Friday, December 26, 2014

The importance of information technology associated with the management … – Administrators

We live in a globalized world. All that society requires and needs is invented, created, developed, produced and marketed by companies.


The technological innovations, especially in telecommunications and information technology, promoted the globalization process. From the telecommunications network was possible the dissemination of information between companies and financial institutions, linking the markets of the world.


At first, the computer was a mechanism which made it possible to automate certain tasks in multinational companies and government circles. With advances in technology, large machines began to lose ground to smaller and more powerful equipment. The evolution of telecommunications allowed gradually computers to begin to communicate despite being in places far away geographically. As a result, such machines no longer simply automate tasks and started to deal with information.


The Information Technology (IT) came to this very competitive market to add. And today is one of the most important components of the business environment, it is essential for the three levels of the organization (strategic, tactical and operational). (ALBERTIN; 2009) points out that the use of IT should be related to the company’s needs in order to contribute to their performance and profitability


The increase in world trade flows has as main factor the modernization of logistics. Transport, particularly sea, by which occurs most of the business transactions of import and export has a high load capacity, which also allows the globalization of goods.


In view of these changes, companies can react constructively guiding their actions by the flexibility principle in the analysis of situations. It is for the manager to be aware and well informed about their obligations in the role of management, always looking for a way to achieve excellence in their actions and operations.


Administrators should review the organizational system that match the human, material, financial and technological who are responsible for system operation maintenance in order to fulfill the mission, vision and values ​​of the company. It is they who set the organization’s goals and prepare for the changes trying to adapt them to an increasing ly dynamic and unpredictable environment.


Over the years, many management theories and management models were developed, making the day-to-day business and people. This set of activities are results-oriented, connected by information systems and influenced by an external environment, with which the organizational system interacts permanently.


It is very important that organizations are aware the forces of macro environment, understanding the patterns that affect the purchasing power of people and their needs. This comprehensive system includes demographic, cultural, social, economic, technological, physical and ecological.


The Administrator shall have knowledge and notions of Finance, Marketing, Operations and Production, Information Technology, Human Resources Management, Logistics, Economics and Accounting.


Information Technology, in turn, generates new target markets for companies, Management Information Systems transform data into information that assist in the decision-making process of the organization. An integrated system that provides information to the Directors is especially important for planning and control, as they are linked to the physical operating system and arise from the need to develop the fundamental operations of the company, for example, the database control systems, inventory control, planning and production.


The organizational performance should be evaluated for effectiveness in achieving the objectives and the efficient use of resources. No control system can address, in an integrated manner, all activities and operations of an organization. Thus, administrators use different instruments and control methods to deal with the various activities and elements of the organization. These instruments and management tools used in the control of organizational performance are known as financial control, management information systems, auditing, the balanced scorecard and benchmarking.


The organization needs to make use of the information, knowing identify which serves to enjoy properly. Already alerted Beal (2009) that information is an asset, it adds value to the organization. It is not a lot of bytes clusters, but a set of classified and organized data so that a person or a company can take advantage. Information is even a factor that can determine the surviva l or discontinuation of the activities of a business. And it is not difficult to understand. Just imagine what would happen if a financial institution lost all information of its customers. Although possible, hardly a large company can lose your information, especially when it comes to banks, chain stores, among others. However, what happens more often is the improper use of information acquired or even the under-utilization of these. This is where the Information Technology can help.


The Management Information System is a method that makes it available to the Directors the accurate information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process and to provide conditions for the functions of planning, organization, control and direction are implemented effectively .


In this context, information management focused on organizational and not merely technologic aspects stand out strongly. McGee and Pruzak (cited Rech, 2001, p. 20) recognize that “the management of information is a competitive factor.” (Porter, 1986, p. 83) considers “crucial to effective use of IT for the survival and the competitive strategy of organizations.”


Information Systems as decisive character information generators, can bring other benefits for the company, especially in the financial area, because they reduce the costs of operations and provide more accurate and quick reports. The administration of resources – material, human and financial – can be performed more quickly and accurately with the use of IT (DIAS, 1998). Other areas are also covered by the benefits of the system as the Business Logistics, Management Accounting and Human Resources.


Among the benefits of the system are impro ved productivity in work processes, improvement in realized and services offered, improving the organizational structure of the company, improved information flow, improvement in the company’s adaptation to address unforeseen events in projects and work processes, optimization of service delivery to customers, better interaction between managers and also contributes to the increased level of motivation of the people involved in the work processes.




The article concludes with a brief analysis of how it has been essential for companies using the appropriate information system that responds effectively and efficiently their demands, following the changes and market changes associated with age of information technology .


For organizations to remain competitive in this market that fluctuates every day, they have to keep up with the changes taking place around it. The technology appears to be increasingly innovative. If organizations do not know use it to their advantage, they will lose their spaces.


The contemporary managers have an important function, identify the appropriate and cost-effective technology for your market segment so that it meets the real needs of the company, knowing that will influence the whole culture and organizational structure. You need a strategic plan identifying the benefits and possible failures in the implementation of these technologies.




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