Interesting facts about IT budgets, priorities in hiring and strategic initiatives for next year
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Disruption! A comprehensive conclusion can be drawn from the results of the investigation Computerworld 182 US IT professionals, is that 2016 should be a year in which IT will be an agent of change.
I am ready to move fully to the business center in 2016, when the digital transformation becomes a high strategic priority. CIOs and their technology organizations are well positioned to lead this change thanks to the growth of IT budgets, increasing professional and a pronounced shift towards strategic expenditure.
In the midst of the breakneck pace of change technology and business, where to direct your focus in the new year?
IT Budgets increase again …
As companies continue to rely on technology to help them differentiate themselves in the market, technology budgets remain on an upward trajectory.
Almost half (46%) of those surveyed by Computerworld reported their technology spending will increase in 2016 on average 14.7% (in comparison, last year, 43% said they would increase spending on average 13.1%).
By the same number (42%) revealed that their technology spending will remain the same, with only 12% predicting a decrease in IT budgets.
Security and cloud computing are the main areas to invest With
security concerns high on the minds of IT professionals as they prepare for 2016, it is no surprise that exactly half of respondents choosing security as the main area where their companies plan to increase spending.
Cloud computing comes soon after, and the main area where organizations think divest is no software “on premise.” – two trends that indicate how the travel companies to the cloud will continue in 2016
IoT tops new areas of expenditure
After several years without major investment, the Internet of Things seems to finally have the attention of technology executives, with 29% of respondents identifying it as a new area investments in 2016.
The Green IT, which had also been forgotten in many organizations, appeared on the radar of respondents, with 16% saying they will invest in energy-saving technology next year.
The main challenge of IT professionals:. budget
As is the case every year, budget constraints appear in the list of leading challenges identified by respondents
The security took second place among the concerns of IT professionals, after a year of corporate attacks increasing and more severe.
duel goals for IT in 2016
The goals of the survey respondents for their most important projects in technology traiem the bimodal nature of modern IT.
Technology leaders say they are struggling to maintain or improve service levels, long one of its main responsibilities. At the same time, they are looking to generate new revenue streams or increase existing ones, a new responsibility in most technology departments in progress.
“As technology becomes an integral part of all aspect of business and the way we interact with customers, is to raise the profile of the IT group and force you to think about more than just keeping the lights on, “says David Cearley, an analyst at Gartner. “We are seeing a greater alignment of IT to boost the digital business.”
A journey to the cloud
move towards 2016, the cloud computing does not show signs of slowing down, with technology leaders to indicate that expenditure and new cloud initiatives remain on the rise.
In terms of where organizations are in this transition to the cloud, 29% of respondents confirmed that had already changed some enterprise applications to the cloud, with more to come, while 7% said they are in the process of migrating mission-critical systems to a cloud environment.
Interestingly, a total of 20% of respondents are to counteract this trend completely, revealing that they are not moving to the cloud at all
IT teams will increase
With budgets to grow and the projects to not miss, many companies are thinking to hire more people. About 37% of respondents said they were planning to increase their staff, compared with 24% last year.
According to the new role of IT as an organizational agent of change, 42% of respondents with plans Hiring looking for people who combine technology and business knowledge to enable them to articulate the value of IT to achieve business objectives.
security Talents and BI should be scarce
With all eyes on safety, it is not surprising that respondents expect to be difficult to hire technologists with these specializations.
According to Robert Half Technology’s 2016 Salary Guide, salaries in the security field should increase between 5% and 7% next year, ranging from 100,000 to nearly $ 200,000 on average.
Disruptive Technologies
When asked about the technologies that are likely to have an impact in the next three to five years, respondents chose cloud computing / “software-as-a-service” by a wide margin, followed by IT self-service, predictive analysis, the Internet of Things and unified communications.
The cloud will continue to reshape the IT companies, according to IDC analyst who forecasts that more than half of the infrastructure investment and enterprise software that will be based Cloud in 2018.
Kicking the tires of new technologies
All types of virtualization and options “as-a-service” lead the lists of technologies of respondents the inquiry that are being developed or tested in their organizations, BI / analítca, cloud computing and mobile / wireless near the top 5.
“Virtualization 2.0″ is of particular interest to the respondents, when companies advance beyond the first steps of server virtualization to explore desktop, storage, mobile options and virtualized network.
2016 is the year of IoT In
Next year, the Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer science fiction but a reality in the near future for IT organizations in many industries, say observers
29% of respondents identified IoT initiatives -. and projects related machine-to-machine and telematics – such as new areas of spending for next year. In comparison, only 12% of respondents last year said the IoT would be a new expense in 2015.
Similarly, the percentage of respondents who said they plan to launch projects of IoT over the next 12 months rose from 15% last year to 21% this year, with 14% saying this year they plan to test this type of technology, up from 7% last year.
“Wearables” in company? Not yet
Although handheld devices targeted at the consumer, such as Google Glass and Apple Watch, the reality is that companies are not willing to make practical use of wearable systems (“wearable”) at least in the near future.
The technology “wearable” was the last in the list of systems currently being evaluated in trials and pilot projects by respondents, with only 4% of respondents saying they had projects progress involving “wearables.”
In addition, 78% said they were not currently working on such applications or anticipate the need to support “wearables” in the near future. Only 8% said the “wearables” will play a role in their business operations or technology, while only 12% indicated that they were to adjust its mobile device management strategies to include them.