Monday, November 14, 2016

Technology and accident reduction: how IT revolutionizes the … – Terra Brasil

“it Is impossible to think about improving the performance of transportation companies, not to speak of the technological solutions and tools developed by the IT industry.”, highlights Alex DeLuiz Saints, recognized expert with more than 20 years of experience in the technology sector for transport companies.

The solutions can help in many operational difficulties of enterprises. It is the case of the location of the driver and cargo, route planning, tracking, monitoring for the customer and proof of delivery of the load, for example.

it Is as if there were a tool able to improve the results of each of the performance indicators important to the company, the so-called kpi’s . The expense of technology is increasingly seen as an investment, instead of cost.

“Investing in technology is investing in quality. It is possible to measure the results: increase of revenues, optimization of working time, reduction of costs with telephony, etc.”, explains the chief of the River Service, a company specialized in technological solutions for transport companies.

This way of thinking reflects the current moment of the transport sector. The investments in technology and logistics have revolutionized the market. Large companies have taken the forefront of this movement, and today there are such solutions as a differentiator to customers. The others try to follow this trend to boost their performance and also win more freight.

Based on their work experiences, DeLuiz ticked off the kpis that are most important to cargo carriers which can be optimized with the use of technology.

1 – fuel Expenses in relation to invoicing

The route planning done with the aid of tools, such as the rotograma spoken , allows the company and the driver to save the expense of fuel. The tool works like a “map spoken’, indicating the path that was established during the routing.

“Is a cost, seemingly small, but which, multiplied by the amount of deliveries made during the day, makes a big difference in revenues,” says DeLuiz.

2 – Deliveries made within the period

meeting deadlines is imperative in the segment. Second DeLuiz, the technology once again helps. “You can monitor the load and estimated time to finish the transfer with tools such as GPS. So the driver notices if you are late or punctual in respect to the freight,” says the IT specialist for transport.

3 – Percentage of assaults and accidents

The security is a problem faced by the companies of transport of loads in Brazil. There were more than 17 thousand assaults, in 2015. The technological solutions still do not prevent the acts in themselves. However, they can act in preventing violence cases.

the Second DeLuiz, “With the rotograma you choose the route safer and more secure with monitoring by cameras you analyze the behavior of the driver and the transportation team”.

4 – Return on Investment – ROI

The operations manager can evaluate the results and find out if the implemented solutions are bringing a positive impact on performance. Everything can be calculated at the tip of the pencil.

“The great advantage of these tools is that everything is measurable: the cost of implementation, the results and the evaluation of the team”, concludes DeLuiz.

The technology itself is not enough to bring improvements. However to ally it with the empowerment of employees and analysis of kpis important to the business is the great trend for companies to transport loads currently.

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