Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Afraid of Christmas with the in-laws? The technology Ford can help… – automonitor


The Christmas and the visits from in-laws can be very stressful – according to a new survey commissioned by Ford, most people admit that in-laws on Christmas are a hassle.

Talk about the habit is more annoying, as noted by 1 in 5 respondents, followed by talking very loudly and criticize their skills. It is not, perhaps, surprising that the holiday season is also a peak period for divorce. But what if you could use the same noise-canceling technology used by Ford?

“Position of the microphones and speakers in the right place and the noise canceling technology can allow you to choose the voice of those who want and those who do not want to hear,” said the expert on the sound of the Ford, Dr. Ralf Heinrichs. “Could work particularly well after the Christmas lunch, when tempers may be a bit overexcited after a lot of food and alcohol, placed in seats that have integrated technology in the support sheath for the head,” he said.

The technology of noise cancellation without headphones already exists in Ford cars, with the vehicles to detect the noise undesirable engine using microphones placed above the heads of the driver and passengers, transmitting sound waves opposite through the audio system, and amplifiers.

it is Expected that the next quantum leap in technology is the customization of the zones of audio. With microphones and amplifiers located in the back of the head, the occupants can make phone calls, listen to music or watch television by streaming, without disturbing anyone or having to use headphones.

Put on headphones and microphones in the headrests for would also allow those who are in the car to speak more easily with the other occupants, so that parents behind the wheel could be easily heard by the children in the back seat, without turning around and taking your eyes off the road. It would also be possible to reduce the distracting noise, to better concentrate on driving.

“For the drivers, this is all quite feasible in the next 5 to 10 years significantly. And if this can be done in cars, it certainly could be done at home also. We already use this technology to reduce the noise of the engine. But, in the future, there is the potential for drivers and passengers can tune in the conversation of your fellow travellers, or music, or phone calls,” concluded Heinrichs.

according To the survey of the Ford, the women are more likely than men to be afraid of Christmas with the in-laws. And 1 in every 3 of the respondents said they would like to reduce the time spent in set – or completely avoid the visit. Tactics of evasion, which include cleaning more than usual to stay out of the way, to say who is sick and say that it has to work.


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