Innovation, Communication and Informatics (CCT) also adopted amendments to the LDO design for 2017.
0 report by Senator José Medeiros (PSD-MT), includes actions in support of technological extension for social inclusion and sustainable development, and digital inclusion projects as well as the construction of a nuclear-powered submarine.
the amendments approved in CAE and CAT amending Annex goals and priorities of the Budget Law 2017, it will be up to the Budget Joint Commission (JBC) to be included in the final report of the proposal.
Senate Agency (may be reproduced provided Senate Agency)