Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Women in Technology: projects encourage the empowerment … – EBC

Created 23/12/15 16:25 and updated in 12/23/15 17h28 For
Líria Jade Edition: Fernanda Duarte Source: EBC Portal

More than half the population (50.1%) Brazil is connected to the global network computers, according to 2014 survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Despite the advances, the challenges are still many and escape the mere digital inclusion. One such challenge is the lack of representativeness of its kind in the area.

Women are a minority in the technology industry, but his work helped to computers as we know it today. Examples are Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper, who were instrumental in the advancement of the software.

To change the reality and the male hegemony in the world of science and technology, several projects see already in digital inclusion an important mechanism to present, engage and increase women’s involvement with technology.

But as a woman who is interested in the subject can get? The main point is to show that it does not take technical computing or understand much technology to start. It is what you think Jean Lucas, one of the creators of Lovelace Academy, a project that aims to not only teach programming for women, but also other technical skills required by the labor market.

Girls can even learn in your free time. “One example is that many highlights programmers in the labor market or are originally formed in Computer Science. Another important incentive is to start learning programming early as in schools in primary and secondary education. There are groups, including one who was champion of the Women Tech Sampa, that focus on it, “explains the creator.

The internet is one such tool for those who want to get in the programming world. “You can go hackerspaces and makerspaces, can inform on the Internet,” says Ana Paula Lima from another project, the MariaLab Hackerspace, which conducts workshops and technology-related events in Sao Paulo.

For Ana Paula, women interact with technology without realizing the interest in the subject. They are still a part in the production. For the activist, it is common to see the combination of new technologies to solve problems.

“If most of the people who create and develop technology are men, it is natural that part innovation appears to improve problems they have or have been designed with men’s vision, “said

The programmer compares popular applications:.” Let’s get two well-known examples: the application ‘Come Together ? ‘, designed by a woman, and the’ Tinder ‘, created by a man. Each will have an opinion about these tools, but we need to question what in fact they seek to solve and, to improve the lives of a group, it hinders another, “explains Ana Paula.

One of the barriers for women are interested in the program is prejudice and cultural conditioning. According to Ian Chan, the founder of to schedule, the project arose from the observation that there were few women in the courses and programming careers.

“There is a problem of representativeness. Much They say that women are not interested or do not have ability, but we believe that this is due to this cultural narrative that women and technology do not mix “he said.

If you are interested By this world of programming, check five initiatives that encourage women to empoderarem technology:

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