Fabio Marton, of Superinteressante
access_time 22 nov 2016, 10h36 – Updated on 22 nov 2016, 11: 15
EmDrive is seen as a possible revolution in space travel (Handout/Nasa/Superinteressante)
it Is a simple machine: emits a beam of microwaves within a chamber of resonance – a truncated cone of metal, closed on all sides.
This produces movement in the opposite direction of the cone’s base. Without that nothing will quit him, nor the beam of a microwave.
there is No need to be physical to see how this machine seems absurd. For one thing if you move, you need to interact with something else.
The jet moves the plane forcing the air against the atmosphere behind him. The rocket expels gases, exerting force against these very gases – which explains how it works in a vacuum.
it Is the Third Law of the good old Isaac Newton, a part of your physical which is far from being retired. The famous action and reaction: the movement is the reaction that happens when you push another thing – the action.
But, how to say the Galileo: "nevertheless, it moves". The Nasa just to prove that the EmDrive produces a force of 1.2 millinewtons per kilowatt in a vacuum. Is not there great things: the Hall Thruster, a rocket advanced plasma, produces 60.
But the Hall Thruster needs, like any rocket, a propellant – that is, gases to be expelled. And these gases need to be loaded up to the space, making the rocket heavier and requiring more gas still to get out of the Land.
This is the biggest cost and the biggest hindrance to space travel, especially long distance. The EmDrive is in your primeiríssimos steps: just prove that he exists. Maybe he has a potential greater good, that we do not yet know.
Then we come to the question of a million dollars: how it works? And the truth is that no one has any idea. Nasa attempted a guess arriscadíssimo: the machine is pushing the vacuum, which would be possible through a interaction quantum.
The problem is that for it to be valid, one would need to adopt a whole explanation heterodox to quantum physics, the theory of the wave rider.
Basically abandoned in the 1930s, she says that the quantum uncertainty does not exist. This goes against everything that is meant by quantum physics, shooting through the window the cat of Schrodinger’s and 80′s years of knowledge.
The EmDrive is not only a possible revolution in space travel, but something that is, already now, only for there to be, messing with the gazebo here on the little blue ball.
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